Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sneaky, Leaky James Comey

The inspector general takes apart the former 

FBI director’s excuses for his actions.

For more than two years, we’ve heard Mr. Comey’s characterization of his actions, popularized by an adoring media: He felt compelled to memorialize his private discussions with the president, to protect the FBI. He had no choice but to use an intermediary to leak memo contents, to save the nation by forcing the appointment of a special counsel. He was entitled to do so because the memos were his personal papers, and by that time he was a “private citizen.” 

The inspector general calmly and coolly dismantles these claims. There’s good reason to suspect Mr. Trump was the focus of the bureau’s counterintelligence probe from the start, since that is the only way to explain the FBI’s outrageous decision to hide the probe from the president. The inspector general reports that Mr. Comey’s first briefing of the president-elect, on Jan. 6, 2017, was partly done in the hope that “Trump might make statements about, or provide information of value to,” that probe. That may be the real reason everyone on the FBI leadership team agreed “ahead of time that Comey should memorialize” what happened.

Mr. Horowitz’s report methodically skewers Mr. Comey’s claim that his memos were “personal” and therefore his to keep and use. It notes that he interacted with Mr. Trump only in his capacity as the FBI director, in official settings. He shared the memos with senior FBI leaders. Some memos touch on official investigations, while others contain classified information, which “is never considered personal property.” The report makes clear Mr. Comey knew his claim that the memos were personal was a sham. That characterization, Mr. Horowitz writes, is “wholly incompatible with the plain language of the statutes, regulations, and policies defining Federal records.”

Mr. Comey’s attempt to dig himself out of his disingenuous characterization heightens its absurdity. Asked by the inspector general how a memo describing an official dinner between the FBI director and the president could be considered a “personal” document, Mr. Comey explains that he was also present in his capacity as a “human being.”

Anyone in Mr. Comey’s position would know that the memos were FBI documents and that he had no right to keep them after Mr. Trump fired him. He nonetheless gave them to his attorneys, and scanned and emailed the sensitive information on unsecure equipment. (This is the man who called Hillary Clinton ’s handling of official secrets “extremely careless.”) The inspector general found it “particularly concerning” that Mr. Comey didn’t tell the FBI he’d retained copies, even when bureau officials came to his home to inventory and remove FBI property.

Mr. Horowitz is equally appalled the former director “made public sensitive investigative information” via a friend, giving it to the media “unilaterally and without authorization.” The report notes that “the civil liberties of every individual”—presumably even the president—depend on the FBI’s safeguarding information. Just as important, the inspector general lambastes Mr. Comey for the purpose of the leak—to achieve a “personally desired outcome,” the appointment of a special counsel. “By not safeguarding sensitive information,” and “by using it to create public pressure for official action, Comey set a dangerous example for the over 35,000 current FBI employees,” Mr. Horowitz writes.

This is the nub of it. Mr. Comey clearly detested Mr. Trump from the start. He abused his power and used leaky, sneaky tricks to undermine the presidency. Mr. Comey told the inspector general he had to do it because it was important to “the Nation,” and “I love this country.” Mr. Horowitz has no time for such self-justification: “Comey’s own, personal conception of what was necessary was not an appropriate basis for ignoring the policies and agreements governing the use of FBI records.” The report points out that if every FBI official acted on “personal convictions,” the bureau “would be unable to dispatch its law enforcement duties properly.”

This is the real merit of the inspector general’s report—its clear, ringing reminder that the rules apply to all. Still, it should disturb Americans that a man who has now been repeatedly admonished for “acting unilaterally”—and who so dishonestly spins his actions and history—held positions of such power for so long.

Over 100 Years of BETRAYAL

Guest commentary by Howleyesque 

As a great many of us know, this mighty nation in which we reside was on the verge of destruction (and STILL IS) when we revolted against the globalists, whose bought and paid for minions have been selling out "We the People" for the benefit of their masters, when we elected President Trump. We started down this road in 1917 when those minions (both elected and UNELECTED) steered us into needlessly becoming involved in WWI. Had we NOT done so it WOULD HAVE ended in an a MUTUALLY agreed treaty that might have spared us WWII. Such did not happen and in it's wake the ill fated "League of Nations" was founded and it's well intentioned folly lead to it's demise. 

