Monday, February 19, 2024

X22, And we Know, and more- February 19


A very special NCIS episode airs tonight. Depending on how it goes, I may have a Post Mortem sometime tomorrow.

Left-Wing Outlet Panics Over Growing 'Conservatism' In the U.S.

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

A second Trump term, the horror! Conservatives, Christianity— a massacre for the United States, according to Left-wing The Economist. 

According to The Economist, a "growing peril" of a national conservative movement is spreading rapidly throughout the U.S. 

The outlet called on liberals to stop the MAGA movement that they claim is "dangerous." 

The authors compared conservatism in the 1980s during the Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher era to former President Trump's presidency. 

"Today Donald TrumpViktor Orban, and a motley crew of Western politicians have demolished that orthodoxy, constructing in its place a statist, "anti-woke" conservatism that puts national sovereignty before the individual. These national conservatives are increasingly part of a global movement with its own networks of thinkers and leaders bound by a common ideology," the outlet noted. "They sense that they own conservatism now — and they may be right."

The magazine's cover features a red MAGA hat that lists several nations saying, "Make America, Hungary, Italy, France, Israel, Germany, the Netherlands, and Poland great again."

The article warns that conservatives will reign power by capturing "state institutions, including courts, universities, and the independent press." 

Breitbart News highlighted that the article's authors are uninterested in the real problems Americans face daily in the country— and instead, drive intense hate toward the conservative movement that intends to bring the nation back to before the Left's progressive movement took over. 

The piece reads like a call to arms against a movement that seems to grow stronger by the day as people around the world grow fed up with being governed by ideologically driven, progressive globalist elites blithely uninterested in the real problems faced by ordinary people.

Today's national populists "do not see the West as the shining city on the hill, but as Rome before the fall — decadent, depraved and about to collapse amid a barbarian invasion," the article states.

Curiously, the article insists that national conservatism is the "politics of grievance," which appears to be an act of willful blindness to the dominance of grievance in the woke politics that populists abhor.

"Liberalism's great strength is that it is adaptable," the article states, adding that liberalism "can adapt to national conservatism, too," but for the moment, "it is falling behind."

The piece admits that conservatives have one thing right: illegal immigration and the fear that the next several generations will grow up poorer than our parents and grandparents, stating that universities and the press "have been captured by hostile, illiberal, left-leaning elites."

Hillary Concocts Scary Tale, Claims Trump Will Pull the US Out of NATO If He Wins the Election

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

In this episode of Hillary Being Hillary...

I was going to name the episode More Bilge From the Self-Absorbed Mrs. Clinton, Who Refuses to Ride Off Into the Sunset Where She Belongs, but I decided it was too long. 

Anyway, Hillary Clinton — a two-time-losing Democrat presidential candidate (2008 and 2016) — appears to still believe that her various opinions carry great weight. Truth is, they never did— not enough to further her career, anyway. 

Nevertheless, while attending a Saturday luncheon at the Munich Security Conference, an annual gathering of world leaders in Germany, Hillary trotted out her latest phantasmagoric prediction: If Donald Trump — The Devil's Spawn, in Mrs. Clinton's stage 4 TDS-riddled head — wins the presidential election in November, he will try his damnedest to jerk the United States out of NATO. 

He will do everything he can to become an absolute authoritarian leader if given the opportunity to do so. And he will pull us out of NATO even though Congress passed a resolution saying that he couldn’t without congressional support because he will just not fund our obligations.

He means what he says. People did not take him literally and seriously in 2016. Now he is telling us what he intends to do, and people who try to wish it away, brush it away, are living in an alternative reality.

Hold the bus. If anyone's living in an alternative reality, it's Hillary. She still insists she should have won the 2016 election — and also still believes that "The Russians!" helped Trump beat her. 

Anyway, so how does Hillary know Trump would try to take the country out of NATO, you ask? She doesn't — she's one of the rotating hood ornaments on the Democrats' scare tactics clown car.

Hillary and other Democrat operatives are trying to capitalize on Trump's comments last Saturday in which he said he would encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” if it attacked a NATO country that didn't pay enough for defense. 

But here's the thing. As I wrote on Friday in defense of the former president, Trump has made over-the-top hyperbolic comments since he announced his first White House run in June 2015 — and he's going to continue making them. It's Trump. It's part of the package. What the TDS-riddled crowd "forgets" is he never follows through on his grandiose statements. In other words, he makes them for effect only.

