Wednesday, January 3, 2024

CNN Report on Claudine Gay Resignation – Spin You Have To See To Believe

There are times when the words that come from the mouth of the Moonbats at CNN just need to be emphasized, so we can all laugh.  This is one of those times.

Appearing on CNN to discuss the resignation of Harvard President Claudine Gay, “journalist” Matt Egan takes parseltongue spin to new levels of professional obfuscation.

During his review of Gay’s plagiarism, Mr. Egan notes Mrs. Gay has not been “accused of stealing ideas,” she has been accused of “copying other people’s writing without attribution.”  Yes, he actually said that.

”We should note that Claudine Gay has not been accused of stealing anyone’s ideas in any of her writings. She has been accused of sort of more like copying other people’s writings without attributionSo, it’s been more sloppy attribution than stealing anyone’s ideas.”


Someone should tell Matt Egan that “copying other people’s writings without attribution,” is actually plagiarism. 😂🤣😂