Saturday, August 31, 2019

Deputy Press Secretary: President Trump’s strong economy allows him to take on China

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:46 AM PT — Friday, August 30, 2019
White House Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley said the strong U.S. economy under President Trump is the reason his administration is able to take on China.
In an interview with Breitbart News Thursday, Gidley said now is a good time to take a hardline approach to pursuing international trade deals because America’s economy is so strong. He also commended the president for staying true to his campaign promises, which he claimed is rare in the world of politics.

The deputy press secretary had this to say:
“Only in Washington, D.C. would they be shocked or surprised when a candidate runs for office, tells the American people — ‘here’s what I’m going to do’ — and then actually does it when he gets into office. Only here is that some type of anomaly. In the business world, you have to come through on your promises. In politics, you can just spend all your career talking about it and not getting anything done. This president is different.”
Gidley went on to blast the mainstream media for referring to themselves as “brave” for constantly spreading fake news about the president.