Nevertheless, Hilary and other opportunistic Democrats latched onto Trump's bombastic threat and continued to run with it. 

As I reported on Sunday, one important figure who hasn't succumbed to Trump's NATO comments is outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who bluntly told European leaders on Saturday:

We should stop moaning and whining and nagging about Trump. It's up to the Americans. I'm not an American, I cannot vote in the U.S. We have to work with whoever is on the dance floor.

While Rutte doesn't appear to be afflicted with Trump Derange Syndrome like Hillary, he is likely the next secretary-general of NATO, which begs the question: If Rutte isn't worried about Trump's commitment to NATO, why is Hillary?

The answer, of course, is that Hillary's not worried, either — but she is a disgraceful political hack.

I'm out — I just reached my daily limit of Hillary nonsense.

Ted Cruz Not Sure Mitch McConnell Would Run Again If Trump Wins, 'Lot of Bad Blood' Between the Two

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz appeared on "Sunday Morning Futures" with Maria Bartiromo and discussed a variety of topics ranging from the ongoing disaster at the southern border to Biden's weaponized Department of Justice to the fentanyl epidemic.

One exchange stood out: Bartiromo asked Cruz whether he thought Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) would run again when his term expires in 2026 should Donald Trump win the '24 presidential election. Cruz admitted that he didn't know, but there was a lot of "bad blood" between the two:

You know, I don't know. That's a decision for Mitch to make. Obviously, there's a lot of bad blood between Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump. 

Mitch will have to make that decision.

What I want to see is, I want to see Republicans in the Senate stand and lead and fight. 

That does not sound to me like Cruz would bet money on McConnell going for one more round. The Texas senator's comments come at the 9:00 minute mark:

It's certainly not a secret in D.C. that the two don't see to eye very often.

McConnell’s relationship with Trump, or lack thereof, is well known on Capitol Hill, as the former president has repeatedly criticized the GOP leader since his 2020 reelection loss. The Kentucky Republican has occasionally fired back his own jabs at the ex-president.

In an interview with The Hill last week, McConnell acknowledged Trump is the most prominent Republican in today’s political climate while defending his decision to stand up to the former president on certain issues.

McConnell is one of the few leading GOP lawmakers not to announce his support for Trump. The former president maintains a solid lead in the race for the Republican nomination and is predicted to easily beat challenger Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and ambassador to the U.N, in the SC primary on February 24.

Cruz is bullish on the GOP's prospects this fall:

I believe November is going to be a very good election. I think we're going to see Donald Trump reelected as president of the United States. I think we're gonna see Republicans keep and grow our majority in the House, and critically -- I think we're going to win the United States Senate. 

He also fired hard at President Joe Biden, who he accused of basically being Obama's puppet:

Mr. Magoo... Ouch, that one's going to sting.

Cruz also emphasized the importance of his own contest as he runs for a third term:

I will say my race here in Texas, this is a battleground race. The Democrats are spending over $100 million. Chuck Schumer's made clear I'm his number one target. George Soros is pouring millions of dollars into the state of Texas. 

The Texas GOP primary will take place March 5, and Cruz will face off against Holland Gibson, a retiree, and Rufus Lopez, an attorney. U.S. Rep. Colin Allred of Dallas and state Sen. Roland Gutierrez of San Antonio are vying for the Democrat nomination.

Lack of Credibility Places U.S. Deterrence Under Great Strain

Biden's mental capacity is deeply troubling because it has clearly weakened U.S. deterrence. He is an incarnation of confusion and uncertainty, compelling the world to ask who is in charge of the U.S.

American national security and the security of many of our allies depend upon the ability of the U.S. to deter aggression. Deterrence depends upon having robust military capabilities. These are the conventional and nuclear might of America’s military. Deterrence is also dependent upon political considerations like America’s credibility and willpower to meet aggression against American soil should deterrence fail or against the territory of our allies with whom the U.S. has an extended deterrent commitment, like Australia, Japan, and our NATO allies. Hence, deterrence is about military capabilities—they must be strong—but also political considerations. The U.S. must be credible and evince the willpower to follow through on the explicit and implicit threats to use military force, including nuclear weapons, to deter formidable conventional and nuclear powers like the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

U.S. presidents should be symbols of strength, stability, and power, speaking firmly and quietly to convey credible threats that will be executed if U.S. enemies aggress, while carrying a big stick, overwhelming U.S. military might. As Air Force General Curtis LeMay said if the Soviet Union aggressed, it would be “a smoking, irradiating ruin at the end of two hours.” This was a credible threat when the U.S. had both the capabilities and demonstrated willpower to accomplish this during the Cold War.

