Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Greatest Biden Lies Of All Time

Of all the great liars – Baghdad Bob, Teddy Kennedy, Bill Clinton, etc. – President Joe Biden has to rank at or near the top, and would certainly make the Mt. Rushmore of bovine post-digested food secretion artists in history. There is nothing he hasn’t lied about, from his own childhood and academic accomplishments, to how and where his own son died. That shows a dedication to the craft unrivaled in modern times and a shamelessness that would make a Kardashian blush. 

All of Joe’s life has been a lie, so that Democrats are extending that lie to his legacy should surprise no one. “He’s done more in 4 years than most Presidents do in 8” is as absurd as it is hilarious. It’s the “It’s not you, it’s me” or the “I love you too much” line you tell someone as you’re dumping them before running off to be with the person you’re really dumping them for. 

Only some people seem to believe it, which is as much testimony against a public education as it is anything else. There are a lot of suckers in the United States, and far too many of them have press passes. 

Back to Biden and his lies. He’s lied about his upbringing and his religion – he has claimed to be a “devout Catholic” while simultaneously being raised in the black church and in synagogues. It’s rather gross and completely shameless, but Joe is one of the all-time great panderers. He’s said he was part of the Civil Rights movement and NOT a party of the Civil Rights movement. Considering no one in the actual Civil Rights movement in Delaware has any memory of seeing Joe at any meeting or event, AND there is zero record of his involvement, including the arrest he claimed happened, this is undoubtedly another lie. He would be the only “Civil Rights” activist who bragged about their friendship and professional relationship with segregationists, as Joe has, so…

Joe has lied about his education. He’s lied about grades, degrees, scholarships, and position in his class. The only thing he didn’t lie about is that he went to college, though his “intelligence” calls that into doubt too.

Joe has lied about meeting his current wife – her ex-husband says they’d been sleeping together while he was still married to Jill. Honestly, he’s better off rid of her. He’s even lied about the death of his favorite son, Beau. Joe routinely talks about how he died in Iraq, especially when talking to Gold Star families. Sometimes he says Beau died FROM Iraq, like his brain cancer was a result of something he was exposed to over there. I don’t know if that’s true, but I also know Joe doesn’t either and he’s not being that nuanced, he’s just exploiting his son’s death for political advantage. 

It's gross. So much about Joe Biden is gross. 

That doesn’t mean the Democrats didn’t screw him over – being a bad person doesn’t mean karma sometimes comes with spite. 

The latest lie involving Joe is about how effective and important he is as a President. This long, slow, wet kiss on his rear end is undoubtedly part of the deal Democratic Party elites struck with him to get him out of the race – the establishment will pretend he’s a hero and will it into history books, provided he leaves without a fight. Otherwise, it’s the 25th Amendment for you!

The “historic” Karine Jean-Pierre told the sea hags on The View, “What we saw from this president the last couple of days was human decency, a good man, someone who decided not to put himself first, like we’ve seen before, but to put the American people first.”

This woman spent the last year lying to the public on behalf of this man, now she’s out there pretending she wasn’t; pretending she still has credibility. 

All of them are pretending Joe’s administration was so wildly successful that he doesn’t need a second term. That’s so stupid as to be laughable. It’s like saying he’s already accomplished everything he’d set out to do, so there’s no reason to keep the gig, except he’d been campaigning on all the things he said he wanted or needed to do. Why would someone so effective leave so many things unaccomplished? 

They’re lying, of course. All of Joe Biden’s life has been a series of lies, why should his exit be any different? It is, I guess, in that other people are telling the lies on his behalf rather than him having to do it. But liex by proxy are still lies, and people with the truth on their side don’t have to do any of it. That Democrats have to do so much of it, all the time, tells you all you really need to know about them, doesn’t it? 

X22, And we Know, and more- July 25


Deep State Carnival Barkers Distract Us with Kamala

Modern America is an amusement park in which voters are wowed with dizzying rides, funhouse mirrors, macabre horrors, and unexpected scares.  It is filled with plot twists and cliffhangers that keep Americans on the edge of their seats.  Expectations are built up like an inflated water balloon until a sudden explosion triggers surprise and regret.  A manufactured cycle of psychological highs and lows keeps Americans’ attention directed toward anything that is glamorous and away from everything that matters.

