Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Democrat party: who are they?

Just who are the members of the Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) Party? How do their beliefs differ from those of normal Americans?

I write “D/s/c” as an umbrella acronym for the Democrat Party, which is largely devoured and directed by its socialist and communist-leaning members. It also encompasses various anarchist and fascist—fascists are leftists—branches such as BLM, Antifa and other charming social organizations, though they’re a bit more overt in their destructive designs. Their view of politicians is at once worshipful and cynical. They tend to see and speak of them in messianic terms as they did and do with Barack Obama. He’s “The One,” and “The Lightbringer.” Google “Obama halo” and you’ll find an endless supply of photos and other images of Obama wearing a halo. He's been depicted as a pseudo-Hindu god of death, and in saint-like iconography. One magazine interposed him over a cross in time for Easter, and he often used our troops as worshipful stage props. Even now, his followers proclaim him the most brilliant man ever to have lived, and he continues to brilliantly damage America.

Contrast this with Joe Biden who was, until recently, universally favorably depicted, but not blasphemously worshipped. He’s being cynically used, a rapidly spoiling meat puppet whose political usefulness is nearly expired, a tragic victim of elder abuse. Even so, if he can be drug into a fourth Obama term, his handlers will be delighted to keep propping him up. He can be controlled.

D/s/cs tend not to be overtly religious. Their political beliefs are their faith, and in true communist style, there can be no greater power than the Party, which is their secular faith. This largely explains their increasingly overt hostility toward, and persecution of, Christians. This too is projection. They see Christians as deadly threats, so believe Christians feel the same and will act on those feelings. Thus has the FBI been surveilling Catholics who appreciate the Latin Mass, branding them “Radical Traditional Catholics.” Thus were innumerable Christians arrested for trying to attend church during Covid lockdowns.

Essential to understanding them is knowing many of them think themselves morally, intellectually, and politically superior to normal Americans. They're the self-imagined elite. They really do denigrate the denizens of “Flyover Country”—their term--that vast, cultural wasteland between the enlightened coasts where Deplorables live their pathetic, uninformed, meaningless little lives.

Because they are superior beings, their political beliefs and policies are perfect--non-falsifiable. They cannot fail and no evidence can prove them wrong. When those policies inevitably fail, the failure is either ignored, indignantly denied, or blamed on their generosity in allowing their opponents to keep living to oppose those policies. Perhaps the policies haven’t been in force long enough for their wonders to manifest, they haven’t been imposed on Deplorables good and hard enough, or as always, not nearly enough money has been spent. Failure is impossible, but inadequate messaging may be reluctantly admitted. Doubling down on failure, and the more destructive the better, is their status quo.

They value ideological purity in voting and all else, and virtually always vote in lockstep. They are masters of warping language to their benefit and invent new narratives to suit their transitory political needs. Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are related narrative systems that reflect their political methods of class/identity warfare where there are oppressors—white Americans—and the oppressed—everyone else. Individuals don't matter.

Joe Biden infamously observed “we believe in truth over facts.” Among their current truths is America was founded on slavery, is irredeemably racist, and is the source of all the world’s evils. All white people are white supremacists, and all political opponents are domestic terrorists, insurrectionists, and existential threats to “our democracy,” their intended tyranny of the majority.  

Among their favored oppressed are criminals--the more violent and depraved the better--and their policies have turned our blue cities into third world war zones. Other oppressed are the millions of illegal aliens they’re importing. Non-D/s/c Americans have so disappointed them. They intend to abolish them and import their replacements. That many of them are criminals, terrorists, pedophiles, slavers and masses who can’t speak the language and have no skills with which to support themselves is a feature rather than a bug. They’re worried about the illegal avalanche, but not because of the damage it’s doing to America. They’re afraid of losing power, afraid, despite their best Trump Derangement Syndrome efforts, their election fraud protocols might not prevail.