Viewed through the perspective of international politics, the mental incapacity of President Biden is deeply troubling because it has very clearly weakened U.S. deterrence—just ask the people of Afghanistan, Ukraine, or Israel. The president’s illness projects weakness, not strength, vacillation, not determination, and senescence rather than a crystalline strategic focus. He is not a voice of stability and strength but is an incarnation of confusion and uncertainty, compelling the world to ask who is in charge of the United States.

In a peaceful world, this would be disheartening to the American people and of considerable concern to allies. In today’s dangerous world with a hyper-aggressive Xi Jinping, this is alarming and must be addressed. It is historically unique; never at a time of such considerable threat, when the U.S. faces a peer enemy, has a president been non compos mentis. President Woodrow Wilson was incapacitated by a stroke in the last year of his presidency, but the U.S. did not face a peer enemy in the immediate aftermath of the Great War. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was gravely ill in his last years but maintained mental coherence. He possessed the strongest military on the planet. With President Biden, the United States is in unchartered and perilous national security waters at a time when a dynamic president is needed to reassure allies and partners, inspire the American people and people of good will around the world, and convey to America’s enemies that grievous harm will come to them if they aggress.

With the president removed from the public face of American national security, a vice president who is incapable of fulfilling that role, a secretary of state who is feckless, and a secretary of defense who is ill, it falls to senior civilian and military officials, like the Commander of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, to step into that mission. Although some may accomplish this role with aplomb, this is not their principal responsibility, and we should expect their performance to be of uneven quality. In sum, this is not normal. The U.S. has never run this risk during the wars of the twentieth century, but it does today. It is a national security risk and a grave strain on civil-military relations.

This is why the report from Special Counsel Robert Hur was singularly damaging. Hur identified President Biden as having committed felonies but who could not be prosecuted because of his mental incapacities. This confirms for global audiences—friends and foes alike—that Biden is unable to meet his responsibilities at a time when dynamic leadership is necessary to deter PRC aggression. Of equal concern is the fact that a two-tier system of justice means that the rule of law has ended in America, which had once been known and respected for a justice system that was blind to rank, race, or creed. The implications of this for the U.S. global position are profound. It weakens the ability of the U.S. to explain to global audiences the superiority of the U.S. political system. It also suggests a great change from the position of the U.S. during the Cold War to today. This suggests to allies and enemies alike that the strengths of the U.S. system that defeated the Soviet Union have eroded.

In a curious and even bizarre coda to a month of worrying incidents, the Chairman of the House Select Committee on Intelligence, Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), warned of a “serious national security threat” and called for information about it to be declassified by the Biden administration. This generated a panic on financial markets and great concern among the American people. The White House at first rejected this and later warmed to an indication that it related to Russian capabilities in space. There were indications that this was hyperbole to pressure the House to pass funding for Ukraine. In truth, this made a senior member of Congress, one of the key “Gang of Eight,” look like he was employing a major and imminent national security threat to manipulate Speaker Johnson and Republican House leadership to address the issue of Ukraine funding. This does not look good to allies and partners around the world. It has eroded confidence in American deterrence. If this were a one-off, this would be bad enough, but within the context of an enfeebled presidency, it may be taken as a sign that U.S. national security leadership is incapable of addressing the contemporary threat environment.

This lack of seriousness and insouciance regarding the national security of the country cannot continue. It opens a window of opportunity for U.S. enemies. The supreme interest of the United States is to protect U.S. national security—its citizens. That requires leadership. The U.S. does not now possess it—and Beijing is using this reality in their calculations on when to strike at America in the Far East.

Blinken Asks For China’s Help To Stop Putin’s Nuclear Space Weapon

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

The United States revealed its plans to help China and India after talks about how to stop Russia’s nuclear space weapon. 

During a conference in Munich, Germany, Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with Chinese and Indian counterparts about the possibility of a nuclear weapon orbiting in space that is targeting U.S. satellites. 

According to the New York Times, the detonation of the nuclear weapon would harm Chinese and Indian satellites, resulting in “disconnection” and global communications failure. 

