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Welcome Everybody

This isn't the final version I'm going for,  but I believe that this will suffice for the time being while I figure things out. Building things on the internet isn't my strong suit. The main reason I went on ahead and added everyone as a moderator was so that y'all could check it out, try out making posts, and offer some feedback.
You all will see a lorem ipsum paragraph at the bottom. Any ideas on what to put there?  What about channel guidelines? Do we just want to copy what was on the disqus page? Or better yet, is making this blog even what you guys want to do? I've tried texting MIA to show it to her, but I can't get her, and haven't been able to in about a week. If anyone here's anything please post an update.

Making a post requires a gmail address. I suggest making a throw away address just for this purpose since I don't want anybody's actual email. I have also created a generic author account and I will post the login info for that in a deleted comment on this discussion.

Alright let me know what you think, try posting a few discussions. If you guys like what we've got I can go ahead and change the name to whatever it needs to be.