The Great Depression saw a massive increase in government agencies and with it massive corruption that would be the real beginnings of what may well be this nation's END unless we can hand those with the intention of oppressing us a massive defeat in the next election. Among those was the creation of the well intended "FBI", however, looking back it appears that it's first "Director" was in the pockets of organized crime that he not only refused to use that agency against, until "his hand was forced" by the televised testimony before the Kefauver Committee of various crime figures to include Joe Valachi left him no choice gut to suddenly "discover" what most of the nation had KNOWN for decades. 

In the aftermath of WWII, numerous clandestine "Operations" were launched by the CIA, most of which were well intended but were of a such a despicable nature that the two NONGLOBALIST Presidents (Eisenhauer and JFK) were appalled by them. Here are a FEW of them for which the evidence exists 

Which was part of what lead to the murder of JFK for his desire to destroy the CIA. By this time, the corruption was so entrenched that not only the CIA but the FBI and Secret Service were involved in the cover up. AND, it is ALSO the REAL REASON WHY the Mueller "investigation" targeted Roger Stone who was making too much TRUTH known about it. Truth that would reveal just HOW UNTRUSTWORTHY our "most trusted" agencies REALLY ARE! 

But WHY would the Secret Service BE a part of this cover up you ask? There are TWO GOOD reasons, first on the day of the shooting the Secret Service men who COULD HAVE protected him were called WAY FROM their assigned posts, and secondly the head shot that killed him was? An accidental discharge from the ONLY other rifle KNOWN to have been IN Dealey plaza that day, an AR15 in the Secret Service "trail car" 

So WHY are documents about it STILL classified? As I can't post any MORE videos, do a quick search FOE ONE ENTITLED "Photo of George HW Bush at Funeral With JFK Proves Treason. The Globalists minions have made it clear, that when they say "BY ANY Means Necessary" THEY MEAN IT! The unelected garbage in our government, who are serving the agenda OF the globalists, MUST BE ROOTED OUT IF our nation and our liberties are to survive!

Another Indoctrinated Young Black Male Surrenders To Liberalism

Ever wonder why our Liberal Democrats never throw a fit when a mass shooting like this one occurs?
Maybe Black Gang violence doesn't fit their agendas!
Deangelo Parnell, 17, has been arrested and charged with nine counts of attempted murder.
A 17-year-old was arrested after 10 people were shot following a high school football game in Alabama, according to police.
The victims in the shooting, which happened in Mobile, ranged in age from 15 to 18. They were rushed to area hospitals, officials said.

PHOTO: At least 10 people were injured in a shooting at a high school football game in Mobile, Alabama.WALA
At least 10 people were injured in a shooting at a high school football game in Mobile, Alabama.

No one died, according to authorities.
Deangelo Parnell, 17, has been arrested and charged with nine counts of attempted murder, Mobile Police Department spokesman Laderrick Dubose told ABC News Saturday morning.

PHOTO: Deangelo Parnell, 17, was arrested and charged with nine counts of attempted murder.Mobile Police Department
Deangelo Parnell, 17, was arrested and charged with nine counts of attempted murder.

Mobile Police Chief Lawrence Battiste didn't confirm to reporters the shooting stemmed from an altercation, but he did admonish young people for "bringing their beefs that they have with each other in their neighborhoods" into public settings and "putting people in harm's way."
The incident "may have been a directed threat at one or two individuals and other people just happened to fall prey to their carelessness," Battiste added.
One person had a seizure and another suffered an injured hand, but it's unclear if those individuals were among the 10 who got shot.
"Why are young people bringing this type of violence to public events?" Battiste said at a news conference. "We're gonna have to be more aggressive on our end as a city as to how we hold these individuals accountable."
I am pretty sure Deangelo Parnell is worrying that Battiste might slip his wrists.

How very Soviet of her

Alexandria Ocasiovich-Cortezenko unveils the Green New Deal Propaganda Art. 

Somewhere in Hell, Stalin is doing a happy dance. 

Yesterday, Alexandria Ocasiovich-Cortezenko unveiled some propaganda art for the Green New Deal that, while bearing a striking resemblance to the propaganda art of the 1930s New Deal, also seemed just a smidge Soviet to me.

Of course, the New Deal artwork was pretty Soviet too come to think of it.

Then again, maybe it’s because I’ve watched the HBO miniseries “Chernobyl” four times since Sunday that the first thing that I thought of was Soviet propaganda posters. 

How very Soviet of her.

“Surprise!  I’m a commie!”

At least she’s being up front about it now.  

How very “progressive” of her to reach back nearly a century and utilize the same agitprop of that bygone era. 

Like she cares.

