Monday, February 19, 2024

Bombshell Report Reveals Biden's Brother Used His Name in Dealings With Failed Hospital Chain

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

A bombshell report has brought to light more details about Jim Biden, the brother of President Joe Biden, and his ill-fated relationship with the failed hospital chain Americore. Apparently, Jim Biden was more involved with the allegedly corrupt enterprise than was previously reported and was more than happy to use the president’s name to advance his business interests.

Politico published a lengthy report detailing the maneuverings of Jim Biden’s intricate network of partners and shady characters. It describes how he used his familial connection to President Biden to establish his business and political credentials. The result was a wake of chaos in rural communities who were left without health care after being promised a critical expansion of services for those who desperately needed them.

For then 67-year-old Jim Biden, the third of four Biden siblings, his ties to his older brother made up much of his pitch as he pursued deals that could help Americore make money from drug rehab, lab testing and even cancer treatment.

The report suggests that Jim often name-dropped his powerful brother to appeal to potential business partners. In one instance, he emailed the CEO of a Tampa-based health care firm called Medicus, noting that his platform would be “perfect” to “expose my Brothers team to [your] protocol.”

But it was Jim’s eventual partnership with Americore that raised a series of concerns. Using his brother’s name, he managed to shimmy his way into a lucrative business deal with the company whose goal was to buy struggling hospitals in rural areas and employ a business model that would allow them to better serve their communities.

Jim Biden spoke of plans to give his brother equity in Americore, according to one former Americore executive, and install him on its board, according to a second. He also said that if Americore could find a winning business model for rural health care, his brother could promote the company in a future presidential campaign, a third former executive told POLITICO.

The company needed funding in order to expand. Jim offered to save the day by securing capital from investors in the Middle East. However, the money never materialized, which placed Americore in a financially precarious position. Eventually, the company folded, which resulted in patients being hung out to dry.

“The whole thing was a scam, and it didn’t take that long to figure it out,” a former Americore executive told Politico, after noting that he was “sold that Americore was going to be the salvation of rural hospitals.”

The company’s failure was devastating for the ordinary people caught up in the fiasco. In one case, the consequences were fatal.

The management failures took a human toll as hospital staff went unpaid, services dwindled, and authorities were forced to intervene. At Americore’s hospital in southeastern Kentucky — ravaged by staff departures and dwindling medical supplies — a patient died of cardiac arrest in late 2018 after receiving substandard care, according to a Department of Health and Human Services report obtained by POLITICO.

Eventually, Jim had something of a falling out with Grant White, the head of Americore -- who is accused of mishandling company funds -- and cut ties with the organization. In an email to White, Jim wrote: “Based on information I have become aware of over the last several days, it has become increasingly clear to me that moving forward I can’t be involved with Americore.”

Still, this did not erase the fact that Jim Biden was intimately involved in Americore’s dealings, according to Politico.

[Politico’s] investigation — based on public records, court filings, dozens of interviews and hundreds of exclusively obtained internal documents — reveals that Jim Biden’s role at Americore was larger than previously reported: In some internal documents and investor materials his name is included among its top handful of leaders. He also helped the company seal regulatory approval to acquire the Pennsylvania hospital and personally fired Americore’s chief financial officer, according to the emails obtained by POLITICO.

It is important to note that the news outlet’s investigation “did not find that Joe Biden involved himself in the firm or took actions on its behalf.”

However, as previously reported, Jim did receive a $200,000 payment from Americore. Shortly after, he wrote a check to his brother for the same amount. The White House has claimed that this was the repayment of a loan, but there is no evidence proving this.

Also interesting about this story is that Jim and Hunter Biden discussed the possibility of possibly obtaining funding for Americore through “an investment from associates of Jim and Hunter Biden affiliated with CEFC, a Chinese energy firm,” according to the report.

The one thing that is missing from Politico’s report is solid evidence that President Biden was involved in Jim and Hunter’s business dealings. However, there is quite a bit of smoke indicating that there certainly could be a fire.

Looking ahead, these details could figure prominently in the effort to impeach President Biden, especially if more evidence surfaces showing that he knew about or participated in his family’s activities.