Consider the roller coaster we’ve all been riding at higher and higher rates of speed and evermore-dangerous heights these last few months:

One New York judge abuses a civil fraud statute to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from Donald Trump.  Another ignores settled law and relevant facts to help convict him of thirty-four fake felonies.  Democrats break out in euphoria.  Then, the U.S. Supreme Court steps in to recognize presidential immunity in a way that threatens three other criminal cases against bogeyman Trump.  Democrats scream obscenities in protest and demand the Court’s “cancellation.”  

Democrats widely praise Joe Biden as the smartest, most energetic, most effective president in American history.  In a shocking turn of events for those drinking that mind-altering Kool-Aid, Joe Biden outs himself as a dementia-riddled imbecile at the June 27 presidential debate — the earliest scuffle between presumptive nominees in recent history.  Bipolar Democrats turn on a dime and demand that their damaged candidate bow out of the race.  

A MAGA-hating gunman attempts to assassinate President Trump.  Democrats cheer the impulse but decry the shooter’s wayward aim.  Did the murderer have accomplices?  Did he successfully evade Secret Service agents because Democrats are obsessed with promoting “diverse” hires over those with proven excellence?  Will the female director of the Secret Service resign due to her incompetence?  The Department of Homeland Security says such questions are “conspiratorial,” “patriarchal” and even “ableist.”  Nothing puts the “D-I-E” in diversity like sacrificing a protectee in the name of “political correctness.”  But Trump’s survival denies Democrats their much-anticipated happy ending.

Finally, after repeatedly refusing to withdraw from the presidential contest despite growing calls for him to do so, Biden hurriedly announces on a Sunday afternoon that he supports VP Kamala Harris running in his place.  Is Biden alive?  Is he okay?  Who cares?  Giddy Democrats are too busy shrieking with delight and pondering the possibility of a multi-racial “Madam President.”  Maybe she’ll even choose a pansexual furry as her veep!  Life for Democrats can’t get much more exciting!

Are you not entertained?  Is the adrenaline not coursing through your veins?  That’s really what all of this is — a carnival show to keep the masses yo-yo-ing back and forth between anger and elation.  The crazier the events, the more effective the distraction.  The more effective the distraction, the easier it is for the con artists to fleece their marks.  For those paying attention, it is apparent that the American people are the marks being swindled.

The question above is a well-known quip from Russell Crowe’s character Maximus after the Roman general speedily dispatches half a dozen warriors in Ridley Scott’s Gladiator.  Disgusted at the spectacle of a large audience watching him kill other prisoners in an arena as if it were sport, his rebuke — “Are you not entertained?” — was meant to shame the crowd.  To his astonishment, rambunctious cheers flowed back.

Democrat voters are that roaring gladiatorial crowd, desperate for the blood of their enemies and the staged victories of their theatrical heroes.  Yesterday they loved Joe Biden.  Today they love Kamala Harris.  Tomorrow they will love whomever Barack Obama tells them to love next.  Democrats crave the thrill of vanquishing the dastardly MAGA villains.  They seek the rush of endorphins straight to their brains.  They need to know that they are the good guys, that they are on the “right side of history,” and that they will indubitably win!  

No tax is too high to assure victory.  No war is too bloody for the prospect of glory.  No loss of freedom is too obscene when weighed against the tantalizing allure of triumph.  

The best carnival barkers are the ones who can hypnotize the public into handing over everything they own for worthless trinkets.  They now run the big top freak show that is the U.S. government. 

As Roman satirist Juvenal wrote at the end of the first century, nothing so appeases the public as “Bread and Games.”  In twenty-first century America, we get “free stuff” and Hollywood-scripted curiosities.  The more things change, the more they stay the same.