Educated and cultured?  Honestly, Cernovich.  I think you’re giving Comrade Ocasiovich-Cortezenko far too much credit. 

Soviet propaganda works on the ignorant and easily cowed.  So of course she embraces it without a moment’s hesitation.

So, for fun, I decided to create some of my own Green New Deal … excuse me … Зеленый новый курс propaganda art featuring Comrade Ocasiovich-Cortezenko.

Happy Saturday! 

How to Think about Biden’s Gaffes

Making the click-through worthwhile and wrapping up your week before Labor Day weekend: the worst-case scenario for Democrats if they nominate Joe Biden; a lesson about money in politics that needs to be taught and retaught, seemingly endlessly; a shocking poll up in Massachusetts; and a whole bunch of Hillary Clinton fans suddenly like leaks from the former FBI director.

The Worst-Case Scenario for Democrats with Biden

Joe Biden is probably mentally and physically fine — or within the parameters of fine for a man who turns 77 in November and who never had the greatest verbal discipline at the height of his career.

When Biden tells a story where he gets just about all of the details wrong, when he mixes up New Hampshire and Vermont, or calls former British prime minister Theresa May “Margaret Thatcher,” or when he says, “those kids in Parkland came up to see me when I was vice president” or when he mangles the address of his campaign web site at the end of a debate, it’s probably just a normal man in his mid-to-late 70s behaving like a normal man in his mid-to-late 70s.

I believe that if Biden were genuinely mentally or physically unwell and incapable of handling the duties of the presidency, his family and friends would sit him down and make him withdraw from the race. No one would want their loved one to go out into the national spotlight and stumble and be embarrassed. Watching a loved one succumb to age and gradually lose their mental acuity and memory from Alzheimer’s is an extremely painful process.*

(In a strange way, “I want to be clear, I’m not going nuts,” is kind of a cute and charming unofficial slogan. With the news being what it is these days, Mr. Vice President, we’ve all felt the need to reassure others and ourselves of that fact.)

But even assuming that these are just normal septuagenarian memory lapses, it’s more than a little uncomfortable to watch Biden appear to forget Barack Obama’s name, saying during a recent appearance, “he’s saying it was president . . . (pause) My boss’s, it’s his fault.” If part of the reason to vote for Biden is his superior experience and knowledge in foreign policy, it’s a little unnerving to hear Biden say, “I don’t know the new prime minister of England. He looks like Donald Trump, I know that.” Really? Does the former veep need glasses?

The problem for Biden and his campaign is that nothing gets easier from here. Running for president consists almost entirely of long days of extemporaneous speaking in front of cameras and getting asked difficult questions from both reporters and voters. It is physically and mentally grueling marathon even to the healthiest and youngest candidates. Sure, the Biden campaign can rely on ads where Biden barely speaks and try to get him to stick to a prepared script as much as possible. But we know this man. Biden likes to talk. He likes to tell stories. He will tell stories where he doesn’t really remember the details, fills in the blanks with how he wanted it to have happened, and insist, “this is the God’s honest truth.”

We’re going to get more implausible claims like the idea that Seattle was a hotbed of homophobia five years ago. We’re going to get more impossible-to-check but credulity-straining stories, like the idea that Biden and his father saw two men kissing in the street in Delaware in 1961, and that his father taught him, “It’s simple, Joe. They love each other.”

Jonah writes that Biden ought to run an old-fashioned “front porch campaign”, declaring, “while he may be showing signs of age, the truth is that he’s always been prone to gaffes, malapropisms, exaggerations, and misstatements. Every time Biden opens his mouth in an unscripted situation, there’s a chance he’ll say something goofy that undercuts his elder-statesman status.” 

Lyon knife attack: One dead and nine wounded after rampage at metro station

A man armed with a knife and barbecue fork - and claiming to be from Afghanistsan - attacked people at a metro station in Villeurbanne, a suburb of Lyon

A knife rampage at a metro station in France has left a 19-year-old man dead and at least nine people injured.
Witnesses said a man armed with a knife and barbecue fork - and claiming to be of Afghan nationality - attacked several people at a bus stop in Villeurbanne, a suburb of Lyon.
A second man at the scene was carrying a kitchen spit.
Footage posted online shows hero witnesses detaining the knifeman at an outdoor lift at Laurent-Bonnevay station after he was chased.
One video shows the man tossing the knife and fork to the floor as he is confronted, while a second clip shows a passer-by attempting to restrain the man who is armed with a spit.

