Friday, January 5, 2024

A Strong Advocate – SD Governor Kristi Noem Discusses DeSantis and Haley and Why She Supports Donald Trump

There is zero doubt, none, that South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is positioning herself on the short list for President Trump’s Vice-President or a very senior level role in the next Trump administration. Noem is currently campaigning in Iowa as a surrogate for Donald Trump.

In this CBS interview with Major Garrett, Governor Noem explains why she supports Donald Trump and gives specific reasons why Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley will not win in Iowa, New Hampshire or South Carolina. WATCH (prompted):

Noem is strong in many aspects; however, her previous positions on immigration in combination with the influence of the Koch crew send big warning flares. A very strong argument can be made that Koch is in the background with subtle assists for Noem in order to position an insurance policy against President Trump’s success. It’s a challenging perspective to keep at the forefront because the articulate South Dakota governor is easy to like, but prudent caution with Noem is warranted.

Noem’s remarks about Nikki Haley are spot-on, and Noem’s political value in confronting Haley cannot be overstated.  It is very wise to leverage Kristi Noem as the lead person against the efforts by those in the professional UniParty who are trying to position Nikki Haley.

X22, And we Know, and more- January 5


No Republican Can Singlehandedly Rescue This Nation

The Democrat and Republican parties have dominated the political landscape of the United States since 1856.  In 2024, they are mere shells, in the process of being commandeered by two distinct and warring tribes.  It is at present a one-sided conflict that will inevitably lead to the transformation of the United States.

Increasingly occupying the decaying remains of the Republican party is the tribe that openly supports the founding tenets of this nation, but contains a significant majority of members who, when they have the option of choosing reliably conservative candidates for state and federal offices that reflect this outlook, would rather assume the role of non-participant disparagers.

The vast bulk of the membership of this tribe prefer to seek out one individual to whom they will proffer unconditional and undying allegiance in the belief that he will single-handedly rescue the nation and slay the dragon that is the current Democrat party.

Inhabiting the skeleton of the Democrat party is the tribe that has been convinced that America is an unrepentant oppressor state, and therefore, it must be transformed, utilizing a unique American hybrid of socialism/Marxism combined with aggressive and oppressive fascist tactics.  It is their ironclad belief that anyone who opposes them or defends this nation as founded is their mortal enemy and must be destroyed.

Their underlying allegiance is not to an individual, but to a universally failed philosophy of collectivism.  Yet these myopic lemmings do not understand that if they succeed in transforming the United States, the nation and they, despite their membership in the tribe, will be at the mercy of a despotic oligarchy they have foolishly empowered.

The United States faces the untenable reality that the dominant memberships of the two major political parties are either supporting socialism/Marxism and its inevitable evolution into a repressive oligarchy or harboring an overwrought reliance upon and fealty to an individual.  

The issue is not Donald Trump, or someone else, but that the majority of the membership of the Republican party would be captive to such shortsighted belief, while facing the onslaught from an implacable foe that currently controls virtually all levers of political power and is on the cusp of permanent governmental hegemony.

Over the past eighteen years, since the midterm elections of 2006, the tribe that dominates the Democrat party has singularly focused on winning congressional and presidential elections by any legal, illicit, or dubious means possible.  Thus, the party-designated, financially supported, and winning candidates owe their allegiance to the party.  They are dutifully in lockstep with the party’s underlying political philosophy and its belief that the other side of the political spectrum must be permanently vanquished.

On the other hand, over the past five midterm elections, only 20.5% of eligible voters who identify or lean Republican bothered to turn out in the primaries to choose their congressional candidates.  Thus, many spineless “moderates” were the party’s nominees in the general elections.

Additionally, in the three competitive presidential primaries since 2008, just an average of 23.5% of eligible voters who identify or lean Republican turned out, giving the nation John McCain and Mitt Romney as presidential candidates.   