So now the cable news shows will prattle on about PINO Biden’s departure and Cackling Kamala’s rise.  Will Old Joe remain in office, or will he be forced to resign?  Will anybody challenge Harris’s use of campaign money donated specifically for Biden’s re-election?  Does the child of two foreign nationals satisfy the constitutional requirement that the president be a “natural-born citizen”?  Will half-Indian, half-Jamaican Kamala appeal to black American voters?  Will battleground state polls that show President Trump easily winning quickly flip toward Biden’s replacement?  If they do not, will mainstream media personalities denounce America’s racism and misogyny each night on the news?  Will a dark-horse candidate arrive at the Democrat convention in late August to claim Kamala’s crown?

So many unanswered questions.  So many titillating distractions.  So many surprises yet to come.  Gather ‘round, America.  Have some extra bread.  Enjoy this season’s spine-tingling games.  They promise to be a doozy.

Pay no attention to the sky-high interest rates making home ownership unaffordable or the sky-high inflation that has doubled the cost of basic necessities.  So what if the average person’s paycheck barely covers monthly gas and grocery bills?  Presidential hopeful Kamala Harris identifies as a female “person of color.”  She is a shiny object that should help everyone forget about personal financial troubles.

Don’t worry about the fifteen million illegal immigrants that have streamed across the border in the last three years.  Ignore the precipitous rise in violent crime and the growing homelessness crisis.  Diversity remains our strength!  And crime statistics can be easily manipulated to reflect a better reality!

Forget about mail-in-ballot fraud and other voting crimes.  Democrat secretaries of state and Democrat attorneys general have vouched for the security of our elections.  Democrat judges have vouched for those Democrats’ vouching.  Anybody who objects is simply an “election-denier” who should be imprisoned for “insurrection.”  Mailing out tens of millions of ballots to people who cannot legally vote is how we “save democracy.”  

Stop complaining about two-tiered justice.  All the best judges convict President Trump, his friends and allies, and his MAGA supporters.  Any judge who doesn’t do so is a MAGA conservative and an existential “threat to democracy.”  

Stop warning about government censors punishing political dissent.  Any idea that the government dislikes is simply “disinformation” that should be expunged before it has a chance to cause harm.  Free speech can be saved only by strictly regulating it.

And don’t forget that Republicans will force women to have babies!  Remember The Handmaid’s Tale!

All of this madness reminds me of another scene from Gladiator, when Sir Derek Jacobi’s Senator Gracchus explains how immoral dictator Commodus has effectively seized power: “Rome is the mob.  Conjure magic for them and they’ll be distracted.  Take away their freedom and still they’ll roar.  The beating heart of Rome is not the marble of the senate; it’s the sand of the coliseum.  He’ll bring them death — and they will love him for it.”

It doesn’t matter whether it’s Kamala Harris or some other puppet playing the part of president.  The Deep State does its worst when the American people are best entertained.

The Debate Over Whether to Crush Our Enemies or Be Nice

Some ghastly woman who was a clerk at a Home Depot decided to go online and cheer the attempted murder of Donald Trump, that is until conservative social media influencers exposed her to her bosses, and they kicked her malignant carcass to the curb. This cancellation counterstrike – and the growing default to retribution as a means to combat cancellation culture – created significant controversy in the conservative webosphere, with various internet personages taking to the Twitters to cheer or decry it. Many – and I am one of them – heartily support this crushing of our opponents, even puny smallfolk jerks who tweet hate from their basements while buzzed on Trader Joe's chardonnay and catnip. Others – not all for the same reason – see the avenger mode as a bad thing. They are wrong in their conclusion, but the ones who advocate mercy to the minor minions for tactical reasons instead of posturing about principles for clicks are still hardcore. They just disagree on tactics. They are not Jeb!s, goody-goody scolds mortified by the thought of fighting fire with firepower. It's good to disagree in good faith; it's bad to be weak. Regardless, we still need to use our power against even the little people on the other side. Failing to do so leaves the little people on our side defenseless. If we can't break our enemies' will, at least we can avenge the wrongs they did.

We must play by the New Rules, even when it is ugly and unpleasant. If you get off on canceling people, that's lame. But you should enjoy seeing justice done.

