Sunday, January 14, 2024

WATCH: Hamas Groupies Attempt to Storm WH Grounds, DC Riot Police and Secret Service

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

The anti-Israel crew did a "March on Washington for Gaza" on Saturday. 

There were multiple troubling aspects of the march. 

First, waving a Palestinian flag from atop American memorials, to folks like Casimir Pulaski, is disturbing. 

But that was just the start of the disturbing visuals. The activists set off smoke bombs and spread "dead" baby dolls outside the White House fence. 

They also began pushing against the White House security fence so violently, that they almost brought it down--and they kept pushing at it. 

The White House had riot police behind the fence. The police had to rush to hold up the fence or the rioters might have brought it down. 

The rioters were throwing things at the Secret Service and the police. 

There were also videos of multiple men carrying an Islamic Jihad flag. 

This development is more than a little concerning.