Some of them still possess a conscience, a modicum of morality and decency. They know what they’re doing is wrong, but their politics appeal to the basest emotions and drives, among them, power, and power corrupts. Pursuing power, they’re becoming increasingly afraid of Donald Trump—of normal Americans—and desperate people do desperate things.

X22, On the Fringe, and more- January 4


HAPPENING RIGHT NOW: It's been a big Season Premiere info dump day at CBS! Press releases for all their premieres went out, and right now, all kinds of photos from the episodes are dropping as well. I'm on stand by for new NCIS and NCIS Hawaii pics.

I've really missed these busy days! ❤

The Future of War

The people of the United States are paying too much for too little. We need systematic changes in line with the real geopolitical and military situation that we face today.

If WWIII is not, as I argue, possible in our time, then what is the future of war?

Critics of my stance on WWIII and my opposition to joining the modern American military fall broadly into two camps. The first accuses me of failing to address relevant facts about modern war. The other holds that I lack a positive vision for what is possible. I do not, in this latter view, explain what I think should be done.

To address the first school of criticism, just because I think WWIII is not possible does not mean I think war is impossible. War will continue to be an endemic part of human life. I hold, however, that large-scale conventional war between great powers is not going to be a feature of America’s coming conflicts.

Insurgencies, proxy wars, civil wars, tribal conflicts, and ideological mass slaughter represent the future of armed conflict in the 21st century—not grand set-piece battles like Normandy or the Somme.

Put more simply, we are not going to see tank battles on the scale of Kursk in 1943 in the 21st century. I do not see how any semi-rational modern nuclear-armed state could fight such a battle with another great power. If such a battle were fought between nuclear-armed states, it would be utterly meaningless and a sign of profound cognitive delusion at political, strategic, operational, and tactical levels.

Even if such a conventional conflict were fought, it could not bear meaningful strategic fruit. Any state that possesses nuclear weapons owns a trump card that ultimately serves as a backstop against any existential conventional threat.

Conventional war in the 21st century so far has been very limited. The best example of such a conflict is between Ukraine and Russia. But that war is between a nuclear-armed power and a non-nuclear-armed power. That is the only reason this conflict is even possible. If Ukraine had nuclear warheads, it would not be in a conventional conflict with the Russians. Indeed, one of the causes of the Russo-Ukraine War is Putin’s desire to keep NATO (and her nuclear warheads) out of Russia’s vicinity.

The Russians themselves are unlikely to use nuclear weapons for the same reason that no other great power in our time wishes to use them: the risk of such weapons is enormous. Nuclear weapons turn every negotiation between great powers into a high-stakes game of chicken. It is very hard to create or maintain any kind of policy in a game where the way to win is to pretend as compellingly as possible to be crazier than the other side.

If nuclear weapons are going to be used in the 21st century, it will be by a nuclear power against a non-nuclear power, by a non-state actor against a state, or by a nuclear power in a first strike against another nuclear power in an orgy of atomic slaughter that would make the survival of civilization itself a very dubious question.

None of these three possibilities lend credibility to the idea that a third world war waged by conventional arms is likely in our time. WWII was not a proxy war. Allied soldiers confronted the Axis directly on the battlefield. A war conducted through skirmishes and intermediaries, whatever they may be, is not that kind of conventional conflict.

I believe there are existential threats facing the modern great powers. These threats, however, are primarily internal and spiritual, not external and physical. I do not see any reasonable scenario where Chinese troops conduct an amphibious landing on the California coast. I can very much foresee, however, an explosion of riots and political violence on the scale of the 2020 “summer of love.”

The kind of mass psychosis that characterized the COVID crisis could very well return. The same Americans who wore masks for years, demanded lockdowns, and insisted that vaccine mandates for employment were all legitimate could easily buy into even more extreme political pathologies.

To use military jargon, the modern “battlespace” and “combat paradigm” have changed dramatically since 1945. The older conventional model with its rigid command structure, emphasis on firepower and high technology (F-35, etc.), and focus on “near-peer adversaries” is completely out of touch with reality.