The useful folks who are against using social media clout to uncover and cancel internet randos who think it's groovy to applaud the near murder of President Trump, and the actual murder that accompanied the attempt, are not weaklings, saps, or sissies. Advocates for holding fire on the soft targets include Peachy Keenan, David Harsanyi, John Nolte, and Mark Hemingway. I have known and hung out with all of them – there is not a soft bone in their bodies. Their objection to counterattacking random web creeps is not based on fake principles or feigned mercy that is really weakness but on real tactical disagreement. They think doing it is ineffective; they think we should choose different targets. Disagreements like this are not merely fine but necessary. Where everyone conforms, everyone fails.

Their argument is not crazy, though I disagree with it. Their argument is that conservatives make ourselves look bad picking on the puny punks and that our efforts would be better spent on high-profile targets. Essentially, they argue that punching down is a bad tactic – that it hurts us more than helps us. It is a serious argument worth serious consideration. The cancellation counterattack is an information operation aimed at changing minds to deter attacks on our side from the left's cancellation corps and to protect the freedom of speech and thought of our own people. We must evaluate our tactics for their effectiveness, not just the feelz we get from punching back (though the morale effect, as discussed below, is crucial). 

Challenging our tactics among those with whom we share a foxhole in the culture wars is vital. In the Army, we literally shared foxholes and took each other apart in after-action reviews following training events. If you want to see brutal criticism from inside your own tent, sit through a National Training Center rotation hotwash. It's not fun nor for the faint of heart. You best leave your ego at the door, or it's going to get torn to bits. You rip each other up over tactics, hopefully, learn from it, then go back to literally sharing foxholes. This technique led to incredibly effective brigade and lower-sized units – the military's many problems are in the macro; the companies, battalions and brigades know how to fight and win engagements in large part because they train like this.

I want to hear people make good faith, coherent, and meaningful arguments against my position, not because I like people telling me I am wrong – I don't – but because I want to win. You only win if you are more effective than the enemy. You only get better if you are challenged to improve. So, being mad because people have different ideas about tactics is dumb. Accusing people of being soft when they really just think, in this scenario, that going soft on some targets is a better tactic is self-defeating. You don't have to agree with their arguments, but you don't have to freak out and call them names either.

Now, there are truly soft wusscons who dread getting their hands dirty by being "mean" to minor players or anyone else. They insist "we are better than that," which is presumptuous. I'm not better than that; I want to fight. They are not arguing tactics; they are telling us – without putting it so honestly – that they simply don't have the stomach to do what must be done, and they don't want anyone else to either. Being mean is icky. But not everyone is suited to the infantry; we need clerk-typists too, just don't try to clothe your inability to shove a bayonet deep into our enemies' collective figurative gut as moral superiority when it's really just that you're a sissy.

There is still a lot of that residual softness in Republicanism, too much. I get that it's hard to be hard. It's unpleasant to be unpleasant, and only a psycho takes joy in inflicting pain. But our own little people have suffered and that requires a response. When did Republicans stop believing in peace through strength? But when did Republicans come out against punishment? We want to lock up criminals, to make them feel the consequences of their crimes not just to deter them in the future but to get the retribution, the justice, that human nature demands. Why is there some exception for the people who have taken out jobs, doxed us, harassed us, and even encouraged others to murder us? 

It's nothing new. Payback is essential. Your own people need to know that they will be defended and avenged, or they will stop being your people—where are the people of Jeb! and the other softies of the 2000s GOP now? There aren't any. They left us undefended and unavenged, so we left them.

Here's the brutal reality. We must be willing to inflict pain on our enemies, and the refusal to do so ensures your own people are going to suffer pain because the other side is damn sure not worried about feeling bad for hurting us. We have seen our own people ruined and abused by cancel culture, and we need to use our power to stop it by any means necessary – including the means of being mean.

We have power, and we must use it ruthlessly to defend our people and defeat our opponents. That means no passes, granting no grace until grace becomes the norm instead of unilateral disarmament. There are three ways this goes—our submission to their will, their return to the pre-cancellation rules, or war. Option One is out. Option Two is my preference, but until they embrace it, Option Three it is.

