Thursday, January 4, 2024

Back to Philly – Joe Biden to Deliver Another “Threat to Democracy” Speech

When it comes to the people around Joe Biden and elections, Philadelphia is oddly the only venue they use with frequency.

As NBC announces that Joe Biden will deliver another “threat to democracy” campaign speech, the venue is once again Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  This is the fifth time Philly has been used as the backdrop for advancing the narrative of MAGA extremism as a threat to the authoritarian control state of the Biden administration.

(VIA NBC) – President Joe Biden will cast former President Donald Trump as a threat to democracy Saturday in a speech set to be delivered on the third anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection, the Biden campaign said this week.

The speech is expected to be a key component of the campaign’s efforts to highlight the stakes of the presidential election, one that’s shaping up to be a rematch of the 2020 contest.

On a call with reporters announcing Saturday’s event, campaign officials used dire terms in warning against a potential Trump victory.

Communications director Michael Tyler said that if Trump wins in November, he “will use all of his power to systematically dismantle and destroy our democracy.”

Campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez added, “Our message is clear, and it is simple: We are running a campaign like the fate of our democracy depends on it. Because it does.”

Biden will deliver his remarks in the Philadelphia area near Valley Forge, a historic Revolutionary War site where George Washington worked to rally troops into a unified army in the late 1770s.

“There, the president will make the case directly that democracy and freedom — two powerful ideas that united the 13 colonies and that generations throughout our nation’s history have fought and died for a stone’s throw from where he’ll be Saturday — remains central to the fight we’re in today,” said Quentin Fulks, a deputy campaign manager. (read more)

Also, Philadelphia…


…The new “Democracy.”