Further, due to Republican voter indifference, voter fraud and manipulation were never addressed, and financial support was oftentimes misspent.  There was no recognition of the threat from the transforming Democrat party or allegiance to a guiding set of governing principles.   

The American people are well aware of the ongoing threat to the future of the United States currently underway.  In a national poll published in January of 2022, 64% of Americans agreed that American democracy is in crisis and at risk of failing while 70% felt the same about the nation itself. By political affiliation, 79% of Republicans and 67% of Independents believed that American democracy is in crisis and at risk of failing.

Considering the current dire situation extant in the United States, there is no possibility of any individual, past or present, being able to singlehandedly defeat, within constitutional constraints, the now entrenched Marxist-inspired Democrat party and its domination of the federal bureaucracy and rapidly expanding control of the federal Judiciary.

What is needed to rescue this nation from the rapidly approaching permanent abyss is, first, overwhelming control of both houses of Congress and the state governorships, precipitated by massive turnouts in the primaries and general elections.  Second, voters must elect an occupant of the White House who can recruit and be a major factor in winning congressional and gubernatorial contests, who can mobilize and appoint and retain accomplished conservative firebrands to the administration and Cabinet, and who can subordinate their ego and lead this army, in the mold of Dwight Eisenhower in World War II. 

Can the frontrunner and favorite to win the nomination, Donald Trump, be that leader?

  • In 2022 Trump’s campaigning and endorsements in congressional toss-up races resulted in three out six Senate and seven out of fourteen House candidates losing in the general election.  Additionally, none of the five gubernatorial candidates Trump endorsed and actively campaigned for in five vital battleground states races won.  After the party’s dismal performance in 2022, will Donald Trump change his approach to down-ballot campaigning and be able, in 2024, to successfully recruit, campaign for, and assist in bringing across the finish line the needed majorities in the House and Senate?
  • After four years in the presidency and choosing numerous failed advisers and Cabinet members as well as suffering disloyalty throughout his administration, can Trump now recruit and retain the loyal conservative firebrands who will unabashedly assist him in “draining the swamp”?
  • Can Donald Trump subordinate his bombastic personality and assume the mantle of leadership in a nation in crisis, as displayed by Dwight Eisenhower and his leadership attributes in winning World War II in Europe?  Can he 1) be a likable leader; 2) practice optimism, 3) control his ego, 4) know his purpose, and 5) take responsibility?

These are the questions the Republican primary electorate will have to answer during the upcoming primary season.  

Perhaps Trump will undergo a metamorphosis.  

The one thing that cannot be disputed is that neither Donald Trump nor Ron DeSantis, nor Nikki Haley nor anyone else, can singlehandedly defeat the entrenched Marxist Democrats and rescue this nation.

Biden Has Been an Absent Failure, So Now He's Deflecting With a Desperate Attack Against Trump

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Right now, we appear to have someone occupying the White House who isn't at the switch. 

Indeed, Joe Biden has appeared to be on vacation for a large part of the time that he's occupied the office. 

At a time when there are a ton of crises and wars are popping off, to have such a person in the seat of power is a great concern. The border just hit a record high for illegal alien encounters at over 300,000 people in a month, and that's not even counting the people who cross the border that the CBP doesn't "encounter." Then there are those American hostages that Biden seems to not want to talk about anymore, still being held by Hamas. 

Where has Joe Biden been for the past two weeks? RNC Research broke it down, noting that for the 13th day in a row, Biden has nothing on his schedule again. 

Here's what Biden has been doing for the past two weeks:
DEC. 22: Spent ~9 minutes at Children's National Hospital 
DEC. 23: Left for vacation at Camp David 
DEC. 24: Vacation at Camp David 
DEC. 25: Vacation at Camp David 
DEC. 26: Returned from vacation at Camp David 
DEC. 27: Left for vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
DEC. 28: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
DEC. 29: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
DEC. 30: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
DEC. 31: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
JAN. 1: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
JAN. 2: Late-night return from vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
JAN. 3: Nothing 
JAN. 4: Nothing

Nothing on there about any of the pressing issues.  All the "work" he seemed to do was pick up a sunburn. He seemed not to be paying attention to the sun even after he had a cancerous skin lesion removed last year. He answered one "work" question regarding the border when he came back from St. Croix saying, "We gotta do something." No kidding, ya think? Yet he had no actual answers. Instead, he just blamed Republicans saying they need to give him more money. 

