Saturday, June 22, 2024

Voters Want Merrick Garland Removed From Office, Tossed in Prison for Protecting Biden

Mike Miller reporting for RedState 

What can I say about arrogantly defiant Attorney General Merrick Garland that hasn't already been said? I'd call him a weasel but come to think of it, I don't have anything against weasels.

People who did have something to say about Garland were a plurality of voters who said in the latest Rasmussen Reports survey they were disturbed that the embattled attorney general refused to release equally embattled Joe Biden's ramblings about his classified documents scandal that led to a special prosecutor refusing to indict him because he believed a jury wouldn't convict an "elderly man with a poor memory."

By a 47 percent to 31 percent margin, voters told Rasmussen they believed Garland was guilty as charged, with 44 percent saying he should be sent to prison for failing to deliver to Congress Biden's interview recording, resulting in a contempt of Congress charge. Thirty-five percent of voters disagreed.

The responses broke sharply along party lines, Rasmussen said in the analysis.

Sixty-eight percent (68%) of Republicans, 32% of Democrats and 42% of unaffiliated voters believe Garland is guilty of contempt of Congress. 

Sixty-two percent (62%) of Republicans say Garland should be removed from office and sent to jail for refusing to comply with congressional subpoenas, an opinion shared by 34% of Democrats and 37% of voters not affiliated with either major party. 

Fifty percent (50%) of Democrats, 24% of Republicans and 30% of unaffiliated voters have a favorable impression of Garland.

The survey of 1,087 likely voters was conducted on June 13 and 16-17. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95 percent level of confidence.

Turley Eviscerates Merrick Garland: 'So Logically Disconnected, Even CNN Hosts Have Mocked' Him

Garland has continually denied (lied) that he and his Justice Department have been on a mission to "get Trump," an absurd claim at best. We need only look at the differences between the retrieval of Trump's classified documents in an FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, and the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) retrieval of open boxes of classified documents from Biden's garage, and multiple other locations. 

While Trump's sham so-called "hush money' trial and subsequent conviction on 34 counts of a campaign bookkeeping felony violation was a New York case, it's not hard to see that the lawfare approach to all things Trump, contrasted with Garland's continuing efforts to shield Biden, has metastasized throughout the country's two-tiered justice system.

The left continues to grow bolder and bolder as it targets not only Donald Trump but also, free speech, Second Amendment rights, and the very foundation of a free press. 

As I reported on Thursday, veteran Democrat activist-operative James Carville is openly calling for the creation of a White House-led "enforcement mechanism" to compel the lapdog media to directly help Biden beat Trump in November. 

That is profound, and potentially chilling. The same applies to corrupt-as-hell Merrick Garland.

The Bottom Line

Nine words: Thank God Merrick Garland isn't on the Supreme Court.