We cannot pretend that human nature got repealed somewhere along the way just because some on our side have no stomach to deal the pain. Some pretend to not even understand how human interaction works and accept that you either wield power or get it wielded upon you – I'd recommend you ask a Melian about power but there are no Melians anymore. Some of Team Soft Cell recoiled from that during the Home Depo doofus debate, one child-pundit even labeling talk of power as "cringe." But if this person had been involved in politics for more than five minutes and to a deeper level than seeking mid-tier interweb clout, this person would be aware that politics is only about power.

The facts are that our enemies created New Rules that declared open season on conservatives who made conservative comments in public spaces, putting their livelihoods and – as we saw in Bulter, PA – their lives at risk should they say unapproved things. We opposed these New Rules. We argued against them. And we were ignored. They imposed the New Rules and launched a reign of terror against our people. Well, now we are fighting back. Ruthlessly. Mercilessly. Not because we get off getting some jerk fired from her job operating a cash register but because we know that the only way ever possibly to change the New Rules back is to make the consequences of the enemy – all of the enemy – so unpleasant for our enemies that they rethink their new rules. Will that work? Will they rethink cancel culture? Maybe, but the worst case scenario if we choose to fight every battle and strike every target is that they pay for what they did. We at least owe our own people whose lives they have ruined that piece of payback.

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No politics or divisive posts on this thread. 

This feature will appear every day at 1pm mountain time. 

See the Signals Through the Noise

At the same time that Benjamin Netanyahu is in Washington DC to rally U.S. support for the ongoing Israeli conflict against Hamas in Gaza, FBI Director Chris Wray is informing congress of the potential for domestic Iranian interests to be involved in the assassination attempt against President Trump.

What does each narrative have in common?

When outgoing President Barack Obama had his final “transition” meeting with incoming President Donald Trump, he informed the incoming administration the biggest geopolitical threat to national security interests comes from North Korea. President-elect Trump asked President Obama if he had ever spoken to Chairman Kim Jong-un.  The response was that U.S. policy is not to reward aggressors with direct contact.  As the story is told, those types of discussions are perceived within the USG as rewarding our adversaries.

That was that.

Subsequently, and in a complete departure from national security norms and USG policy as created by those who run USG policy – ie. The Deep State, President Trump told his national security team to arrange contact with Chairman Kim.  I will not repeat the week-to-week events, but not surprisingly, things radically changed.

The intelligence community (IC), the true control elements of the deepest part of our USG Deep State, were not happy.  When President Trump spoke to Chairman Kim, he violated one of the governing sacraments constructing the walls around the compartmented Silos.

If a president is told it is raining outside while sitting in a room without windows, is it really raining?

….Back to the IC and Iran.

Today while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is warning about the great threat that Iran represents, Director Chris Wray is telling congress of the likelihood that domestic Iranian influences might, repeat – might, have been associated with contact toward Thomas Crooks, the Trump assassin.

Netanyahu is warning congress.  Wray is warning congress.  Both warnings seemingly identify the same “enemy.”

President Netanyahu is going to Mar-a-Lago to tell President Trump the same message.

Should we see a signal through the noise, or just brush it off?

Again, it is irrelevant for the purposes of this discussion whether it is true or untrue.  What matters is who is assembling the information that Chris Wray is telling congress?

Chris Wary maybe a willing salesperson, willfully blind, or just an idiot who speaks to the constructed analysis of those within the IC who relay information to his office.  Again, it matters not.

If the assassin had succeeded, at the end of a long and painful period of investigation, would the 1,500-page report on the assassination of Trump, the ‘mistakes were made dissertation’, eventually end with the 17-agency IC conclusion that Iran was a culprit?  Thankfully, we will never know.

I return to the originating example….

… Would President Donald Trump in 2025 ever be allowed to make contact with the leaders in Iran?  Would he try?  Are all of these current elements trying to ensure such a proposition never takes place.

We can easily predict that President Trump will stop the Russia -vs- Ukraine conflict very quickly, because the USA is essentially the unspoken source of that conflict.

