Saturday, August 31, 2019

How very Soviet of her

Alexandria Ocasiovich-Cortezenko unveils the Green New Deal Propaganda Art. 

Somewhere in Hell, Stalin is doing a happy dance. 

Yesterday, Alexandria Ocasiovich-Cortezenko unveiled some propaganda art for the Green New Deal that, while bearing a striking resemblance to the propaganda art of the 1930s New Deal, also seemed just a smidge Soviet to me.

Of course, the New Deal artwork was pretty Soviet too come to think of it.

Then again, maybe it’s because I’ve watched the HBO miniseries “Chernobyl” four times since Sunday that the first thing that I thought of was Soviet propaganda posters. 

How very Soviet of her.

“Surprise!  I’m a commie!”

At least she’s being up front about it now.  

How very “progressive” of her to reach back nearly a century and utilize the same agitprop of that bygone era. 

Like she cares.

Educated and cultured?  Honestly, Cernovich.  I think you’re giving Comrade Ocasiovich-Cortezenko far too much credit. 

Soviet propaganda works on the ignorant and easily cowed.  So of course she embraces it without a moment’s hesitation.

So, for fun, I decided to create some of my own Green New Deal … excuse me … Зеленый новый курс propaganda art featuring Comrade Ocasiovich-Cortezenko.

Happy Saturday!