Sunday, April 14, 2024

🤗 TUF exclusive: How to get through these harsh times


Yeah, it ain't no secret we're going tough times. Just turn on any news channel or any news site and you get the basic idea.

But here's the upside to all this doom and gloom: Nothing is ever as scary as it looks to be. There is always a peaceful side in all the turmoil.

Here's some good tips to navigating these shaky waters for the next 7 months:

1: Take Internet breaks if you need to. You don't have to be digesting all this stuff 24/7 just to stay informed or because you feel like you need to. Breaks are very helpful.

2: Get your mind off the problems. Focusing your mind on other things can really help. (it's how I've survived the last 4 years).

3: Get plenty of sleep. Things always tend to look the scariest when we're too anxious or really sleepy.

4: Listen to good music. Good music can really help lighten the mood. (and also helps me stay awake when I'm waiting on my food at times).

5: Read books.

6: Develop a fun hobby or hobbies.

7: Always find time for your loved ones.

8: Trust in God that He will get us out of these messes.

And the most important one:

Hard times eventually end. They never last forever, even if they look like they will. Dark eventually turns to light. Rain eventually turns to sunlight. And every other 'dark to light' analogy out there!

We'll all get through this if we stick together. We're still alive after these last 3 and a half years, aren't we?