Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Kamala Using Soros-Funded Fake News Sites to Lie to Voters

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Surprise, surprise, Kamala Harris is using a network of fake news sites to help prop up her campaign and mislead voters about her level of support.

On Monday, the official "Kamala HQ" account posted a headline that read "Polish Pennsylvanians Endorse Kamala Harris Over Putin, Ukraine Concerns." The source was a supposed news outlet named "The Keystone Newsroom." 

What the Harris campaign was trying to do was clear. Local news outlets are typically more trusted than national outlets by the residents of a given state. By pushing a headline bragging about a major endorsement from "The Keystone Newsroom," an air of credibility is given to the claim. The truth of the matter is far more insidious, though. Greg Price did some digging and figured out how the money is flowing and who is coordinating with who.

The game being played is simple. The Soros-funded "Courier Newsroom" starts a bunch of "local" news sites that are presented as completely unbiased and non-partisan. Those dark-money sites then publish positive headlines about Kamala Harris based on objectively false claims. In this case, the headline states that "Polish Pennsylvanians," a community of nearly 800,000 people, have endorsed her. The truth is that the "endorsement" was just a letter written by four Democrat politicians. At that point, the only thing left is for Harris' official campaign account to share the headline and pretend it's a huge win. 

Is what they are doing illegal? No, but it's incredibly dishonest and unethical, and it shows just how astroturfed Harris' presidential run is. From the very beginning, everything undergirding her campaign has been fake, fake the glowing proclamations of "joy" from the mainstream press to the idea that she "won" an open primary, as proclaimed by Nancy Pelosi. 

What does that say about Harris' confidence level as we enter the home stretch of this election? It certainly doesn't project confidence. A campaign that believes it's winning going away doesn't have to use fake news sites to promote false headlines about made-up endorsements. Yet, that's exactly what Harris is doing. 

I'd also ask where the mainstream press is. CNN, the Times, MSNBC, etc. are obsessed with "misinformation," but they've got nothing to say when the Harris campaign is the one pushing it. Why, it's almost as if their push to censor free speech under the guise of protecting democracy is all nonsense.