Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The Responses to Claudine Gay's Resignation Are as Insane, Conspiratorial, and Racist as You'd Expect

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Harvard President Claudine Gay is out. That news was reported by RedState after another bevy of plagiarism allegations dropped on Monday.

Gay became the subject of controversy last month when she claimed antisemitic speech calling for genocide against the Jewish people did not violate the university’s rules during testimony before Congress. This came amid widespread debate over the war in Gaza as pro-Palestinian protesters held demonstrations in universities across the country. Her comments were met with fierce backlash and placed her in the spotlight.

Shortly after the congressional hearing, allegations of plagiarism cropped up. There were suspicions that she had plagiarized parts of her Ph.D dissertation. In other instances, she took full paragraphs and sentences from other people’s work.

After Harvard's leadership finally made the move they should have made weeks ago, it wasn't long before the hand-wringing began. Responses poured in from far-left figures, many of whom see themselves as gatekeepers regarding race. They were just as insane, conspiratorial, and racist as you'd expect.

It's astonishing but not surprising to see these left-wing "intellectuals" essentially suggest that black people have no agency. No one made Gay become a prolific plagiarist. There is no grand conspiracy that led to her resignation. Rather, she committed unthinkable acts for the head of any university, much less the head of America's supposedly most prestigious university. How could she remain in that position having stolen entire paragraphs from scholars while trying to pass them off as her own work? 

This isn't about wanting "to see black women fail." It's about holding some basic standards no matter what race someone is. Does Nicole Hannah Jones actually think that plagiarism is part of "academic freedom?" Or is she just a laughable shill? I ask that rhetorically because we all know the answer. 

There are many, many other examples of this kind of perverted thinking as well.

Adherence to intersectionality and social justice apparently causes brain rot. How is it a vicious attack to expose someone's wrongdoing? Would any of these DEI adherents be giving these excuses if a conservative university president had resigned (of course, those basically don't exist)? Of course, they wouldn't. 

Why? Why must the next president of Harvard University be a black woman? What if I proclaimed on social media that the next president of the university must be a white person? Wouldn't I be called a racist? 

Here's a better idea. Hire someone for the job who is actually qualified for the job. Whether that person is black, white, or purple should not matter. Unfortunately, I suspect Harvard will once again play racial politics and stick someone in the spot based more on what boxes they check than their record of excellence. As I've written before, victimhood is currency in our society, and the modern left is obsessed with it.