Saturday, February 17, 2024

Majority of the Public, Including Democrats, Blame Biden for the Country's Devastating Border Crisis

As President Joe Biden continues to ignore the border crisis he created, causing tens of millions of illegal migrants to storm the U.S., voters are becoming increasingly frustrated with his lack of urgency to secure it. 

On the contrary, only 29 percent of respondents blamed former President Trump "a great deal." 

An additional 14 percent blamed Biden "a good amount," while only 10 percent blamed Trump.

Since Biden has taken office, more illegal aliens have entered the country than there have been deported. 

2023 saw a record-breaking amount of illegal crossers apprehended at the southern border as Biden stood back and did nothing. December alone saw 276,000 apprehensions— the highest ever on record— just one month after November's highest, with nearly 250,000 border encounters. 

These glass-shattering numbers have resulted in Americans, even long-time Democrats, decrying Biden's presidency. His second chance at the White House is on the line, and polls reveal that it may be too late for him to redeem himself. 

In a way to defend the border crisis the Biden Administration has created, Democrats have turned the blame to Republicans. 

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) claimed Trump handed the border crisis on a "silver platter" to the incoming administration. 

"We have now made the border an issue where Democrats are on their front foot, whereas before all this happened, we were on our back foot," Schumer said in an interview with the New York Times. "Trump almost handed us the issue on a silver platter when he said he didn't want to do it for political purposes after saying the border is an emergency." 

Recently impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas also has refused to take responsibility for the country's immigration crisis, saying that the Biden Administration doesn't "bear responsibility for a broken system." 

Instead, he blamed Congress for failing to pass legislation. For the first time, he acknowledged a crisis at the border after refusing to admit that the border was not secure. 

The blame game doesn't stop there. Last month, Mayorkas claimed "climate change" is the reason millions of illegal migrants have illegally entered the U.S. 

A recent Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll found that in states that will decide the electoral college, immigration is one of the top issues for voters. According to the survey, Trump holds a stunning 49-22 advantage over Biden on the issue of immigration. 

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) hit back at the Biden White House, demanding the president to secure the border as it is an "issue for every single person."

"[Americans] are crying out to the Biden administration to secure the border. This is not a Republican issue," Johnson said. "We know the stories of children being poisoned by fentanyl. Cities [are] being overwhelmed by migrant surges. House Republicans have shown we are listening to and holding the administration accountable for this catastrophe. We're listening to the people, taking action to hold Biden accountable."