Sunday, April 14, 2024

One Study Reveals the Republican Party Is Making a Major Comeback

Heading into an election year, the study spells bad news for President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party’s chances at keeping the White House. The study highlights major disadvantages for the Democratic Party as more Americans shift toward identifying as Republican. 

The research found that the “Democratic Party has lost the edge it maintained from 2017 to 2021.” 

In 1994, 51 percent of Americans registered with the Republican Party, while 47 percent viewed themselves as Democrats. In 2020, the Left slightly gained voters, with five percent identifying as Democrats. 

However, in a drastic change of events over the years, the study found that the Republican Party saw a massive red wave of voters shifting their party affiliation. In 2023, there were 49 percent of voters who identified as Democrat or leaning Democrat, while 48 percent of voters considered themselves Republican or leaning Republican.

“There are more “leaners” today than in the past. Currently, 15% of voters lean toward the Republican Party and 16% lean toward the Democratic Party,” the study noted. 

In addition, more registered voters identify as ideologically conservative than liberal. 

Thirty-three percent of voters say they lean more conservative and associate with the Republican Party than the 23 percent of voters who identify as liberal and align with the Democratic Party. 

The Republican Party also has a 25-point advantage over Democrats with rural voters, 60 to 35 percent. 

According to a recent Fox News poll, Trump leads Biden by five percentage points, 50 to 45 percent in a head-to-head rematch. 

The poll found that 43 percent of registered voters, including third-party voters, said they would support Trump, while only 38 percent said they would vote for Biden.