Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Democrat party: who are they?

Just who are the members of the Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) Party? How do their beliefs differ from those of normal Americans?

I write “D/s/c” as an umbrella acronym for the Democrat Party, which is largely devoured and directed by its socialist and communist-leaning members. It also encompasses various anarchist and fascist—fascists are leftists—branches such as BLM, Antifa and other charming social organizations, though they’re a bit more overt in their destructive designs. Their view of politicians is at once worshipful and cynical. They tend to see and speak of them in messianic terms as they did and do with Barack Obama. He’s “The One,” and “The Lightbringer.” Google “Obama halo” and you’ll find an endless supply of photos and other images of Obama wearing a halo. He's been depicted as a pseudo-Hindu god of death, and in saint-like iconography. One magazine interposed him over a cross in time for Easter, and he often used our troops as worshipful stage props. Even now, his followers proclaim him the most brilliant man ever to have lived, and he continues to brilliantly damage America.

Contrast this with Joe Biden who was, until recently, universally favorably depicted, but not blasphemously worshipped. He’s being cynically used, a rapidly spoiling meat puppet whose political usefulness is nearly expired, a tragic victim of elder abuse. Even so, if he can be drug into a fourth Obama term, his handlers will be delighted to keep propping him up. He can be controlled.

D/s/cs tend not to be overtly religious. Their political beliefs are their faith, and in true communist style, there can be no greater power than the Party, which is their secular faith. This largely explains their increasingly overt hostility toward, and persecution of, Christians. This too is projection. They see Christians as deadly threats, so believe Christians feel the same and will act on those feelings. Thus has the FBI been surveilling Catholics who appreciate the Latin Mass, branding them “Radical Traditional Catholics.” Thus were innumerable Christians arrested for trying to attend church during Covid lockdowns.

Essential to understanding them is knowing many of them think themselves morally, intellectually, and politically superior to normal Americans. They're the self-imagined elite. They really do denigrate the denizens of “Flyover Country”—their term--that vast, cultural wasteland between the enlightened coasts where Deplorables live their pathetic, uninformed, meaningless little lives.

Because they are superior beings, their political beliefs and policies are perfect--non-falsifiable. They cannot fail and no evidence can prove them wrong. When those policies inevitably fail, the failure is either ignored, indignantly denied, or blamed on their generosity in allowing their opponents to keep living to oppose those policies. Perhaps the policies haven’t been in force long enough for their wonders to manifest, they haven’t been imposed on Deplorables good and hard enough, or as always, not nearly enough money has been spent. Failure is impossible, but inadequate messaging may be reluctantly admitted. Doubling down on failure, and the more destructive the better, is their status quo.

They value ideological purity in voting and all else, and virtually always vote in lockstep. They are masters of warping language to their benefit and invent new narratives to suit their transitory political needs. Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are related narrative systems that reflect their political methods of class/identity warfare where there are oppressors—white Americans—and the oppressed—everyone else. Individuals don't matter.

Joe Biden infamously observed “we believe in truth over facts.” Among their current truths is America was founded on slavery, is irredeemably racist, and is the source of all the world’s evils. All white people are white supremacists, and all political opponents are domestic terrorists, insurrectionists, and existential threats to “our democracy,” their intended tyranny of the majority.  

Among their favored oppressed are criminals--the more violent and depraved the better--and their policies have turned our blue cities into third world war zones. Other oppressed are the millions of illegal aliens they’re importing. Non-D/s/c Americans have so disappointed them. They intend to abolish them and import their replacements. That many of them are criminals, terrorists, pedophiles, slavers and masses who can’t speak the language and have no skills with which to support themselves is a feature rather than a bug. They’re worried about the illegal avalanche, but not because of the damage it’s doing to America. They’re afraid of losing power, afraid, despite their best Trump Derangement Syndrome efforts, their election fraud protocols might not prevail.

Some of them still possess a conscience, a modicum of morality and decency. They know what they’re doing is wrong, but their politics appeal to the basest emotions and drives, among them, power, and power corrupts. Pursuing power, they’re becoming increasingly afraid of Donald Trump—of normal Americans—and desperate people do desperate things.