America doesn’t need more aircraft carriers, stealth bombers, or main battle tanks. Instead of stopping Chinese battle troops from landing in Long Beach, we need to figure out how to keep Chinese fentanyl out of American cities. Instead of protecting our borders from waves of stealth bombers, we need to be far more concerned with the stream of illegal migrants who daily invade our soil.

America faces a very real threat of invasion. In fact, we’re being invaded this very moment. Nearly 2.5 million illegal migrants have crossed our borders in the last year alone. Their advantage is their weakness. If 2.5 million Chinese troops had crossed the Mexican border, we could have stopped them with superior firepower. But millions of these “refugees” utilize their very powerlessness against us. The result is the same—the invasion of the third world, whether with arms or not, ultimately means the transformation of the American regime and the destruction of our way of life.

America’s real adversaries have figured out our weak point and are exploiting it. Instead of directly attacking our strong points (our military technology), they have attacked us where we are weak (our liberal pity for the downtrodden and the leftist love for the non-Western world).

In a way, the illegal migrants and the NGOs that assist them are strategic and tactical geniuses. Our greatest weakness is our lack of will. We have been outflanked in every way that matters.

America’s ongoing obsession with defense spending, aircraft carriers, stealth boondoggles, and new battle rifles is a symptom of our strategic idiocy. Our military leadership doesn’t want to face reality. Admirals, for instance, drooling over bigger and bigger aircraft carriers are like short men who drive massive, lifted trucks—they’re compensating.

At its core, the American military cannot protect Americans from the real internal threats the nation actually faces. More importantly, the military does not want to address those problems. When Trump tried to call out the military to suppress the communist riots in the summer of 2020, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper simply refused to follow orders.

In a sane world, our political leaders wouldn’t waste taxpayer dollars on useless conventional military spending. The pre-WWII American tradition of maintaining a very small peacetime military was exactly right.

The United States today needs very few active-duty troops, and we have no need at all for an independent Air Force or large naval surface fleet in order to defend ourselves. We could slash conventional military spending by hundreds of billions of dollars without compromising American security in the slightest.

Right now, the most effective military branch is the Coast Guard, by far. The Coast Guard actually defends American interests from external threats. The least useful is the Air Force, which only justified itself coming into being because of the idea that strategic bombing could somehow win wars—ample historical evidence shows us that this was a lie.

Our worldwide panoply of bases is an overall net drain on resources and a provocation towards war. For instance, America no longer needs the base on Okinawa. It does not, in any meaningful way, constrain Chinese action or give us a useful position against our adversaries. The Marines, airmen, and sailors on the island are just sitting ducks, twiddling their thumbs. The real defense of American interests are the nuclear-armed submarines patrolling the Pacific a thousand feet below the surface.

In a war with China, sinking their shipping in the straits of Malacca with submarines would be way more effective than whatever it is the Marines pretend they are doing on Okinawa.

In reality, the United States needs a strong nuclear missile fleet, a large reserve component that could be called up for national defense in a major crisis, a strong submarine arm, and a small but highly trained active-duty component that could immediately respond to foreign threats.

At most, the United States only requires 250,000 to 300,000 active-duty military personnel. All of our long-range strategic bombers should be mothballed. So should most of our air superiority aircraft. We aren’t going to be fighting other nuclear armed powers, and we have no near-term need to get mixed up in wars against non-nuclear conventional powers (such as they are).

The majority of our surface ships should also be put into long-term storage. The U.S. Navy should concentrate the bulk of its resources and virtually all new ship construction on submarines—both nuclear-powered and diesel-electric.

The Army should be converted into an almost entirely reserve force with only a handful of trainers and technicians on active duty, ready to expand in case of an unlikely large-scale conflict. The Marine Corps should absorb all of the nation’s rapid response and special operations capabilities.