This is all Biden has to offer. His only legacy is one of bad policy, and failure, absentee "leadership" in mind and/or body.

So what is he doing instead of concentrating on his horrible record? Trying to deflect by attacking former President Donald Trump. Putting out bad ads, as my colleague Brandon Morse points out, attacking people who support Trump as somehow endangering democracy and voting rights. 

Indeed, Biden will finally get around to doing something on Friday. But it's not about any of the crises. He's going to commemorate the Jan. 6 riot and call Trump and his followers a danger to democracy. He's rescheduled it from Saturday because of the weather. He's going to speak near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, where George Washington and the Continental Army spent a bleak winter nearly 250 years ago. He has no successes so all he can run on is demonizing Republicans. 

But it isn't Trump prosecuting his political opponent. It isn't Trump trying to take away anyone's right to vote for the candidate of their choice. It isn't Trump agitating against "voting rights." 

It's Democrats who are trying to take away the people's right to vote for the candidate of their choice by trying to take out Trump with ridiculous 14th Amendment challenges. It's the Democrats who want to deprive millions of their rights and are attacking the democracy they claim to want to protect.  

So who's the real threat here? 

Trump v. Biden: Not the Candidates We Deserve - but Maybe the Ones We Need?

posted by Ward Clark at RedState 

As always, the standard disclaimer: It's early. Not one primary vote has yet been cast. It's ten months until the 2024 election, and that's an eternity in politics. But let's acknowledge the state of the primary polls at the moment, and assume, for the sake of argument, that the 2024 Presidential election will be a rematch of 2020, with former President Donald Trump in the gold trunks in one corner, and current President Joe Biden in the Depends in the other. Not the candidates we deserved. But maybe the candidates we needed. 

What might that look like?

Less than three weeks from now, after Iowa’s January 15 caucuses and New Hampshire’s January 23 primary, don’t be surprised if all significant challengers to Trump and Biden throw in the towel. 

Why is this happening? Maybe it’s because Biden and Trump really are the candidates we’ve wanted all along. 

Much poll data in the past year has suggested majorities of voters did not want Biden and Trump to run again, were not enthusiastic about their campaigns, and would not be satisfied if they were the nominees. But a poll from USAToday and Suffolk University, sampled in the last week of December, adds some essential nuance. 

Nuance, you say?

The pollster asked Republicans how enthusiastic they are about Trump as their nominee, “on a scale of one to 10,” and the same of Democrats about Biden.  

As expected, Trump got far more 10s than Biden, 44 percent to 18 percent. But the average response for both was similar: 7.2 for Trump, 6.3 for Biden.  

That’s because the Democratic feeling towards Biden is not especially unenthusiastic. In fact, Trump had a few more 1s compared to Biden, 16 percent to 10 percent.

Why is this the case? Well, partly that the lawfare being waged against Donald Trump is backfiring; his poll numbers seem to rise with each new indictment. 

Another part of it is that people are becoming nostalgic for the pre-COVID-19 Trump years when gas and groceries were affordable and inflation was under control. And part of it, yes, is because the fringes of the Democratic Party are acting like some kind of weird political magnet, dragging the whole party to the left, and in so doing alienating a big part of their former coalition. They are alienating voters like the Rust Belt folks, for example, people my father used to describe as Truman Democrats (he was one himself). Most of these folks aren’t interested in Medicare-For-All (in fact, quite a few of them have generous, union-negotiated health plans), and they sure as hell don’t want to hear a lot of finger-wagging over the carbon footprint of their pickups and SUVs. They do like cheaper gas and groceries, decent schools for their kids, and some semblance of control of our borders, and on this, the Biden people have failed them catastrophically.

