Friday, January 5, 2024

Greg Abbott Slams Eric Adams Over Laughable Lawsuit, Uses Left's Standards Against Them

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Mayor Eric Adams of New York City announced a laughable lawsuit on Thursday, suing 17 different charter bus companies for $700 million. His claim? That they didn't "pay to care for" the illegal immigrants they transported to blue bastions at the behest of Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas.

New York City has and will continue to do our part in the asylum seeker crisis. But we can't bear the costs alone — and we won't let those complicit in @GovAbbott's scheme get away with violating our state laws. We’re seeking approximately $700 million from 17 charter bus companies that transported migrants to NYC without paying to care for them. We'll see you in court.

This is one of the most ridiculous lawsuits I've ever seen. As RedState's Ward Clark pointed out in his write-up, bus companies (or transportation companies of any kind) are not required to pay for the accommodations of their passengers once they reach their destinations. New York City is a proud "sanctuary city" and should be expected to abide by their proclamations. That means caring for illegal immigrants once they arrive.

To suggest that it is the bus companies in question that are somehow financially liable for Adams' failure to uphold the far-left values he preaches is asinine. Again, it's one of the most insane suggestions I've seen from a politician. 

Abbott responded within hours, slamming Adams and turning the left's pro-illegal immigration standards against him. 

Certainly, the governor is correct that Adams is an idiot because the only other explanation is that he's filing a frivolous lawsuit for political clout. That deserves a swift rebuke from the court system, including sanctions. There is zero basis to sue charter companies for not providing housing for illegal immigrants in the cities they voluntarily chose to go to. 

As Abbott notes, it is the left's standard that illegal immigrants are given legal passage into the interior, and that includes a right to move between states. Adams doesn't run a personal fiefdom. He has to abide by the right of free travel across state lines afforded in the Constitution just like any other elected official. 

Democrats should make up their minds. Are they pro-illegal immigration or are they not? Because if they are, then they don't get to arbitrarily decide the consequences of such remain in Southern Texas. Adams and the like wanted an open border, and they should get it right in their backyards.