The most important use of military resources today is in regards to immigration. America needs to pour a massive infusion of resources into stopping the flow of drugs and human beings over our southern border. We need improved physical defenses (the wall) as well as an increase in the human and electronic surveillance deployed against the tidal wave of invaders that are pouring into our country. In reality, a massive increase in border security is relatively cheap to procure—a full-fledged border wall would cost roughly the same as one new aircraft carrier.

At the broadest level, in order to meet the most serious military threats of the near future, the American military needs to narrow its focus. This requires a profound revolution in the view of political aims and strategy at the highest level in the Pentagon and White House.

The people of the United States are paying too much for too little. We need systematic changes in line with the real geopolitical and military situation that we face today. A smaller military that is focused on actual defense threats, like the border, would be far more effective.

All of these reforms depend on political will. There is little point in young American men joining a military that is not optimized for real national defense. Ordinary Americans need to place pressure on political candidates who recognize the problem and want to fix it.

Big Tell – After Philly Anti-MAGA Speech – Race-Based Electioneering Plan for 2024

For those who walk the deep weeds, this story in Politico will make a lot of sense.

POLITICO – President Joe Biden is headed to Charleston, South Carolina, next week to visit Mother Emanuel AME Church in the latest signal of a campaign eager to shore up its standing with Black voters.

It will be the president’s first trip to the storied church since he was vice president. Biden is expected to speak at the church, his campaign told reporters on Tuesday evening. It is one of the oldest Black churches in the South and the site where nine parishioners were shot and killed by a white supremacist in 2015.

[…] The campaign’s top aides also announced Biden will be giving a speech at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the third anniversary of the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Michael Tyler, the campaign’s communication director, said the president’s speech will hit some familiar themes: the “stakes for our democracy” and the danger of a second Trump term.

The campaign says Biden’s speech locations have been in the works for weeks and are meant to be a one-two punch that exemplifies what the campaign feels is the core of its message. (read more)

Let’s accept the assumption (datapoints support) that Barack Obama is leaning back, away from Biden, seeing the landscape as it is unlikely for Biden to win the 2024 election due to the radical nature of the Obama policy the underlings carried out in the past four years.

The borders are open, there’s a sticky energy price and inflation crisis, failing foreign policy, two wars – with more coming, a massive federal debt about to crush everyone, and the cultural effort went too far left.

To be sure, Obama doesn’t care, he actually likes this America-Last communist outcome; but Teh One can see this – and he’s not stupid.  Chicago Jesus has a massive ego, and pride rules his politics. Under this scenario, Biden and the DNC are alone – basically, heading toward Chicago without The Lightbringer.

So, knowing they have to go it alone, Team Biden kick-off the MAGA extremist “threat to democracy” narrative in Philly again, then immediately go to the second part of the prior rulebook – the AME Church network.

The AME Network is the race-based element they need for actual ballot manipulation in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia County), Georgia (Fulton County), Nevada (Clark County), and Michigan (Wayne County).  It is the AME Church who organizes the racially motivated ballot creators, counters and precincts etc.

If you know the playbook, you can see the clear moves they will make.

Here’s a refresher as a repost from the earlier tripwires:

Once you understand what took place in the 2020 Democrat primary that saw all candidates fall in line behind Biden, according to the process that Obama initiated, then everything centered around the DNC moves today makes buckets of sense.

Despite how the media is presenting this, it is not Biden’s plan. This is Obama’s 2024 insider club roadmap, and it specifically includes the alignment of interests that he created in 2020 to remove the threat that Bernie Sanders represented.  More on that in a moment.  First, the DNC plan:

(Via Politico) – […] The DNC is on track to reshape its primary calendar after dissatisfaction with the traditional first state, Iowa, boiled over in 2020. Members of the party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee, charged with recommending a new calendar, gave a near-unanimous vote of approval on Friday for Biden’s proposal, with only minor tweaks to the dates and two ‘no’ votes from Iowa and New Hampshire members.