The Democrats are in danger of becoming a regional party, catering to coastal elites and government dependents in the major cities. That’s not a winning strategy. And the great irony is that they are being driven to this by Donald J. Trump, who by all standards is a Truman Democrat on many issues and who was in fact a Democrat for most of his adult life.

One takes his ironic humor where one finds it, no?

But the real problem with the Biden White House is that the supposed president just isn't there, mentally or physically. It's a Weekend At Bernie's presidency, with the incumbent increasingly befuddled, confused, and let's be honest about it, incompetent. 

The Trump campaign - or indeed, any GOP candidate, should Trump not end up being the guy - needs to offer something, though, instead of just slamming the Dems. Owning the libs is fun, but you have to be the alternative, not just the attack dog.

What should that alternative be? Liberty, of course. Promise deregulation. Promise lower tax rates. Promise smaller government. Promise that people will be able to keep more of what they earn. Promise to make it harder for looters and moochers to coast in neutral. Get control of the border. And, while you’re at it, talk about bringing order back to our major cities, and maybe eliminating some extra-constitutional Imperial agencies - I could provide a list if that would help.

Then deliver. Talk is cheap. Action is priceless.

But back to the initial point. Should the 2024 election shape up this way, and I'm still skeptical in the extreme that Joe Biden will be the ultimate nominee, it may well be exactly representative of the state of American politics: Bitter, angry, divisive, and partisan to a fault. Not the campaign we deserve, but the one we need, the campaign that might just prompt Americans to start demanding more than rhetoric from their elected employees.

If these two end up facing each other, expect a campaign that will be fought to the bitter end, and beyond. Because, in politics, one either dies a hero or lives long enough to see themselves become the villain. We just don't know yet what will happen.

Greg Abbott Slams Eric Adams Over Laughable Lawsuit, Uses Left's Standards Against Them

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Mayor Eric Adams of New York City announced a laughable lawsuit on Thursday, suing 17 different charter bus companies for $700 million. His claim? That they didn't "pay to care for" the illegal immigrants they transported to blue bastions at the behest of Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas.

New York City has and will continue to do our part in the asylum seeker crisis. But we can't bear the costs alone — and we won't let those complicit in @GovAbbott's scheme get away with violating our state laws. We’re seeking approximately $700 million from 17 charter bus companies that transported migrants to NYC without paying to care for them. We'll see you in court.

This is one of the most ridiculous lawsuits I've ever seen. As RedState's Ward Clark pointed out in his write-up, bus companies (or transportation companies of any kind) are not required to pay for the accommodations of their passengers once they reach their destinations. New York City is a proud "sanctuary city" and should be expected to abide by their proclamations. That means caring for illegal immigrants once they arrive.

To suggest that it is the bus companies in question that are somehow financially liable for Adams' failure to uphold the far-left values he preaches is asinine. Again, it's one of the most insane suggestions I've seen from a politician. 

Abbott responded within hours, slamming Adams and turning the left's pro-illegal immigration standards against him. 

Certainly, the governor is correct that Adams is an idiot because the only other explanation is that he's filing a frivolous lawsuit for political clout. That deserves a swift rebuke from the court system, including sanctions. There is zero basis to sue charter companies for not providing housing for illegal immigrants in the cities they voluntarily chose to go to. 

As Abbott notes, it is the left's standard that illegal immigrants are given legal passage into the interior, and that includes a right to move between states. Adams doesn't run a personal fiefdom. He has to abide by the right of free travel across state lines afforded in the Constitution just like any other elected official. 

Democrats should make up their minds. Are they pro-illegal immigration or are they not? Because if they are, then they don't get to arbitrarily decide the consequences of such remain in Southern Texas. Adams and the like wanted an open border, and they should get it right in their backyards. 