One suspect was arrested by police and a second man was being hunted following the attack which unfolded just before 4.30pm local time on Saturday, according to reports.
Some of the victims were attacked as they waited for a bus.
The knifeman claimed to be from Afghanistan as he was confronted by witnesses following the attack, Le Progres reported.

The wounded were found inside the station and on its forecourt.
A police helicopter was in the air looking for the second man, who was carrying a kitchen spit.
 Terror-related incidents are probed by the national anti-terror prosecution office.

Strong Hurricane Dorian, 150mph Winds, Danger Zone Expanded

Hurricane Dorian has intensified and slowed. The forecast track has shifted right (east) and now extends from Florida into Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina.  After Dorian impacts the Bahamas the forecast path will be more certain; until then, prepare for worst and keep praying for a right turn where Dorian stays out in Atlantic.

At 1100 AM EDT (1500 UTC), the distinct eye of Hurricane Dorian was located near latitude 26.0 North, longitude 73.4 West. Dorian is moving toward the west near 8 mph (13 km/h) and a slower westward motion should continue into early next week. On this track, the core of Dorian should move over the Atlantic well north of the southeastern and central Bahamas today, be near or over the northwestern Bahamas on Sunday, and move near the Florida east coast late Monday through Tuesday.
Data from both NOAA and Air Force Hurricane Hunter planes indicate that the maximum sustained winds have increased to near 150 mph (240km/h) with higher gusts. Dorian is a category 4 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. Some fluctuations in intensity are likely, but Dorian is expected to remain a powerful hurricane during the next few days. (read more)

Right now you are in control.  By now you should have a solid plan in place.  Work that plan, stay busy and don’t get caught up in the national hysteria.  Stay updated via your local news stations. Saturday looks like the key day impact zones will be identified.

Reach out to your neighbors; touch-base and check to see if they are okay or need anything.  The community restoration begins before the storm arrives. Look out for each-other.  This is why preparation and communication is key.

Regarding any evacuation plan, please pay attention to your local officials who will be coordinating with state Dept. of Transportation.  As the path and impact zone of the storm becomes more predictable your local officials will alert to best route for evacuation.

For those in the cone of uncertainty; remember, planning and proactive measures taken now can significantly reduce stress in the days ahead.  Plan when to make the best decision on any evacuation (if needed) consider Saturday mid-day the decision time-frame; Sunday morning at the latest. As a general rule: take shelter from wind – but evacuate away from water.

Communication is important.  Update your friends and family contact list. Stay in touch with family and friends, let them know your plans. Select a single point of contact for communication from you that all others can then contact for updates if needed.

Check your shutters and window coverings; test your generator; re-organize and familiarize yourself with all of your supplies and hardware. Check batteries in portable tools; locate tools you might need after the storm; walk your property to consider what you may need to do based on the storms path. All decisions are yours. You are in control.

Consider travel plans based on roads and traffic density. Being proactive now helps to keep any future stress level low. You are in control. If you have pets, additional plans may be needed.

Protect your family first, then help your friends and neighbors.

Above all else, stay calm.  Actively challenge yourself to stay calm regardless of the hysteria and/or alarm around you.  Stay calm and work your plan

Media Downplay MIT Study Finding ‘No Gay Gene’

Article by Gabe Hays in "Newsbusters":

