Saturday, June 22, 2024

This FY Alone, More Than 13K Criminal Illegal Aliens Arrested In the U.S.

Since Biden took office nearly four years ago, the United States has not looked the same. Not only has inflation caused businesses to shutter and resources to suffer, but innocent lives have been cut short due to illegal immigrants being allowed to cross the southern border and wreak havoc on our nation. 

In the current fiscal year alone, over 13.7 thousand illegal immigrants with criminal convictions have been arrested by law enforcement in the U.S., with more than 360 of them being affiliated with dangerous gangs. 

Arrests of criminal illegal immigrants have skyrocketed under Biden in an unprecedented amount of time. 

During fiscal year 2023, Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) arrested 73,822 illegal immigrants with criminal histories. 290,178 of those had convictions with an average of four per individual. That same year, Customs and Border Protection apprehended at least 15,267 illegal aliens— a 526 percent increase from fiscal year 2020, where there were only 2,438. 

A  CBP source said that in the first six months of 2024, the number of known illegal immigrant border crossers had exceeded 220,000 aliens.

[For] 39 straight months, monthly encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under the previous administration. Biden has yet to reverse his policies that created this crisis in the first place, instead signing a toothless executive order that has had no impact on daily crossings. May’s 170,000-plus encounters is a 185 percent increase from the average number of May apprehensions during the Trump administration. Since day one, Biden has sought to legalize illegal immigration. Via the RNC.

“Biden’s open border policies have led to innocent Americans being raped and slaughtered, yet Biden still refuses to secure the border,” a press release from the National Republican Committee (RNC) wrote.