Sunday, April 28, 2024

Wait, Did Ilhan Omar Really Say That About Jewish Students?

Matt Vespa reporting for Townhall 

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) visited the campus of Columbia University, which should just be names Hamas U since it’s been taken over by radical Islamic terrorists and rabid antisemites. Naturally, Omar felt at home here since these are her people: anti-American, anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, and totally insane.

When pressed about the antisemitism emanating from the pro-Hamas encampment, the Minnesota leftists said that she spoke with Jewish students in the camp, but she said something weird about the encounters. Omar has a history of antisemitism, like when she tweeted Israel hypnotizes the world, but you know that already. 

Omar said that no student should face bigotry and that all Jewish kids should be kept safe. We shouldn’t have to tolerate antisemitism for all Jewish students “whether they’re pro-genocide or anti-genocide.” 

Aviva Klompas said she had to hear the audio multiple times since she felt Omar’s remarks boiled down to “another way of saying ‘the unacceptable Jews or the acceptable Jews.’” 

No one should take anything this woman says seriously, especially since she described the 9/11 attacks as an event where “some people did something.” She can condemn radical Islam for obvious reasons. And we all know these folks hate Jews.