An international research team has just published a controversial genetic study that claims that “it is impossible to use genes to predict someone’s sexuality,” throwing more skepticism on the idea that homosexuals are born that way. However media sites reporting on the issue were quick to downplay the study’s implications, insisting that either way, “same-sex sexual behavior is ‘simply a natural part of our diversity as a species."
Both The Washington Post, and The New York Times ran more or less the same story and employed the same cover for researchers who were reluctant to publish the material for fear that it could be used to “bolster biases.” Sounds like the researchers found something inconvenient. Hey, at least they're honest.
The international team of researchers, led by geneticists from the Broad Institute of M.I.T. and Harvard analyzed the “genetic data of 478,000 men and women” from a large “British database, the U. K. Biobank.” The research — touted by The Washington Post as providing “one of the clearest pictures of genes and sexuality” — reported “no one gene” determines sexual orientation, though there are “five genetic variants that were statistically associated with same-sex sexual behaviors.” However, none of these variants “had a large effect and none could predict same-sex behaviors.”
The only change or influence these variants have are when they are in combination with “thousands of others in the human genome that have smaller effects.” This genetic cocktail could account for “8 to 25 percent” of sexual variation.” The rest of the influence (meaning 75% of it or higher) comes from “social or environmental factors.” The New York Times clarified, saying that it’s “impossible to use genes to predict someone’s sexuality.”
(Though that sounds a little different than the Times’ misleading headline: “Many Genes Influence Same-Sex Sexuality, Not a Single ‘Gay Gene.’”)
Those are the findings, but they don’t fit the papers’ agenda. What lefty rag would ever admit that homosexuality may just be is a lifestyle choice egged on by a increasingly degenerate society? Certainly not the Post, which soft-pedaled the findings via a quote by Eric Vilain (Director of the Center for Genetic Medicine Research at Children’s National Health Systems,) claiming that it proves there “are genetic factors as we suspected long ago,” but they don’t tell the “whole story.” Yeah, they don’t even tell half of it. Benjamin Neale, an M.I.T researcher was immediately featured by NYT as saying, “It’s written into our genes and it’s part of our environment,” which frankly sounds like researchers and the covering publications want to have their cake and eat it too.
The research shows that homosexual behavior is predicted by social and environmental factors way more than by nature. It’s right there, yet NYT’s second full paragraph featured Neale’s quote that “I hope that the science can be used to educate people a little bit more about how natural and normal same-sex behavior is.” Well, there’s no natural genetic predictor of sexuality, so it’s only about as normal as society says it is.
And what better way to illustrate how normal it is by Washington Post featuring takeaways from GLAAD, the Hollywood gay lobby, on the issue. The paper quoted the group’s chief programs officer, Zeke Stokes saying the research “provides even more evidence that being gay or lesbian is a natural part of human life.” What research are you looking at? Muddying the waters even further, Stokes claimed this “reconfirms that there is no conclusive degree to which to which nature or nurture influence” being gay. Uh, well it’s definitely clear that nature has much less to do with it, that’s for sure.
If that’s not convincing enough, check out the opinion of Steven Reilly, a member of the steering committee of the Broad Institute’s LGBTQ affinity group Out@Broad. (So much for unbiased research.) Reilly was pessimistic about publishing the research, claiming, “I deeply disagree about publishing this. It seems like something that could easily misconstrued.” Ok, buddy, sounds more like it could crack the LGBTQ narrative and you know it.

How Long Before America Dies?

There are Forty-Eight (48) U.S. – Mexico border crossings with Three Twenty Eight (328) ports of entry, in Four (4) states. 

Over One Hundred Ninety (190) million people legally cross at these borders annually.

Our Government tracks the number of people entering the country, however, they do not track how many of these 190 million ever leave our country.

Texas has Nineteen (19) of these crossings (39.5%). 

From 2008 through 2016, Four Million Eleven Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Six 4,011,726 apprehensions were conducted. 

This is an average of Five Hundred One Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Six (501,466) illegals a year.

Ninety Percent (90%) of these apprehensions were in Texas! 

Which equates to Three Million Six Hundred Ten Thousand Five Hundred Fifty Three (3,610,553) illegals.

During this Eight (8) years, the Obama Administration stated its apprehension rate was between Thirty-Five (35%) and Seventy (70%) Percent successful.

However, annually, a minimum of  Two Hundred Thousand (200,000) apprehended illegals are allowed to stay in America pending adjudication of their asylum request.

Folks, if there are at least 200,000 Illegals allowed to come into America annually awaiting determination of their status and each brings in at least one family member while waiting, we are looking at 400,000 Illegals a year.

Now, let's look at the reality of this invasion, 400,000 minimum Illegals getting on our Entitlement programs. Burdening our medical, educational and legal system. Not to mention actually taking what few minimum wage jobs offered legally while sucking up opportunities through cash only or lower wage rates.

Have these people benefited from unfettered immigration?

If 190,000,000 people enter the United States legally annually, how many melt into our country with no actual way of tracking them?

Let's assume 10%, that is 1,900,000 people who illegally spread out into the country, in addition to the 400,000 allowed to wait who illegally entered!

So, folks, with 2,300,000 illegals here annually, over the 8 years of Obama alone we got 18,400,000 illegals absorbed into America!

The CDC estimates we have 2.8 million deaths annually in America, so over those same 8 years we lost 22,400,000 people

However, we have about 4 million births annually, so that adds another 32 million over that same 8 year period.  But some of that 4 million are Illegals droppings too.