The deployment of nuclear weapons would destroy emergency services to cell phones and the regulation of generators and petrol pumps to stop working. Debris from the nuclear explosion would also make its way into Earth’s orbit, making navigation nearly impossible for things such as Starlink satellites used for Internet communications and spy satellites.

Blinken said on Saturday that Russia’s potential use of a nuclear weapon in space poses a significant national security threat.

The NYT stressed that the issue at hand is a grave concern for the U.S., and the countries must pressure Russian President Vladimir Putin not to deploy nuclear weapons. 

Putting a nuclear weapon in space is in violation of an over 50-year treaty that has so far stopped the proliferation of weapons into the region, according to the NYT. Besides telecommunications concerns, Blinken also warned that debris from the possible nuclear explosions would pose a threat to low-earth orbit navigation, putting further satellite operations at risk. Blinken spoke with the two officials, believing that Russia would be more likely to listen to them than the U.S. due to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s disdain for the country, according to the NYT. Russia has been conducting military satellite launches since early 2022, when the invasion of Ukraine first began, via the Daily Caller. 

The Biden Administration fears that if hit too hard with sanctions or military opposition to his war with Ukraine, Putin will deploy the nuclear weapon. 

Bombshell Report Reveals Biden's Brother Used His Name in Dealings With Failed Hospital Chain

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

A bombshell report has brought to light more details about Jim Biden, the brother of President Joe Biden, and his ill-fated relationship with the failed hospital chain Americore. Apparently, Jim Biden was more involved with the allegedly corrupt enterprise than was previously reported and was more than happy to use the president’s name to advance his business interests.

Politico published a lengthy report detailing the maneuverings of Jim Biden’s intricate network of partners and shady characters. It describes how he used his familial connection to President Biden to establish his business and political credentials. The result was a wake of chaos in rural communities who were left without health care after being promised a critical expansion of services for those who desperately needed them.

For then 67-year-old Jim Biden, the third of four Biden siblings, his ties to his older brother made up much of his pitch as he pursued deals that could help Americore make money from drug rehab, lab testing and even cancer treatment.

The report suggests that Jim often name-dropped his powerful brother to appeal to potential business partners. In one instance, he emailed the CEO of a Tampa-based health care firm called Medicus, noting that his platform would be “perfect” to “expose my Brothers team to [your] protocol.”

But it was Jim’s eventual partnership with Americore that raised a series of concerns. Using his brother’s name, he managed to shimmy his way into a lucrative business deal with the company whose goal was to buy struggling hospitals in rural areas and employ a business model that would allow them to better serve their communities.

Jim Biden spoke of plans to give his brother equity in Americore, according to one former Americore executive, and install him on its board, according to a second. He also said that if Americore could find a winning business model for rural health care, his brother could promote the company in a future presidential campaign, a third former executive told POLITICO.

The company needed funding in order to expand. Jim offered to save the day by securing capital from investors in the Middle East. However, the money never materialized, which placed Americore in a financially precarious position. Eventually, the company folded, which resulted in patients being hung out to dry.

“The whole thing was a scam, and it didn’t take that long to figure it out,” a former Americore executive told Politico, after noting that he was “sold that Americore was going to be the salvation of rural hospitals.”

The company’s failure was devastating for the ordinary people caught up in the fiasco. In one case, the consequences were fatal.

The management failures took a human toll as hospital staff went unpaid, services dwindled, and authorities were forced to intervene. At Americore’s hospital in southeastern Kentucky — ravaged by staff departures and dwindling medical supplies — a patient died of cardiac arrest in late 2018 after receiving substandard care, according to a Department of Health and Human Services report obtained by POLITICO.

Eventually, Jim had something of a falling out with Grant White, the head of Americore -- who is accused of mishandling company funds -- and cut ties with the organization. In an email to White, Jim wrote: “Based on information I have become aware of over the last several days, it has become increasingly clear to me that moving forward I can’t be involved with Americore.”

Still, this did not erase the fact that Jim Biden was intimately involved in Americore’s dealings, according to Politico.

[Politico’s] investigation — based on public records, court filings, dozens of interviews and hundreds of exclusively obtained internal documents — reveals that Jim Biden’s role at Americore was larger than previously reported: In some internal documents and investor materials his name is included among its top handful of leaders. He also helped the company seal regulatory approval to acquire the Pennsylvania hospital and personally fired Americore’s chief financial officer, according to the emails obtained by POLITICO.

