Thursday, July 25, 2024

Civilization or Barbarism: The Left Is Forcing You to Choose a Side

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said something very poignant during his speech to Congress today, and I think it's worth thinking about. 

"This is not a clash of civilizations. It's a clash between barbarism and civilization": 

He's absolutely correct, but I believe his words can serve a much broader context. We're at a crossroads right now, and we can either choose the path of civilization or devolve into something horrific we left behind long ago. 

As he gave the speech, anti-Israel protesters were outside the U.S. Capitol, proving him correct. The large protest had turned violent, according to reports on the ground, and police were having to begin anti-riot measures. Pepper spray was being fired into the crowd. 

But these violent protesters aside, there are instances where some of these rioters were carrying around the Hamas flag. For those who need a refresher, Hamas is the radical Islamic extremist group that carried out the October 7 attack in Israel, killing, kidnapping, and raping innocent civilians, including children: 

I find it interesting that these people can carry around flags like this and not get stopped by their fellow protesters. If this is about stopping genocide and ending a war, then promoting Hamas is definitely not the move. They are a professed genocidal organization bent on the destruction of Israel and the death of the Jewish people. Yet, these rioters are okay with the Hamas flag waving among them. 

It's likely that many of these people have no idea what the flag symbolizes, but if they did know, how many people do you think would actually stop them waving it around? Judging by the anti-Israel rhetoric coming from many of these people, I wouldn't put my money on a lot of them protesting it. These people are fine with the barbarism of Hamas. 

But zoom out. 

You'll notice that this is a theme of the left. Antifa wants lawlessness and communism. Pro-abortionists make it a point to want to be able to kill children both in and fresh out of the womb. Democrat lawmakers continuously try to find ways to mold the legal system into pardoning criminals who deserve to be put in jail for years. 

They openly grieved the fact that a man failed to kill a Republican presidential candidate. These are the same people who applauded when Rand Paul's neighbor assaulted him. They're outraged whenever transgender people aren't allowed to dance for and interact with children. They demonize law enforcement and celebrate degeneracy. 

And these people aren't just lunatics on the street. These lunatics are sitting in positions of power. 

Case in point: 

The bottom line is this; the left has gotten to a point where they're more than happy to show their real selves to you and tell you exactly who they are and what they want. They want evil to thrive, and they want you to stay quiet or suffer the consequences if you don't. They want you to hand civilization over to them so they can destroy it. 

These are barbarians, but they're not at the gate, they're inside, but they can still be driven back. All you have to do is act. Get out and vote like hell, become a part of various local groups, and empower those with the power to make change. 

America might be in its darker days, but it's still a nation worth fighting for. Don't let these barbarians take it.