Astronomical Sanctimony – NYC Mayor Sues 17 Charter Bus Companies Trying to Stop Illegal Aliens from Reaching His Sanctuary City

This latest action by Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams is remarkable.  Even the leftist media are stunned at the action being taken by Mayor Adams in order to stop illegal aliens from reaching his sanctuary city.   The ideological hypocrisy is off the charts.

Mayor Adams has brought a lawsuit [SEE pdf HERE] against the charter bus companies who are transporting the migrants who crossed the southern U.S. border.  Adams is relying on a 19th century New York State law that prohibits anyone from assisting in the relocation of a person, to New York, who cannot sustain themselves.

From the lawsuit: “Section 149 of the New York Social Services Law requires that “[a]ny person who knowingly brings, or causes to be brought a needy person from out of state into this state for the purpose of making him a public charge  . . .  shall be obligated to convey such person out of state or support him at his own expense.”

[Source pdf Link]

(Via CBS New York) – In a stunning and unexpected move to stop Texas Gov. Greg Abbott from shipping busloads of asylum seekers to New York City, Mayor Eric Adams has filed a lawsuit against 17 charter bus companies used by the Lone Star State.

He wants the bus companies to reimburse the city for the hundreds of millions of dollars it’s cost to shelter them.

Just call it the Empire State strikes back, with a bold counter punch to Abbott.

“New York City has and will always do our part to manage this humanitarian crisis, but we cannot bear the cost of reckless political ploys from the state of Texas, alone,” Adams said.

[…] The mayor sued the bus companies who, since the spring of 2022, have been used by Abbott to ship asylum seekers to New York, with officials showing them maps, giving them bar-coded bracelets with their destinations clearly marked, and then checked by drivers to make sure they land in the city.

The suit seeks $708 million to compensate the city for the cost of shelter, food and health care.

“These companies have violated state law by not paying the cost of caring for these migrants,” Adams said. (read more)

Without A Unanimous SCOTUS Smackdown, Barring Opponents From Ballots Will Be The Norm

Maine’s secretary of state unilaterally determined that the entire population of the state should be prevented from casting a ballot for former President Donald Trump in their upcoming primary.

As if four Colorado state Supreme Court justices were not a small enough number of unelected individuals to determine for whom an entire state should have the right to vote, try one. Yes, in Maine, one person, the secretary of state, unilaterally determined that the entire voting population of the Pine Tree State should be prevented from casting their ballots in their upcoming primary for former President Donald Trump.

Shenna Bellows, Maine’s secretary of state, singularly disqualified Trump, pending appeal, from appearing on the March 5, 2024, primary ballot. “I likewise conclude that Mr. Trump was aware of the likelihood for violence and at least initially supported its use given he both encouraged it with incendiary rhetoric and took no timely action to stop it,” wrote Bellows in her Dec. 28 ruling.

On Tuesday, Trump appealed the Bellows decision in the Maine Superior Court.  

Bellows must be clairvoyant, given her conclusion that “Trump was aware.” Does Bellows know what’s in the head or on the mind of the former president? She based her disqualification on a feeling, without any discernible evidence, and without either a charge or conviction of Trump for any lawbreaking. This flimsy case to remove Trump from the primary ballot in Maine is about as solid as a house of cards in front of an oscillating fan.

Bellows, a solid partisan Democrat who served in the Maine state Senate before the state legislature selected her to be secretary of state, is not an attorney. She also served as one of the state’s three Biden electors for the presidential election of 2020, and can be seen looking very chummy with Biden in a photo taken in March. It is evident this is a pure case of election interference and disenfranchises more than 832,000 registered voters in Maine.

Yet the very next morning after her ruling, Bellows suspended it, pending the appeal by the Trump campaign, saying she doesn’t have the power to remove a candidate from the ballot. Her ruling is stayed until a ruling by the Maine Supreme Court.

Bellows, as also cited in the Colorado case barring Trump from the ballot, referenced Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution as the rationale behind her decision to exclude Trump. Yet many, including legal expert Alan Dershowitz, noted Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which references “insurrection or rebellion,” had the intent of keeping former members of the Confederacy from serving in elected office.

