Saturday, August 31, 2019

Lyon knife attack: One dead and nine wounded after rampage at metro station

A man armed with a knife and barbecue fork - and claiming to be from Afghanistsan - attacked people at a metro station in Villeurbanne, a suburb of Lyon

A knife rampage at a metro station in France has left a 19-year-old man dead and at least nine people injured.
Witnesses said a man armed with a knife and barbecue fork - and claiming to be of Afghan nationality - attacked several people at a bus stop in Villeurbanne, a suburb of Lyon.
A second man at the scene was carrying a kitchen spit.
Footage posted online shows hero witnesses detaining the knifeman at an outdoor lift at Laurent-Bonnevay station after he was chased.
One video shows the man tossing the knife and fork to the floor as he is confronted, while a second clip shows a passer-by attempting to restrain the man who is armed with a spit.

One suspect was arrested by police and a second man was being hunted following the attack which unfolded just before 4.30pm local time on Saturday, according to reports.
Some of the victims were attacked as they waited for a bus.
The knifeman claimed to be from Afghanistan as he was confronted by witnesses following the attack, Le Progres reported.

The wounded were found inside the station and on its forecourt.
A police helicopter was in the air looking for the second man, who was carrying a kitchen spit.
 Terror-related incidents are probed by the national anti-terror prosecution office.