Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Hur Testifies Biden Mental Acquity Made “Intent” Element Difficult

Regarding the handling of ‘classified documents’ Special Counsel Robert Hur testified today that President Trump and Vice-President Biden had identical outcomes.  However, whereas Donald Trump is cognitively normal, Joe Biden is suffering from a diminished mental state, frequent confusion and absent remembering.  Therefore, the elements needed for “intent” in the criminal statute did not apply to Biden.

Donald Trump is fine; Joe Biden has lost his marbles.  According to prosecutor Robert Hur, that explains why there are two tiers of justice amid an identical set of infractions.  As a consequence, the American people are expected to be okay with the reasoning for a DOJ double-standard.  WATCH:

The full hearing video is below, but the essential element is just repeated.   (1) Biden lied or could not remember on purpose; and (2) there are two tiers of justice, and the DOJ is prepared to defend their non-prosecution decision based entirely on cognitive “intent.”


ps. People might be critical of CTH not necessarily posting some of the relevant material of any specific news day.  The criticism is fair and well received.  Thank you. However, please understand that while I never talk about what is happening behind the scenes, more than 50% of my daily awake time is now spent in consultant conversation with those in positions of influence who need their spear tips sharpened.  I am happily and purposefully breaking down the silo walls.  All good is happening according to His plan, not mine.

Love to all,

~ Sundance