The revised proposal would see South Carolina host the first 2024 presidential primary on Feb. 3, a Saturday, followed three days later by New Hampshire and Nevada. Georgia would then hold an early primary on Feb. 13, and Michigan would hold its contest on Feb. 27. Iowa would be out of the early lineup altogether.  (read more)

These changes are all about keeping the corporate wing of the DNC in control and eliminating the influence of the momentum progressive candidates.  Just like the RNC wants MAGA destroyed, the DNC corporation wants control over the Bernie Sanders wing and Democrat socialists.

Keep in mind, we wrote about this over two three years ago, when Obama stepped into the 2020 primary to create the AME/BLM alignment.

Right before the 2020 SC Primary, the DNC Club knew they had a problem with the Bernie Sanders momentum.  An urgent assembly of all party control officers was called. The DNC Club designed a plan around using James Clyburn as the official spark for Joe Biden to take back control of the primary outcome.  Barack Obama was instrumental.

♦ BACKGROUND – There is a history – a backstory – that only a small group of people genuinely understand.  The answers around this 2024 DNC change boil down to the less discussed issue of ideological camps and the modern alignment that has taken place over the past decade.  The most visible reference for the inflection point was the 2008 primary contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Throughout the first decade of this millennium, there was an ideological shift, an inflection point, that became most clear in the rise of a little-known state representative who was appointed to become a Senator from Illinois; his name was Barack Obama.  In the background of Obama’s rise were the people who designed the modern political left. Those Obama creationists were/are hardline revolutionary communist types.

This RevCom group was comprised of the more radical elements of the progressive movement, those who wanted to “fundamentally change” the United States, and who have a very patient and methodical plan to do so.  Those elements took control by convincing the far-left labor movement to abandon the traditional Democrat apparatus and support a more radical approach.  The SEIU, AFSCME, AFL-CIO, UAW, UFCW and others were leveraged to this position through promised financial benefit if they went along.

Those groups became the more powerful ammunition needed by the radical community activist teams, which were entirely on the side of Obama.  Hillary Clinton’s first run for the presidency was crushed under the weight of the leverage all of the radicals aligned on the Obama side.  Clinton was only left with the option to support the extremists in exchange for support in 2016.

However, the support she received was not full-throated.  The ideological hatred that was created during the earlier inflection point, when the camps were at war, left scars.  Those scars never healed; and, quite frankly the radicals were not going to support someone they just didn’t like.

Radical foot soldiers operate best on feelings and emotions. Clinton just didn’t do it for them.  One by one, the traditional Democrat left was wiped out by the more extreme radical leftists.  [Remember the destruction of the Bart Stupak “blue dogs”?]

Fast forward to today, very recently, and what we are seeing is the outcome of the Obama coalition in complete control over the internal club systems and political party apparatus.  It took some time for this takeover to matriculate.

We are there now…. and into this far-left soup of radical elements the new left-wing media is mixed.  The media are now activists for the radicals.  This is why there is a more brutally obvious bias present today that was not present before.  The bias was always present, but the scale of the ideological nature of the bias was not always as visible.  Today the ideological support is crystal clear.

Right before the 2020 SC Primary, the DNC Club knew they had a problem with the Bernie Sanders momentum.  An urgent assembly of all party control officers was called. The DNC Club designed a plan around using James Clyburn as the official spark for Joe Biden to take back control of the primary outcome.

Barack Obama the figurative and ideological leader of the movement known as “Black Lives Matter”, and South Carolina Congressman James Clyburn, the figurative and ideological leader of the political construct within the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) church, struck a deal.

Obama and Clyburn really had no choice but to come to an agreement and form the alliance.  If they did not act fast, Bernie Sanders was gaining momentum, and they could not have Sanders at the top of the 2020 ticket, because he was too outside the club system which was now almost exclusively focused on racial identity as a tool for political power.

