Friday, January 5, 2024

Biden Has Been an Absent Failure, So Now He's Deflecting With a Desperate Attack Against Trump

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Right now, we appear to have someone occupying the White House who isn't at the switch. 

Indeed, Joe Biden has appeared to be on vacation for a large part of the time that he's occupied the office. 

At a time when there are a ton of crises and wars are popping off, to have such a person in the seat of power is a great concern. The border just hit a record high for illegal alien encounters at over 300,000 people in a month, and that's not even counting the people who cross the border that the CBP doesn't "encounter." Then there are those American hostages that Biden seems to not want to talk about anymore, still being held by Hamas. 

Where has Joe Biden been for the past two weeks? RNC Research broke it down, noting that for the 13th day in a row, Biden has nothing on his schedule again. 

Here's what Biden has been doing for the past two weeks:
DEC. 22: Spent ~9 minutes at Children's National Hospital 
DEC. 23: Left for vacation at Camp David 
DEC. 24: Vacation at Camp David 
DEC. 25: Vacation at Camp David 
DEC. 26: Returned from vacation at Camp David 
DEC. 27: Left for vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
DEC. 28: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
DEC. 29: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
DEC. 30: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
DEC. 31: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
JAN. 1: Vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
JAN. 2: Late-night return from vacation in the U.S. Virgin Islands 
JAN. 3: Nothing 
JAN. 4: Nothing

Nothing on there about any of the pressing issues.  All the "work" he seemed to do was pick up a sunburn. He seemed not to be paying attention to the sun even after he had a cancerous skin lesion removed last year. He answered one "work" question regarding the border when he came back from St. Croix saying, "We gotta do something." No kidding, ya think? Yet he had no actual answers. Instead, he just blamed Republicans saying they need to give him more money. 

This is all Biden has to offer. His only legacy is one of bad policy, and failure, absentee "leadership" in mind and/or body.

So what is he doing instead of concentrating on his horrible record? Trying to deflect by attacking former President Donald Trump. Putting out bad ads, as my colleague Brandon Morse points out, attacking people who support Trump as somehow endangering democracy and voting rights. 

Indeed, Biden will finally get around to doing something on Friday. But it's not about any of the crises. He's going to commemorate the Jan. 6 riot and call Trump and his followers a danger to democracy. He's rescheduled it from Saturday because of the weather. He's going to speak near Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, where George Washington and the Continental Army spent a bleak winter nearly 250 years ago. He has no successes so all he can run on is demonizing Republicans. 

But it isn't Trump prosecuting his political opponent. It isn't Trump trying to take away anyone's right to vote for the candidate of their choice. It isn't Trump agitating against "voting rights." 

It's Democrats who are trying to take away the people's right to vote for the candidate of their choice by trying to take out Trump with ridiculous 14th Amendment challenges. It's the Democrats who want to deprive millions of their rights and are attacking the democracy they claim to want to protect.  

So who's the real threat here?