Thursday, March 21, 2024

Roundup of Former Hunter Biden Biz Partner Torching Dems at Oversight Hearing

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

It was popcorn time on Capitol Hill Wednesday as Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski testified in front of the House Oversight Committee—and came loaded for bear. (No, CNN et al., I am not saying he planned to bring a weapon—it's an expression, look it up.)

Democrats who thought they could push the businessman around were sorely surprised when he refused to accept their narratives and time after time made them look foolish and unprepared.

Bobulinski immediately set the tone of the hearing.

Bobulinski asked if he should allow Hunter to testify first, a pointed barb that Biden had not bothered to show up despite saying he wanted to testify publicly. The committee asked the question why was Hunter afraid to testify? 

Then he accused Hunter of perjury:

Bobulinski said that Hunter Biden "lied throughout his testimony" in his closed-door interview. Bobulinski also said that Jim Biden "lied" including about a meeting he had with Bobulinski, Hunter and Joe Biden. 

He really stepped it up, however, when he said Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) and Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) would "continue to lie again in this hearing" and go straight to the media with their lies afterward.

But the day was still young. There was plenty more to come.

NY Rep. Dan Goldman is "the former Trump impeachment lawyer turned House member ... [who] thinks he's smarter than he is," as Bonchie wrote, and few things are more satisfying than watching him faceplant on live TV. 

Bobulinski left him sputtering as he took him to school for trying to cover for the Biden crime family, all but flat-out calling him a liar:

Now this would be enough entertainment for one day, but as the old Ronco ads used to say, “Wait! There’s more.” Don’t change the channel until you get to see Bobulinski wreck Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) and force AOC into hysteria.

As Susie Moore explains: 

One of the fieriest moments, though, came after the Democrat in question had already left the hearing. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) spent his time questioning the minority witness, Lev Parnas, in an attempt to deflect attention onto Rudy Giuliani and former President Donald Trump. He then left without engaging with Bobulinski.

Watch Bobulinski destroy him in his absence for scurrying away:

Moore sums it up nicely: 

Never a good look when people — especially political leaders — say one thing in front of the camera and the opposite behind it. Particularly when there are receipts.

We couldn’t leave you without bringing you AOC’s hysterics though. Watching her screech while declaring that RICO wasn't a crime was priceless.

Ocasio-Cortez demanded Bobulinski detail specific crimes by the Biden Crime Family, which maybe wasn't such a good idea. “I guess she wasn't expecting him to be ready with an actual answer because he triggered her harder than a long day at the range,” Bonchie wrote. 


Bonchie’s takeaway:

Whatever theater lessons she took during school, I'd suggest she take more. Her entire delivery is overwrought and comical. It's not impactful, and it doesn't stand out or make her point more interesting. She just comes across as a know-nothing, which she is. 

There were even silly shenanigans outside the hearing room, with one juvenile Dem representative wearing a Putin mask, as Nick Arama reported:

Dumb Dem Move by Jared Moskowitz Ahead of the Hunter Biden Associates Hearing

Meanwhile, Adam Schiff wannabe House Minority Leader Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) felt he had to get in on the action as well, as Jeff Charles noted, and went to Twitter/X to tweet out his old conspiracy theories:

Extreme MAGA Republicans are relying on a Russian asset to try and impeach President Biden.

They have zero evidence of wrongdoing.

Yes, it’s all a Russian plot, Hakeem. 

How long have we been hearing tin-foil hat Russia stories from Democrats, and yet they never seem to come up with the proof?

All in all, it was an action-packed day at the House Oversight Committee, and Democrats on the panel will go home and presumably wipe the copious egg off their faces. They are probably wishing they never heard of Tony Bobulinski because he absolutely barbecued their frantic attempts to ignore the evidence and protect the Biden family. 

Although it was presumably a particularly satisfying session for Chairman James Comer (R-KY), it was also quite a serious day as it showed the depths Democrats will sink to in their efforts to prevent the truth from coming out.