A Bernie Sanders -vs- Donald Trump general election would have been a disaster for both clubs.

To get rid of Sanders, BLM (based in Georgia) and AME (based in South Carolina) aligned.  This was the actual moment when Hillary Clinton was cast into the pit of irrelevance in Democrat politics.

Within the agreement, Obama and Clyburn selected Biden as the tool they could easily control to deliver on their larger, progressive, leftist intentions.  The only one told not to drop out yet was Elizabeth Warren, as she would be needed as the insurance policy, the splitter against Bernie Sanders.

Within 48 hours, all members of the club and candidates had their instructions and proceeded to follow-through on the plan.  They had no choice.  If they did not comply, they would suffer the consequences of a fully aligned club hierarchy who would target them personally and financially.

The plan worked flawlessly.  A few days after their meeting, James Clyburn endorsed Biden while Barack Obama began making phone calls telling each of the other candidates to drop out in sequence and support Biden or else the club would destroy them.

As part of the coordinated deal Representative James Clyburn was put in charge of the Biden campaign; Clyburn stunningly admitted this immediately after the strategy went public.  James Clyburn and Barack Obama also controlled the vice-presidential nominee.

Joe Biden has dementia. Everyone knows this to be true.  The Biden presidency is a front – a ruse, a manipulative scheme that needed a face in 2020. That’s Joe Biden.

In the background, the DNC Club has been in full control of everything behind the scenes.  All policy is Club policy; and, specifically because of their importance in triggering the origin of the entire enterprise, the primary policy beneficiaries were the corporate donors, the AME church network and the BLM activists.

The new DNC primary contest map essentially codifies the control process and blocks any rogue non-club approved candidate from entering a challenge.   Only the corporate and club approved candidates will benefit from the changes.

(Politico) – […]  DNC Chair Jaime Harrison, who attended the meeting, also called the proposed early window a reflection “of the diversity of our party” and “a more equitable and accessible nomination process that puts our candidates in the best position to win.” Harrison is the former chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party.

But David McDonald, another longtime DNC member, did raise light concerns that the committee’s introduction of large states, including Michigan and Georgia, could “effectively [create] a bias toward certain kinds of candidates,” particularly those who enter a presidential primaries with significant financial resources, which would allow them to compete more effectively in expensive media markets. (link)

Back to Philly – Joe Biden to Deliver Another “Threat to Democracy” Speech

When it comes to the people around Joe Biden and elections, Philadelphia is oddly the only venue they use with frequency.

As NBC announces that Joe Biden will deliver another “threat to democracy” campaign speech, the venue is once again Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  This is the fifth time Philly has been used as the backdrop for advancing the narrative of MAGA extremism as a threat to the authoritarian control state of the Biden administration.

(VIA NBC) – President Joe Biden will cast former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy Saturday in a speech set to be delivered on the third anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection, the Biden campaign said this week.

The speech is expected to be a key component of the campaign’s efforts to highlight the stakes of the presidential election, one that’s shaping up to be a rematch of the 2020 contest.

On a call with reporters announcing Saturday’s event, campaign officials used dire terms in warning against a potential Trump victory.

Communications director Michael Tyler said that if Trump wins in November, he “will use all of his power to systematically dismantle and destroy our democracy.”

Campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez added, “Our message is clear, and it is simple: We are running a campaign like the fate of our democracy depends on it. Because it does.”

Biden will deliver his remarks in the Philadelphia area near Valley Forge, a historic Revolutionary War site where George Washington worked to rally troops into a unified army in the late 1770s.

“There, the president will make the case directly that democracy and freedom — two powerful ideas that united the 13 colonies and that generations throughout our nation’s history have fought and died for a stone’s throw from where he’ll be Saturday — remains central to the fight we’re in today,” said Quentin Fulks, a deputy campaign manager. (read more)

Also, Philadelphia…


…The new “Democracy.”