Monday, February 19, 2024

Hillary Concocts Scary Tale, Claims Trump Will Pull the US Out of NATO If He Wins the Election

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

In this episode of Hillary Being Hillary...

I was going to name the episode More Bilge From the Self-Absorbed Mrs. Clinton, Who Refuses to Ride Off Into the Sunset Where She Belongs, but I decided it was too long. 

Anyway, Hillary Clinton — a two-time-losing Democrat presidential candidate (2008 and 2016) — appears to still believe that her various opinions carry great weight. Truth is, they never did— not enough to further her career, anyway. 

Nevertheless, while attending a Saturday luncheon at the Munich Security Conference, an annual gathering of world leaders in Germany, Hillary trotted out her latest phantasmagoric prediction: If Donald Trump — The Devil's Spawn, in Mrs. Clinton's stage 4 TDS-riddled head — wins the presidential election in November, he will try his damnedest to jerk the United States out of NATO. 

He will do everything he can to become an absolute authoritarian leader if given the opportunity to do so. And he will pull us out of NATO even though Congress passed a resolution saying that he couldn’t without congressional support because he will just not fund our obligations.

He means what he says. People did not take him literally and seriously in 2016. Now he is telling us what he intends to do, and people who try to wish it away, brush it away, are living in an alternative reality.

Hold the bus. If anyone's living in an alternative reality, it's Hillary. She still insists she should have won the 2016 election — and also still believes that "The Russians!" helped Trump beat her. 

Anyway, so how does Hillary know Trump would try to take the country out of NATO, you ask? She doesn't — she's one of the rotating hood ornaments on the Democrats' scare tactics clown car.

Hillary and other Democrat operatives are trying to capitalize on Trump's comments last Saturday in which he said he would encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” if it attacked a NATO country that didn't pay enough for defense. 

But here's the thing. As I wrote on Friday in defense of the former president, Trump has made over-the-top hyperbolic comments since he announced his first White House run in June 2015 — and he's going to continue making them. It's Trump. It's part of the package. What the TDS-riddled crowd "forgets" is he never follows through on his grandiose statements. In other words, he makes them for effect only.

Nevertheless, Hilary and other opportunistic Democrats latched onto Trump's bombastic threat and continued to run with it. 

As I reported on Sunday, one important figure who hasn't succumbed to Trump's NATO comments is outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, who bluntly told European leaders on Saturday:

We should stop moaning and whining and nagging about Trump. It's up to the Americans. I'm not an American, I cannot vote in the U.S. We have to work with whoever is on the dance floor.

While Rutte doesn't appear to be afflicted with Trump Derange Syndrome like Hillary, he is likely the next secretary-general of NATO, which begs the question: If Rutte isn't worried about Trump's commitment to NATO, why is Hillary?

The answer, of course, is that Hillary's not worried, either — but she is a disgraceful political hack.

I'm out — I just reached my daily limit of Hillary nonsense.