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What Bodes America's Future?

Ubermench Theory - they are the highly influential and unique individuals who, due to their natural attributes, such as superior intellect, heroic courage, or divine inspiration, have a decisive historical effect.

One only has to read the writings of Thomas Carlyle to understand the Liberal of today.


Liberals will argue that Liberalism gave the world America, they will tell anyone who will listen that if not for Liberals we would not have the great strides in society. Amusingly they confuse Classical Liberalism with today's Leftism.

The truth of the matter is Liberals today suffer from the belief of the underpinnings of the Ubermench Theory where they believe they are superior because of how they "feel". After all they studied Gender Theory, Feminism, L'eon Bloy, Hegel, Kierkegaard, Nietzche, Spengler, Max Weber, Che, Castro and Lenin. 

These foolish Liberals of today are really no more delusional than Adolph Hitler, Mao or Stalin were in their day.

Let's face it, they have created their own Brown shirts in Antifa, they have Mao's indoctrination camps they just call them Universities and of course they know Stalin's Cheka (secret police) will keep people in line just look at our Media and Social Media giants.

America sadly had earned the chaos and possible death it may experience through Apathy and Ignorance.  We all have not been as vigilant as we should have been. We, through the trials of life and our own  selfish interests have allowed these elites to take over.

Let's hope that AG Barr and Horowitz bring enough evidence to inflame enough Americans to demand action.

We need to purge the "Ubermench" from all of our institutions in order for the America Experiment to survive. Otherwise, we will see what may come.

History is replete with examples of what happens when the down trodden rise up. We may have a Civil War in this country due to the final over reach of the elites.

We may yet see our own:

October Revolution followed by a Bastille Day.

But, History shows after these type of incidents could very well lead to a Dictatorship or Authoritarian Government more so than we take down.

Time will tell if America will survive, but History shows us all Empires die.