“The Constitution provides for the disqualification of those who fought in the Civil War. Now Trump’s old, but not old enough to have fought in the Civil War,” said Dershowitz, professor emeritus at Harvard Law School. “I’m not a Trump supporter, but I want the right to vote against Trump, just like you have the right to vote for Trump, and that right can’t be denied us by a Colorado court, or a Michigan court, or by any court. It’s just not the way the Constitution operates,” he said.

Disqualify Biden Too?

And while the word “insurrection” from Section 3 of the 14th Amendment is bandied about so freely, and Trump has neither been charged with, nor convicted of such, that same passage also bars from office those who have “given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” In that case, why not disqualify President Joe Biden for giving aid and comfort to enemies of the United States on at least three counts?

Biden gave the Islamic Republic of Iran $16 billion, which has freed up the same amount to be used for expanding its potential nuclear capability, which Iran has threatened to use against the United States (the big Satan) and Israel (the little Satan). Biden has sold off oil reserves to the Chinese Communist Party while Americans are being hammered at gas pumps all across the nation. Biden’s disastrous open-border policy has allowed an estimated 8 to 10 million unvetted illegal immigrants into the United States, and a number of known terrorists have been captured. How many of the “got-aways” are terrorists plotting nefarious acts inside the borders of the United States?

Yet neither Trump nor Biden have been charged or convicted. “If no convictions are required under Shenna Bellows’ rules then that’s why this is such a dangerous game she’s created,” said John Andrews, a Republican state representative in Maine. “She opened the door to election chaos. Even extremely progressive Democrat Jared Golden said she’s in the wrong, that he doesn’t like Trump, but he should be on the ballot. I applaud him for saying that because he’s correct; it’s the right move,” said Andrews.

In other words, before jumping to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, don’t skip over Section 1: “[N]or shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”  

Due process may have been in the back of Bellows’ mind when tweeting the following on Jan. 4, 2022: “The fundamental right of any American citizen to vote freely, fairly and to have their vote counted is the premise of our democracy. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are not values to be compromised away. #FreedomToVoteAct.” But somehow, she hypocritically forgot her own true words when determining unilaterally that the former president should not appear on Maine ballots. Bellows, a former executive director with the Maine ACLU and a potential candidate for governor in 2026, seems more than a bit power-hungry.

Other States that May Bar Trump

This sort of megalomania is being exhibited in 13 additional states that have lawsuits to bar Trump from their ballots: Alaska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Republicans are almost certain to carry Alaska, South Carolina, Texas, West Virginia, and Wyoming. That’s 58 potential electoral votes Trump would be excluded from garnering, and an almost certain defeat at the polls.

Attempts to remove Trump are “the M.O. of the Democrat elite,” said former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, adding that these kinds of tactics are just one reason she left the Democrat Party. “They will stop at nothing to try and maintain their power. … They have no issue in pursuing [Trump], persecuting him through a weaponized and politicized Department of Justice,” said Gabbard.

These same people who want to topple dictators abroad are driving this, she added. “It’s not just Democrats. There are Republicans who are threatened by President Trump’s unwillingness to buy into their establishment ways.”

Left-of-Center States Not Banning Trump

Yet even in a state as liberal as California, Secretary of State Shirley N. Weber announced that President Trump will appear on the Golden State’s primary ballots. Michigan and Minnesota announced likewise. These left-of-center states understand what is at stake — making sure the voters, the people for whom the politicians work, have the greatest access possible to support the candidates of their choice.

This is not about liking Trump or disliking Trump. Nor is this about liking Biden or disliking Biden. This is about the will of the people to freely choose their elected officials, whether for president, the Senate, the House of Representatives, or any office down-ballot to the candidates for the school board. For a single individual, or the slimmest majority of a state court, to determine for millions of voters for whom they should be allowed to vote is the kind of dangerous precedent seen in places such as China, Iran, and Russia, where roughly two dozen potential opponents to Vladimir Putin have been squelched from the ballot.

