Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Chinese Communist Party Is Linked to an Organization Responsible for Anti-Israel Protests in America

 The program seeks to promote social dysfunction with ‘anti-American narratives, as well as seemingly grassroots activist movements.’

An organization tied to the Chinese Communist Party has funded, in part, a radical anti-Israel group since its formation in October 2023, a new report finds. 

The report from the Network Contagion Research Institute says that the anti-Israel group Shut It Down for Palestine is funded in part by Chinese programs that promote “alternative anti-establishment media organizations promoting anti-American narratives, as well as seemingly grassroots activist movements.”

Known as SID4P, the group was formed in the wake of the October 7 attacks in Israel and “functions as a hybrid online/real-world network for mobilizing frequent demonstrations as well as gradually escalating direct-action campaigns targeting critical infrastructure and public spaces.”

Organizations that fall under the SID4P “umbrella” have done events and received funding from the Singham Network, “a global web of nonprofits, fiscal sponsors, and alternative news sources tied to Neville Roy Singham, a known conduit for CCP geopolitical influence.”

Mr. Singham is an American technology consultant who has been involved with Maoist groups in the past, including the Black Nationalist–Maoist group during his time at Howard University. He was a consultant for a Chinese company, Huawei, before selling his company Thoughtworks for nearly $800 million. 

A 2023 report from the New York Times found that Mr. Singham was helping to fund groups across the world that help spread pro-CCP messages. Senator Rubio has called on the Department of Justice to investigate Mr. Singham for potential violations of the Foreign Agents Registration Act. 

“The Singham Network exploits regulatory loopholes in the U.S. nonprofit system to facilitate the flow of an enormous sum of U.S. dollars to organizations and movements that actively stoke social unrest at the grassroots level,” the report from NCRI states. 

One trustee of the science research-focused Sante Fe Institute, Josh Wolfe, says the report, which was released last week, was under “embargo” for the public because it first had to be shared with members of Congress and the intelligence community. 

The report claims that the goal of the CCP via Mr. Singham in funding this anti-Israel grassroots network is to create social unrest and spread “anti-capitalist” messages through the 2024 elections.

“The increase in direct-action, targeting infrastructure and public spaces, is in part driven by organizations connected to CCP foreign influence efforts,” the report states. “The current protests can be better understood as a well-funded initiative driving a revolutionary, anti-government, and anti-capitalist agenda, with the leading organizations serving as versatile tools for foreign entities hostile to the U.S.”

Mr. Singham’s wife, Jodie Evans, has also been involved in left-wing causes. “As a co-founder of CODEPINK, an anti-war movement established in 2003, Evans has been actively involved in American far-left activism for decades. Despite previously advocating for causes that would today acknowledge the Uyghur genocide, highlight China’s human rights abuses, and side with Taiwan in asserting its independence, following her marriage to Singham, Evans notably shifted her stance to openly support the CCP,” the report finds.