Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Buck Passes – Representative Ken Buck Announces He Quits, Effective Next Week

Assuming that Ken Buck did not get tapped on the shoulder by the USIC for zipper problems, a rather substantial assumption all things considered, perhaps the Colorado representative just wanted to give his UniParty allies a pre-election day assist at flipping the House.

[Source Link]

Fox News – Colorado U.S. Representative Ken Buck announced on Tuesday that he we will resign from the House by the end of next week.

[…] Buck has served in the U.S. House of Representatives since November 2014 and is currently assigned to the House Judiciary Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee.

Buck was also one of three House Republicans who opposed the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Buck previously announced he was not running for another term. His resignation will squeeze the GOP’s majority even more.

The breakdown will be 431 members with 218 Republicans and 213 Democrats. Now, the GOP will only be able to lose two votes of their own on any given issue.  (read more)

In related news, the people around Joe Biden have submitted their fiscal year 2025 budget proposal to congress. [pdf here] The ridiculous spending request is $7.3 trillion, that’s TRILLION, which is $1 trillion more than this year.

While jaws are agape at the insanity of such a spending proposal [NPR outline], let me remind everyone that the people behind Biden fully expect a Central Bank Digital Currency to pave the way for unlimited spending.

The global cleaving has a purpose and benefit that is much larger than just eliminating the dollar as a lesser value trade currency.  Digital money can be valued and/or devalued by those who express “full faith and credit” in the same institutions that manufacture jobs, GDP and inflation data…. all of which determine national value.

Just as they define the new “western democracy,” so too can they define the value of the leader nation in the new “western democracy.”  Hail Hydra!

Feel better now Comrades?

Let’s Go Trump!