It is important to note that the news outlet’s investigation “did not find that Joe Biden involved himself in the firm or took actions on its behalf.”

However, as previously reported, Jim did receive a $200,000 payment from Americore. Shortly after, he wrote a check to his brother for the same amount. The White House has claimed that this was the repayment of a loan, but there is no evidence proving this.

Also interesting about this story is that Jim and Hunter Biden discussed the possibility of possibly obtaining funding for Americore through “an investment from associates of Jim and Hunter Biden affiliated with CEFC, a Chinese energy firm,” according to the report.

The one thing that is missing from Politico’s report is solid evidence that President Biden was involved in Jim and Hunter’s business dealings. However, there is quite a bit of smoke indicating that there certainly could be a fire.

Looking ahead, these details could figure prominently in the effort to impeach President Biden, especially if more evidence surfaces showing that he knew about or participated in his family’s activities.

Biden Regime Finds a Way to Send Money to Ukraine

Leah Barkoukis reporting for Townhall 

The Biden administration announced Saturday it found a way to give money to Ukraine, despite aid to the war-torn country tied up on the Hill. 

In what the Department of Justice is describing as the “first of its kind” transfer, the U.S. is giving nearly $500,000 in forfeited Russian funds to Estonia to be used for providing aid to Ukraine.

The funds were forfeited by the United States following the breakup of an illegal procurement network attempting to import into Russia a high-precision, U.S.-origin machine tool with uses in the defense and nuclear proliferation sectors. Additionally, on Wednesday, Feb. 14, a citizen of Latvia charged criminally in connection with the procurement scheme pleaded guilty to violating U.S. export laws and regulations.

This transfer is the first of its kind from the United States to a foreign ally for the express purpose of assisting Ukraine, and the second time the Justice Department’s Task Force KleptoCapture has made confiscated Russian assets available for Ukraine—having provided $5.4 million in forfeited funds last year to the State Department for the support of Ukrainian war veterans. The confiscated funds are being transferred to Estonia since under current authorities, the facts of this case do not allow for a direct transfer to Ukraine. Estonia will use the funds for a project to expedite damage assessments and critical repairs to the Ukrainian electrical distribution and transmission system, which have been purposefully targeted by Russian forces. (DOJ)

“Today’s announcement demonstrates the unwavering resolve of the United States and our Estonian partners to cut off President Putin's access to the western technologies he relies on to wage an illegal war against Ukraine,” said Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco. “This step for justice and restoration blazes a new trail toward combating Russia’s ongoing brutality. The Department of Justice will continue pursuing creative solutions to ensure the Ukrainian people can respond and rebuild.”

"In my opinion, this agreement provides additional motivation to deal with sanctions violations even more," Secretary General TΓ΅nis Saar of the Estonian Ministry of Justice said in a statement. "The reason is very simple, the goal here is not only to detect, prosecute and ensure justice, but to direct illegal income to the victim, i.e. Ukraine. I hope that this will become the new normality for sanctioned crimes in other countries in the future.”

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W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Welcome to the W³P Daily News Open Thread. 

Post whatever you got in the comments section below.

This feature will post every day at 6:30am Mountain time. 

Update Far Outside the Wire…

You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option.” I think it was Bob Marley who said that… lol.  But it’s true.

I’m so far outside the wire trying to research, communicate, dig through the globalist lies and quantify the crazy in terms that are understandable; sometimes I think this effort itself is nuts.  Then again, being a dissident means living your best life, and don’t stop swinging for the fences.

The original plan was to meet with people who have a solid, I mean historically impenetrable understanding of how to organize a solidarity movement, then learn, learn… ask questions, seek counsel, find the network, and put the plans into an actionable effort that could be brought back to the USA. {GO DEEP}

Yes, in case you have not been paying attention, the best people to teach you how to defend against the looming communist, fascist and corporatist encroachment are the people who fought it.

The Eastern EU countries are the epicenter of the best rebel alliance thinkers.  Pulling the labeled dissidents into my orbit, learning and questioning, has been extremely interesting and seriously informative.

The initial plan was to bring a few people back with me to the U.S., then go on a short tour of several states for meetings and discussions with stateside allies.  However, some entity at the Dept of State intercepted the plan, and we have run into newly refused visa issues even though they were previously approved.