A change in USA policy completely changes the dynamic in Ukraine.  However, the same domestic political voices that are beneficiaries of that Ukraine conflict are the same domestic voices who are beneficiaries of the Israel/Gaza conflict.  The difference is that we clearly see the former, the latter is only just starting to surface.

The IC most likely won’t be able to stop Trump from ending the Russia/Ukraine war, but they will try.  However, the IC might be able to stop Trump from ending the Iran/Israel war.

Is that what we are seeing.

When Chris Wray is being informed, who is informing him?

Discarding Used Solar Panels in Landfills Poses ‘Significant’ Pollution Risk, Gov’t Says

 Canada 40 milion people. US 350 Million. How big is the US problem?

To solve this issue, Global Affairs Canada is seeking a contractor who can present a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way to recycle solar panels, according to a July 23 notice on the government website.

“Solar panels have valuable materials, including critical materials such as aluminum, tellurium, and antimony as well as gallium and indium in some thin-film modules, which are currently not being recycled once the panels reach their end of life,” said the notice posted by Global Affairs Canada.

Solar panels and renewables are part of the federal plan to get to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, the government says. As more and more panels are used, however, Ottawa needs a plan to recycle them in order to reduce the pollution risk.

The government has earmarked $1.15 million for the contract.

“As the photovoltaic market grows, both for public and private use, the volume of end-of-life solar panels will also grow, which will result in significant pollution risks,” the website notice says.

“The overall environmental impact of solar panels is much higher if they are dumped in landfills, where hazardous chemicals and heavy metals can leach into groundwater.”

As part of the contract, proposals must ensure that all materials removed from the solar panels are free from contaminants like metals and radiation. Contractors are also required to manage the toxic chemicals from the panels, like lead and cadmium, ensuring they will not be released into the environment or cause health risks to humans.

Solar panels also contain some key elements that are worth recycling and reusing, the website says.

“These individual materials are often a part of the devices that Canadians use every day such as smartphones and computers,” Global Affairs says. “As such, recycling these materials should provide significant economic, environmental, and social benefits.”

Solar panel recycling can also reduce the need for critical mineral mining, an activity that has extensive negative environmental and social impacts, the government notice says.

The way solar panels are constructed, however, can make it difficult to separate and recycle these valuable materials, Global Affairs says.

“Separating those materials and uniquely recycling them is a complex and expensive process as opposed to the cheap method of discarding the entire panel into a landfill,” says the website.

Global Affairs says it wants a “scalable and cost-effective” recycling solution that can be used for solar panels at any time during their lifecycle: production, use period, and end-of-life stage. The agency says it may give out multiple contracts to help solve the problem.

Civilization or Barbarism: The Left Is Forcing You to Choose a Side

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said something very poignant during his speech to Congress today, and I think it's worth thinking about. 

"This is not a clash of civilizations. It's a clash between barbarism and civilization": 

He's absolutely correct, but I believe his words can serve a much broader context. We're at a crossroads right now, and we can either choose the path of civilization or devolve into something horrific we left behind long ago. 

As he gave the speech, anti-Israel protesters were outside the U.S. Capitol, proving him correct. The large protest had turned violent, according to reports on the ground, and police were having to begin anti-riot measures. Pepper spray was being fired into the crowd. 

But these violent protesters aside, there are instances where some of these rioters were carrying around the Hamas flag. For those who need a refresher, Hamas is the radical Islamic extremist group that carried out the October 7 attack in Israel, killing, kidnapping, and raping innocent civilians, including children: 

I find it interesting that these people can carry around flags like this and not get stopped by their fellow protesters. If this is about stopping genocide and ending a war, then promoting Hamas is definitely not the move. They are a professed genocidal organization bent on the destruction of Israel and the death of the Jewish people. Yet, these rioters are okay with the Hamas flag waving among them. 

It's likely that many of these people have no idea what the flag symbolizes, but if they did know, how many people do you think would actually stop them waving it around? Judging by the anti-Israel rhetoric coming from many of these people, I wouldn't put my money on a lot of them protesting it. These people are fine with the barbarism of Hamas. 

