Sunday, April 28, 2024

Biden Knows Hamas Will Seize $9 Billion in Aid Marked for Gaza 'Humanitarian Assistance'

As expected, Joe Biden on Wednesday signed into law the $96 billion foreign aid bill (courtesy of House Speaker Mike Johnson), sending assistance to Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel. 

The package included more than $9 billion for "Migration and Refugee Assistance" and "International Disaster Assistance," to address the humanitarian needs in the Gaza Strip following the Oct. 7 Hamas attack on Israel and the Jewish state's subsequent war against the terrorist organization.

Also as expected: "Almost all" of the $9 billion will be seized by Hamas, according to experts in the region.

Something else was expected: Joe Biden and his administration know it.

Here's more:

While the Israel funding bill calls for the Secretary of State to establish oversight measures to ensure that the aid is not diverted by Hamas, a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist group, the fact that Hamas is the elected government of the Gaza Strip poses a significant challenge to oversight. 

Zionist Organization of America President Morton Klein spoke with Just the News about funding sent to Gaza, which included a damning accusation against Biden.

Biden and this administration knows that almost all of it is stolen by Hamas. We are funding Hamas. Do you realize the nightmare of this? We are funding Hamas with this $9 billion. What is wrong with this administration?

What is wrong with this administration, Mr. Klein, is that Joe Biden and the Democrat Party are far less concerned with the goings-on between Israel and hostile neighbors that would like nothing more than to destroy the Jewish state, and far more concerned with the Muslim American vote in November's 2024 presidential election.

That mindset is not dissimilar to Biden's lack of concern about the damage to Southern border towns and across the U.S. by his intentional illegal alien crisis, brought about by the Democrat Party's flawed belief that importing as many illegal aliens as they can get away with will somehow help Joe with Hispanic Americans.

Both of the above are obscene--and are quintessential Joe Biden and the Democrat Party.

As Just the News also noted, even Palestinian activists in the region have voiced similar concerns. Among them, Ramzi Awda, the secretary-general of the International Campaign to Combat the Occupation and Apartheid, who said during a Palestinian TV interview that Hamas has been stealing aid to resell it. 

Most of the aid is being stolen – over 60 percent or 70 percent of the aid goes to the warehouses of some movements, some factions, some tribes. Awda also said that Hamas owns the warehouses and "re-sells the products to the people at exorbitant prices."

Again, try to control your shock and amazement.

Back to Klein, who went bottom-line, accusing the Biden administration of being "the biggest funder of Islamic terrorism in the world," by waiving sanctions on Iran, a major funder of Hamas, and allowing the Islamic regime in Tehran to generate billions of dollars through oil sales.

For example, earlier this month, the White House defended sanctions waivers for Iran that allowed the Islamic Republic to access $10 billion in funding, per the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. 

"This administration should be ashamed of themselves for funding Hamas," Klein said. "It's just mind-boggling," he added..

With due respect, Mr. Klein, it's not mind-boggling at all. Everything the Democrat Party supports, opposes, lauds, or condemns, can be connected to the ballot box with no more than two dots. In this case, Israel be damned.

Just ask Joe Biden — when (if ever) he's in a lucid state, behind closed doors.