Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Biden Anti-American Legacy

Never before has an American president been so physically unstable that he needs an accompanying entourage wherever he walks. That shakiness is a visual metaphor of Biden’s presidency. He represents a departure from previous presidents in being the only president who leaves voters doubting whether he is actually in charge and wondering why a frail 81-year-old, broadly despised man is being pushed to run again, even as most don’t believe he’s capable of completing that term if elected.

Biden came in as the anti-Trump antidote who was supposed to unify us and bring the adults back into the room. Biden faces an international and domestic dumpster fire as he flip-flops from issue to issue. Here are just the top four issues that are likely to determine the election:

1.    Biden has been weaponizing abortion, promising “he would reverse the Trump-era actions that transformed abortion rights in America and make Roe v. Wade protections the law of the land.” Except that the Dobbs decision, which saw the Supreme Court return the abortion matter to the states, means he can’t keep that promise. Promising something he can’t deliver on is what Biden does best.

2.    Biden famously and constantly will tell anyone that support for Israel is “ironclad,” even as he refuses to send the arms Israel needs to destroy its sworn enemy, arms that Congress just approved a few weeks ago. Biden is in the proverbial pickle: Americans support Israel, which includes destroying Hamas, except for two major exceptions: students at certain elite schools and Muslims, primarily in Minnesota and Michigan. Biden now has made saving Hamas the U.S. policy with his demand that Israel enter into a permanent cease-fire, although Hamas is still in power and holds over 100 hostages (several of whom are Americans)! Election priorities are evidently more important than America’s only ally in the Middle East and the only homeland for Jews. A homeland is so obviously needed as we view growing antisemitism in action all over the country.

3.    The border is open, and millions are coming at Biden’s explicit request—explicit because he could order the border closed for national security reasons at a moment’s notice and authorize the use of deadly force to stop the invasion in less than twelve hours.

4.    Inflation has one primary cause: spending money we don’t have. We are adding debt at a rate of one trillion dollars every 100 days. Biden is fully cognizant of these issues’ damage to the middle class and doesn’t care one iota since he can’t win the next election without continuing these damaging policies.

Despite promises he cannot keep, a morally evil foreign policy that Americans oppose, and domestic disasters at the border and in the economy, Biden consistently sees support in the high 30s. Who are these people?

A good start for visualizing Biden’s non-Hamas supporters is the “ladies” of The View. Here, you can see them having what appeared to me to be virtual orgasms, thinking of Trump serving time in Gitmo for breaking his gag order in his bookkeeping trial. Who could make fun of something like that? Apparently, a lot of other women think the same way. How else can we explain the numbers showing Trump trailing Biden with young and older women while winning with men?

Women voters will play a pivotal role in determining the outcome of the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Women comprise the largest group of registered voters and tend to turn out at higher levels to vote, as 68.4 percent did in the 2020 election. A survey conducted by Change Research last year found that nearly two-thirds of women aged 18-34 identified as progressive or liberal, while just more than a third of young men identified the same way. Biden leads overall among voters 45 years and older, but only with women, not men. Women over 50 favor President Joe Biden by four points.

It’s hard to change human nature. Biden appeals to women and the historically challenged for various reasons, including cultural and academic reasons and how some people’s brains are wired. It doesn’t help that the media is, in essence, the public relations wing of the Democratic Party.

Nor does it help that the primary source of information for women and the young is social media, which is heavily tilted towards liberal progressive ideas that seem so reasonable…free love, dignity, and a decent outcome for all. The devil is always in the details of how you actually arrive at that Pollyanna view of the world, but that does not keep those who know better from pandering to the masses.

Biden’s legacy is assured. It’s only a question of whether history will remember him as worse or better than Jimmy Carter. As between the two, Carter comes off somewhat better. He was the rare real deal; he believed in what he said and did, even though he was frequently outmaneuvered by more adroit adversaries. He was a good guy in the wrong office.

I once asked Admiral Rickenbacker about President Carter, and he said, “I put him (Carter) on an engineering path. He was unsuited for Command.” Biden is similarly not suited for Command, having spent his entire career as a politician who tended to always be on the wrong side of a particular issue. Biden, especially his handlers, can thank COVID, which allowed him to launch his now famous basement campaign and change voting laws and practices to eke out his victory.

Biden’s son Hunter’s upcoming trial (scheduled for June) will be another opportunity for Americans to consider the classic admission that an apple does not fall far from the tree. The jury is still out on that and other Biden family issues. It’s not over.

God Bless America.