If I was a conspiracy minded person, I would notice these visa issues “happened” immediately after my laptops and other devices were compromised by a “virus” in Prague that rendered them useless.

That said, I am not quitting the effort to bring them to the U.S. yet.  Yep, ask those who know, and you’ll discover that putting a hurdle in front of a CTH plan only makes my resolve harden.   Also, there are far more good people inside the system trying to help than there are bad people trying to harm… the difference is the bad people are in positions of power and authority.  They are few, we are many – don’t forget that.

The EU farmers, truckers, machinists, general laborers with shakable calloused hands are all super insightful and full of no-quit in their DNA, -that’s super cool.

People stateside tell me I’m crazy for trying this… hell, who knows, maybe I am.  I’ve failed a lot… but I ain’t gonna quit.  I love this country, and she’s worth fighting for.   I don’t have the answers; I just know the current status quo is not going to work – not for me, not for you, and not for the generation behind us that deserves so much better.

If you’ve got a better idea, then tell me.  Don’t be quiet… speak.   I’ve got a lot of research complete and an entire network ready to mobilize to support any stateside effort.   The rest of the world knows how important 2024 is to the USA, and they are willing to put their time into helping us get President Trump back into office.

We already know if Donald Trump can take the MAGA fight back to Washington DC, the entire apparatus of government, and yes that includes your elected representatives, will fight to destroy him at every opportunity.  So, how exactly do we: (a) support President Trump, (b) push back against the weaponized state, (c) confront our government abusers?

There are more of us than them, yet each of our efforts seems to face the full force of “them” against a divided sense of “us.”  One of the ways we have discussed direct push back is a modern version of a workers solidarity movement.  Essentially, the creation of a system where targeted general work strikes can have an impact on the system that is targeting us.

It is one thing to discuss the Polish Solidarity Movement in esoteric terms of endearment.  It is another thing entirely to think about the application of a labor strike process within the United States where 370 million people live.  However, if you apply the concept of tactical civics simultaneously, you can make an argument the tactical civics are the shield (EU truckers), and the labor strike is the spear (EU farmers).

One of the advantages we have in the USA governmental structures is the “Republican Form of Government,” or the constitutional republic and the ability of states to determine their own interests.

Think about targeting now going in reverse, where WE THE PEOPLE now target the non-compliant system operators and/or politicians.  A Senator or Congress person aligns against Trump’s interests, our interests, and instead of gnashing our teeth, we immediately begin a targeted work stoppage in/around the representative’s district.  In this scenario we don’t need tens of millions to make an impact, only a few thousand can completely change the dynamic.

How does it work?  How is it possible?  How did the people of Poland pay their bills during the solidarity strikes?  How do you organize that process so that everyone can participate, and yet no one individually needs to carry the risk of losing?  These nuts-and-bolts questions are part of my research mission.

How effective would a Congressional District (CD-??) “sick-out” be?   Perhaps timed for every Wednesday, beginning on the {fill_in_the_blank_day}, and continuing until the representative understood that he/she alone was the cause of the economic trouble in their district.  You see, the general labor strike doesn’t need to be scaled to the size of Poland circa 1980’s; instead with modern communication, it can target very specific places and create just as big an impact.

The dismantling of a weaponized government first begins with a set of political representatives who are willing to take apart the institutional tools that government uses to weaponize their power.   As we saw with the hyped and yet failed Congressional Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government, once the public appears to be satiated with false hope from yet another created assembly, the representative group does nothing.

The urgency of the committee silo might look entirely different if the trash was not getting picked up in the committee members’ districts.  Or the lawns were not getting mowed, or the cooks stayed home, etc.

You never realize how strong you are until being strong is your only option.

I will have much more to share on this issue as we will likely have a lot of support from ordinary MAGA-minded people in a multitude of countries.  The Dutch, German, Polish, Romanian, French, Spanish and Irish farmers/truck drivers are figuring out how effective it can be if they push back with strategic solidarity.   We can learn a valuable lesson.

Whether Donald Trump wins the 2024 election or not, the same practical process will be needed.   If Trump wins the election, it will be to provide support under the auspices of unavoidable pressure.

We don’t wait for primary races to defeat the people who stand against us in 2025; instead, we trigger the financial consequences against them immediately.

If you’ve got better ideas, then share them.   If you think this effort can work, then HELP ME HERE.

Love to all,
