Thursday, May 23, 2024

How Gross Are Democrats?

That’s an open-ended question for which there is no answer, but only because there is no limit. Democrats have no “bottom” to hit, since every time they do they break out a shovel and go even deeper. In addition to having no standards, no scruples and no decency, Democrats have to shame either – if there is a tragedy to milk, they will morph into a dairy farmer and start pulling on the teat. It’s gross, really.

But none of this would be possible, or even be done, were Democrat donors not so damn stupid. When you read fundraising emails they send you can only come away with the idea that the leadership of the party views their base as poorly as we do. There’s no other explanation for sending transparently false, incredibly insulting to people’s intelligence, emails to people and expecting a return on the money it costs.

That’s the secret, really – Democrats wouldn’t treat their supporters like they’ve recently suffered a severe closed-head injury and are currently in NFL concussion protocols if it didn’t work.

Remember Khzir Khan? His son, Humayun, was killed in Iraq and was a hero. But heroism isn’t transferable. Victimhood is. And while I don’t deny Khan’s grief or the sacrifice his son made, I do find it gross that he’s been dining out on that death for political purposes since he agreed to exploit his son’s death for Hillary Clinton at the 2016 Democratic Convention. 

I find it shameful, honestly. I dislike it when people speak on behalf of the dead. I would absolutely love to have my late friends Andrew Breitbart and Christopher Hitchens around today to hear what they have to say about Joe Biden and Democrats. But they’re gone. And while those of us who knew them, and even those who didn’t but followed them, have an idea of what they’d say, we do not know. They were unpredictable, which helped make them interesting because they could always explain what they did or said you were surprised by in a way that was equally surprising. 

When I see people project what they would have wanted them to say onto them, it is exactly what that is – a projection of what you’d hope they would have said. Anyone who thinks they can speak on behalf of them never knew them at all. 

Khzir speaks on behalf of himself through the memory of his son, which is even worse in my estimation. I would never presume to tell anyone how to grieve, nor would I accept anyone tell me how to. But what Khan did, and is doing, isn’t grieving, it’s gross exploitation. 

In a fundraising email sent under Khan’s name, he writes, “Derek -- In 2016, I stood on stage at the Democratic National Convention, raised my copy of the Constitution, and begged Donald Trump to read it. It's clear he never did, and we suffered as a result. We suffered as he tore apart families at our southern border. As he stripped women of their rights. As he spread lie after lie and encouraged supporters to attack our Capitol. It is plainly obvious: Trump is incapable of leading a country like ours ever again.” (The bold is theirs, not mine.)

Do you believe this guy “suffered” as illegal aliens were separated from the child props they rented from human smugglers to get across the border? Did he suffer from women having to make up their minds about an abortion quickly, rather than being able to wait until the kid basically was old enough to go to college?

He did not. He’s full of crap. And he’s someone Democrats would use to spread their propaganda because his son was killed on active duty. He’s dancing on his son’s grave for money. His son was killed in 2004, didn’t say anything until the 2016 election. That’s quite a window of time to suddenly find your conscience about something, isn’t it?

Khan’s dance continues, “I know President Biden well, but more importantly, President Biden knows us. The President knows how losing a son leaves a hole in your heart that never heals. Since my boy, Captain Humayun Khan, died defending his unit in Iraq, it became a personal mission to share his story of sacrifice and patriotism. It's a story President Biden can relate to.”

Why does losing a son leave a different type of hole than losing a daughter would? Seems odd. 

More than that, Khan joins Biden’s tradition of exploiting his own son’s death from brain cancer for political advantage. 

I would think a real Gold Star parent, which Khan is, would have a problem with a person pretending to be one, like Biden regularly does. But he doesn’t. Because Democrats are Democrats first, anything else is a distant second. It’s “agenda über alles,” written in its original German on purpose.

Khan closes, “If you feel in your heart the conviction I feel in mine, I am kindly asking you to pledge your first donation to reelect President Biden. Chip in $25 or however much is within your means today to help him defeat Donald Trump. it is imperative that we keep a leader in the White House who will defend democracy and protect fundamental rights in the United States.”

The music then ends, Khzir Khan slowly slips backstage and starts to choreograph the next dance when he is summoned by the party to the dancefloor over his son’s grave. Gross.