Supreme Court Must Rule Unanimously

The Supreme Court must step up with a unanimous nine-to-nothing vote denying the states the ability to keep a presidential candidate off the ballot when there is no legal reason to do so. Anything short of total unanimity will send the wrong message. A divided court, even at eight to one, leaves open the door for the possibility that a future court will determine states can willy-nilly bar a candidate from their ballots to remain in power. This would be a most dangerous precedent, from which there is no turning back, and this republic would cease to exist.

When the voters lose their right to choose, the nation loses itself, giving way to despots and dictators like those in China, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela. When the United States of America ceases to be that “shining city on a hill,” that beacon of hope for the truly oppressed, when people lose their freedoms of speech and religion, their right to peacefully protest their government, we become like those other despotic regimes, and the world as we know it is damned.

As we head into 2024, let’s fight like hell, in unison — Democrats, Republicans, independents, even the apathetic who don’t vote — to maintain the freedoms we cherish. Remember the words of President Ronald Reagan: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it along to our children in our bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

It's Not Just Trump: Democrats Trying to Disqualify Other Republican Candidates Using the 14th Amendment

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

Former President Donald Trump is apparently not the only Republican that Democrats are trying to remove from the ballot. The left has begun going after other candidates using the 14th Amendment in their effort to influence the outcome of the 2024 election.

Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) has found himself in the crosshairs with a new lawsuit filed in his state seeking to disqualify him from holding office under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, according to political commentator and Georgetown University Law School professor Jonathan Turley.

As the decisions disqualifying former President Donald Trump from the 2024 election work their way through the courts, a new filing in Pennsylvania seeks the same “ballot cleansing” by barring Republican Rep. Scott Perry.

It’s only the latest effort targeting congressional candidates as Democrats seek to bar opponents as “insurrectionists” for questioning the election of President Biden.

We have become a nation of Madame Defarges — eagerly knitting names of those to be subject to arbitrary justice.

Former congressional candidate Gene Stilp, who’s made headlines by burning MAGA flags with swastikas outside courthouses, filed the challenge.

Turley also notes another effort to disqualify a Republican in Pennsylvania.

The filing against Perry came the same day Pennsylvania Democratic state Sen. Art Haywood made public a complaint to the Senate Ethics Committee against his Republican colleague Doug Mastriano accusing him of playing a role in the plot to overturn the election.

Notably, in his effort to “hold insurrectionists accountable,” Haywood admitted he relied on the same evidence from Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington that was used in the Colorado case.

The whole idea was already ridiculous when Democrats started trying to use the 14th Amendment to target Trump. Now, this issue has descended further into the realm of the absurd as they seek to disqualify as many Republicans from the ballot as possible.

Unfortunately, the 14th Amendment Strategem picked up momentum after Colorado’s Supreme Court voted to remove Trump. They were quickly followed by Maine, whose secretary of state made the same decision. Now, it appears that Democrats are launching a full-court press to see how many GOP candidates they can disqualify instead of allowing the people to decide who should represent them.

This entire ploy has become a ludicrous political sideshow as Democrats seek to increase their odds of winning in 2024. The left still refuses to acknowledge the hypocrisy of condemning conservatives for claiming the 2020 election was rigged as they are blatantly trying to rig upcoming elections.

The Supreme Court needs to shut this down right now. It is clear that the left has no real argument for disqualifying candidates by claiming they are insurrectionists. If this is allowed to continue, there won’t be anything stopping them from arbitrarily applying the insurrectionist label to anyone they don’t like. It is not as if there are non-partisan officials in these states to stop these cynical efforts to skew the outcomes of future elections. It has become clear that many left-leaning officials are more than willing to rubber-stamp these lawsuits due to political concerns.

On Wednesday, Trump filed an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court asking it to reverse the Colorado ruling. Hopefully, the justices will put an end to this once and for all.