Saturday, February 17, 2024

Seattle School Tells Children That Enjoying the 'Written Word' Is White Supremacy

Jeff Charles reporting for RedState 

This story will make you miss the days when education was about actually learning skills and subjects that would help to equip children for adulthood. A Seattle high school issued a reading assignment featuring nine supposed traits of white supremacy.

The assignment in question dives deep into progressive racial theory and is ostensibly intended to promote critical thinking about America’s societal structures. But a closer look reveals its actual aim: To further indoctrinate children into progressive ideology on race issues.

Students in a Seattle English class were told that their love of reading and writing is a characteristic of “white supremacy,” in the latest Seattle Public Schools high school controversy. The lesson plan has one local father speaking out, calling it “educational malpractice.”

As part of the Black Lives Matter at School Week, World Literature and Composition students at Lincoln High School were given a handout with definitions of the “9 characteristics of white supremacy,” according to the father of a student. Given the subject matter of the class, the father found it odd this particular lesson was brought up.

The Seattle high schoolers were told that “Worship of the Written Word” is white supremacy because it is “an erasure of the wide range of ways we communicate with each other.” By this definition, the very subject of World Literature and Composition is racist. It also chides the idea that we hyper-value written communication because it’s a form of “honoring only what is written and even then only what is written to a narrow standard, full of misinformation and lies.” The worksheet does not provide any context for what it actually means.

“I feel bad for any students who actually internalize stuff like this as it is setting them up for failure,” the father explained to the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH.

The handout features the nine characteristics of white supremacy, which also include “individualism,” “objectivity,” “right to comfort,” fear,” “perfectionism,” “either/or & the binary,” and “Paternalism & Power Hoarding.”

A father whose child attends the school told talk show host Jason Rantz: “I feel bad for any students who actually internalize stuff like this as it is setting them up for failure.”

The father also pointed out an important aspect of the assignment when it comes to efforts to influence young minds:

“How is a 15-year-old kid supposed to object in class when ‘denial and defensiveness’ is itself a characteristic of white supremacy? This is truly educational malpractice.”

This is yet more evidence exposing the true objectives of those pushing the progressive agenda in the classroom and elsewhere. Indeed, it is one of the rhetorical weapons these people use to silence those with dissenting views. The idea that it is racist to challenge this ideology is a clever way to prevent high school students and other targets from actually thinking critically for themselves. By shaming and intimidating people into silence, progressives are making it easier to warp these impressionable young minds.

This tale further illustrates the reality that many, if not most, government-run schools are functioning as indoctrination centers intended to create a new generation that buys into far-leftist ideology.