So, 18.4-22.4+32 = 28 million increase (if the 10% and 400K are accurate).  It seems our own Government says we increased during this 8 year period by just a little over 19 million.


With over 400 million people in Mexico, Central and South America, 60 percent living in abject poverty (Abject poverty as defined by the United Nations definition is living on less than $5 a day) can we absorb 40 million people who are essentially, uneducated, unskilled and really have no desire to add to the fabric of our Nation?

Time will tell, but I will simply say, History proved unfettered immigration of the least desirable proves fatal to a nation.

Look closely at these people, tell me what you see and how they help our country, when they obviously did not help the country they are fleeing.

President Trump is right to try to educate the American people to this danger.

“We Have Briefed DOJ on Eight Criminal Referrals – Two for Criminal Conspiracy”

Ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, appeared on Fox News tonight responding to the defensive support of James Comey by John Brennan and James Clapper.

As Rep Nunes outlines the misconduct by the former FBI Director, Nunes also notes the framework for his criminal referrals to the DOJ; two of them involve referrals for criminal conspiracy. 

Deputy Press Secretary: President Trump’s strong economy allows him to take on China

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:46 AM PT — Friday, August 30, 2019
White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley said the strong U.S. economy under President Trump is the reason his administration is able to take on China.
In an interview with Breitbart News Thursday, Gidley said now is a good time to take a hardline approach to pursuing international trade deals because America’s economy is so strong. He also commended the president for staying true to his campaign promises, which he claimed is rare in the world of politics.

The deputy press secretary had this to say:
“Only in Washington, D.C. would they be shocked or surprised when a candidate runs for office, tells the American people — ‘here’s what I’m going to do’ — and then actually does it when he gets into office. Only here is that some type of anomaly. In the business world, you have to come through on your promises. In politics, you can just spend all your career talking about it and not getting anything done. This president is different.”
Gidley went on to blast the mainstream media for referring to themselves as “brave” for constantly spreading fake news about the president.

Trolling Democrats

Trump 2020 Website Error Page Trolls "President Hillary"

President Trump's official 2020 reelection campaign website has a not-so-carefully-hidden easter-egg.
When users are unable to reach a page, the default 404 error page mocks 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton by showing her as the commander in chief speaking into a microphone in front of the Capitol while standing at a lectern with the presidential seal.
“Oops! This is awkward,” the page reads. “You’re looking for something that doesn’t exist…”

Awkward indeed, or perhaps a moment of levity amid the nastiness of DC politics in recent years.
We are sure many on the left will be triggered by this and demand whoever provides hosting services take the site down, blaming sexism or racism, or some other ism.
Happy Labor Day Weekend!

The "Green New Deal" By AOC

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Unveils Green New Deal Art Posters

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) released a series of Green New Deal art posters Friday through her Twitter account in an attempt to promote her unpopular Green New Deal plan.

Of the two cartoon-style posters highlighted by the freshman New York congresswoman, feature two historic monuments in New York City: the Bronx’s Victory Memorial in Pelham Bay Park and the Unisphere globe sculpture located in Flushing Meadows Corona Park in Queens.

“Surprise! I am thrilled to announce the launch of our #GreenNewDeal art series with custom Bronx & Queens GND posters,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote in one tweet.
“The Bronx edition poster will be given for free as a limited release to the public at our Pelham Bay Nature Day & Backpack Giveaway in the Bronx tomorrow,”

Ocasio-Cortez told her followers. “These posters push us to imagine our future with a Green New Deal in two of our beloved NY-14 parks: Pelham Bay & Flushing Meadows,”

Ocasio-Cortez continued in a separate tweet. She went on to add that the posters will “be available for purchase soon” and are made in America. Ocasio-Cortez also stated that she is “working on a line of GND reusables.”

Ocasio-Cortez said the posters were inspired by the “original New Deal” and compared her poster alongside that of a 1939 Federal Art Project poster showing Wyoming’s Jenny Lake located in Grand Teton National Park. “Our #GreenNewDeal posters are inspired by the original New Deal, updated for our future,” Ocasio-Cortez said.
“During the New Deal, FDR launched Federal One, a US project that employed 5,300 artists that created & taught art to envision America’s future,”

Ocasio Cortez added. Earlier this week, Ocasio-Cortez claimed she wants to have “one less child” due to her climate concerns, saying she “woke up in the middle of the night at 3:30 in the morning just concerned about climate change” while on vacation.

According to a study in February, Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal plan would cost four times the national debt with a pricetag of $93 trillion.