Sunday, January 14, 2024

Violent Pro-Hamas Protests in DC Escalate, Some White House Staffers 'Relocated' for Their Safety

Bob Hoge reporting for RedState 

Earlier we reported on the violent protests outside the White House as the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel crowd conducted a "March on Washington for Gaza." They climbed statues and waved Palestinian flags – along with ISIS ones – and set off smoke bombs and spread "dead" baby dolls outside the WH fence. 

It turns out the protests were so serious that a number of White House staffers had to be relocated for their own safety. I don’t know whether President Biden or the Department of Justice will call this “an insurrection,” but when the People’s House – often considered the symbol of the most powerful country in the world – is under attack, things are clearly getting out of hand.

The fences surrounding the White House suddenly looked extremely flimsy as the mob shook them and tried to push them down – which they almost succeeded in doing.

They even shouted their support for Yemen despite the fact that Houthi terrorists in that country have been attacking ships in the crucial Red Sea shipping lanes, potentially causing supply chain nightmares worldwide:

The demonstrators were heard chanting "Ceasefire Now" and "Free, Free Palestine," with many waving Palestinian flags. "Yemen, Yemen make us proud / Turn another ship around," was also recited at the demonstration, hours after strikes were launched against the Houthis in Yemen.

The U.S. Secret Service told Fox News Digital that some fences were damaged outside the White House, and that staff members and journalists were "relocated" as a result. The White House also said on Saturday that President Biden is currently at Camp David.


The fences were under constant assault, and some were damaged.

"During the demonstration near the White House complex Jan. 13, a portion of the anti-scale fencing that was erected for the event sustained temporary damage," the [Secret Service] statement read. "The issues were promptly repaired on site by U.S. Secret Service support teams."

"As a precaution, some members of the media and staff in proximity to Pennsylvania Avenue were temporarily relocated while the issue was being addressed," the statement continued. "The Secret Service made no arrests associated with the march and there was no property damage to the White House or adjacent buildings."

D.C. Metropolitan Police Department Chief Pamela A. Smith released a statement condemning the violence:

"The right to peacefully protest is one of the cornerstones of our democracy, and the Metropolitan Police Department has long supported those who visit our city to demonstrate safely," Smith's statement read. "However, violence, destructive behavior, and criminal activities are not tolerated."

She added:

While a majority of today’s demonstration remained peaceful, there were instances of illegal and destructive behavior in Lafayette Park, including items being thrown at our officers. 

We are supporting our partners at the United States Park Police as they investigate and hold those found responsible accountable for their actions.

I am not holding my breath waiting for anyone in these violent mobs to be held "accountable for their actions." We saw with the George Floyd riots that if you were on the correct side of the aisle, you could cause billions of dollars in damage and get away with it, but if you ambled anywhere near the Capitol on January 6, 2021, you would be hunted down to the ends of the earth. There have been a seemingly endless number of these anti-Israel "protests," yet very few people have been held accountable. 

They're getting more violent, as well, and it's only a matter of time before serious tragedies occur. Until the powers that be put a stop to this, they will simply continue. God forbid that the WH fence should actually get toppled next time; who knows what would happen then.