Thursday, March 21, 2024

Black Chicago Residents Speak Out About Their Regrets of Voting for Joe Biden

Sarah Arnold reporting for Townhall 

President Joe Biden is losing crucial voters he sailed to victory on in his 2020 win due to his failing policies and unfulfilled promises. 

The hosts of Chicago’s Thinking Outside the Box asked community members about the pressures they face in the city’s black community. 

Shockingly, the majority of the respondents blamed President Joe Biden for the hardships and struggles they face daily. 

During the podcast roundtable, many of the attendees stood up to condemn the same Democrats who keep getting voted in and change nothing to help Chicago communities as they live swanky lifestyles behind private security and a hefty paycheck. 

One woman criticized Democrat Mayor Brandon Johnson, who has praised Chicago for being a “sanctuary city,” for taking away the city’s resources and using it to fund cushy lifestyles for illegal immigrants. 

She pointed out that many of the illegal aliens who come to Chicago do not even qualify to become U.S. citizens. 

We are a sanctuary city. We started being a sanctuary city back in 1980, which of course should have been changed a long time ago. So, they bringing them in, you wonder where the money coming from? They taking it from the COVID fund that was here, that money. You talking about all the pro Housing Programs so when people pay rent, all the rental programs, that money. All the programs that we have in the city of Chicago they are bankrupting us. They are taking from all of these programs that we have and they are taking the money and they’re funding the migrants. Our taxpayers, we’ve already paid $32 million out of our taxes to house and take care of the migrants thus far. But here we’re going to be taking care of them for 5 to seven years while there’s paperwork floating on people’s desks and why? Send them home, send them back! But Venezuela already said ‘Oh we’re not taking them back.’ 

However, the host interrupted the woman, asking who she voted for during the 2020 presidential election— to which she said, Biden. 

The host pointed out that Biden is to blame for the illegal immigration problem the woman is complaining about, telling her that it is “your fault.” 

More than 26,000 illegal aliens have arrived in Chicago since last year, with nearly 1,200 immigrants camping out at the city's O'Hare Airport as well as several police stations. 

Chicago has earmarked nearly $24 million to winterize tents to shelter thousands of illegal immigrants who have arrived in the city during the cold months.