But zoom out. 

You'll notice that this is a theme of the left. Antifa wants lawlessness and communism. Pro-abortionists make it a point to want to be able to kill children both in and fresh out of the womb. Democrat lawmakers continuously try to find ways to mold the legal system into pardoning criminals who deserve to be put in jail for years. 

They openly grieved the fact that a man failed to kill a Republican presidential candidate. These are the same people who applauded when Rand Paul's neighbor assaulted him. They're outraged whenever transgender people aren't allowed to dance for and interact with children. They demonize law enforcement and celebrate degeneracy. 

And these people aren't just lunatics on the street. These lunatics are sitting in positions of power. 

Case in point: 

The bottom line is this; the left has gotten to a point where they're more than happy to show their real selves to you and tell you exactly who they are and what they want. They want evil to thrive, and they want you to stay quiet or suffer the consequences if you don't. They want you to hand civilization over to them so they can destroy it. 

These are barbarians, but they're not at the gate, they're inside, but they can still be driven back. All you have to do is act. Get out and vote like hell, become a part of various local groups, and empower those with the power to make change. 

America might be in its darker days, but it's still a nation worth fighting for. Don't let these barbarians take it. 

Kamala Can’t Win On Policy Or Performance, So The Media Will Make This Campaign A Race War

Kamala Harris loses any debate on policy or performance, so the media will avoid it by fabricating racism from here to Election Day.

It’s a given that the news media will assist the Democrat ticket for president in any way they can this election, but since the party is now set to nominate a black Woman of Color, “any way they can” is going to include some shockingly vicious schemes. Yes, even more so than their usual brazen deception and perversity.

There was a small peek at what’s to come when none other than the White House Correspondents’ Association President Eugene Daniels, also a reporter for Politico, posted a clip on X from Fox News that he said featured a quote it demonstrably did not.

The video was from Wednesday’s edition of “Fox & Friends,” co-hosted by Brian Kilmeade, who Daniels attributed a completely false comment to. “She’d rather address, in the summer, a sorority … a COLORED sorority, like she can’t get outta that!” wrote Daniels in his fake transcript of the segment on Vice President Kamala Harris. “Then, in what he presumably believed to be a humorous comment of his own, Daniels wrote, “Not this in the year of Beyonce 2024.”

For context, Daniels is widely recognized in Washington media circles as Kamala’s favorite person to reliably relay her preferred narratives, usually with a lot of nauseating details about how allegedly approachable she is. (“Harris spent the rest of Sunday at home with family and staff in the vice president’s mansion in her Howard University hoodie and sweats grinding through calls …,” read one of his recent dispatches from Harris’ makeup bag.) Not entirely related, but his social media profiles are little more than a series of photos of his painted fingernails, his gaudy apparel and obnoxious declarations of whatever products traditionally marketed toward women he enjoys using.

Back to the false and defamatory quote. What Kilmeade said was “a college sorority,” not “colored sorority,” and he certainly didn’t shout it, as Daniels’ all-capitalized transcription indicated. Anyone watching the video would, at most, have heard Kilmeade trip over the word “college,” but it didn’t come remotely close to “colored.”

Under a cascade of corrections from other X users, Daniels deleted the post with the video, but said in a subsequent post that “the audio is garbled,” thus excusing his libel.

The audio was clear and Daniels is a degenerate busboy for Harris.

The next three months are going to be like this, and so much worse. Everything said in public about Harris that isn’t overtly laudatory will be instantly deemed racist by the media, especially as it relates to her performance as vice president. Even things not said will be called racist.

You didn’t say it? They’ll make it up. Easy fix.

Every effort will be made to skirt actual conversations about policy and record because that’s where Harris is so weak it’s laughable anyone would even suggest she can govern.

That’s why at this very moment, news outlets like Axios are demanding there be no recollection of Harris being appointed by her boss to solve the ongoing catastrophe at the southern border. They called her the “border czar.” Now they’re saying it never happened.

The conversations need to be about everyone else who opposes her being a racist. That’s what they will do, even if they have to make it up. And they will. They are.