Monday, January 15, 2024

Sketchy Stuff Again – This Announcement and Story Just Doesn’t Pass Sniff Test

I hate to be captain obvious again, but maybe people have not noticed this story.  Something isn’t right and just doesn’t add up.  The events took place last Thursday, the comments by National Security Council spokesman John Kirby are today.

Look at the contrast between what U.S. Central Command put out -vs- the first AP report on the same incident.

[CentCom Source LINK]

Now look at the AP FIRST NOTICE reporting:

Two U.S. Navy SEALs are missing after conducting a nighttime boarding mission Thursday off the coast of Somalia, according to three U.S. officials.

The SEALs were on an interdiction mission, climbing up a vessel when one got knocked off by high waves. Under their protocol, when one SEAL is overtaken the next jumps in after them.

Both SEALs are still missing. A search and rescue mission is underway and the waters in the Gulf of Aden, where they were operating, are warm, two of the U.S. officials said. (read more)

We are supposed to believe that two naval special force operators, Navy SEALS, doing a ship-to-ship transfer, fully kitted, fell into the water, suddenly disappeared and could not be located in the two days between the CentCom announcement (Jan 11) and the AP report (Jan 13).

Eh… nope.  Sketchy!

So, here’s National Security Council spokesman John Kirby today.  WATCH:

Notice the emphasis on…. “The mission was not related to Operation Prosperity Guardian, the ongoing U.S. and international mission to provide protection to commercial vessels in the Red Sea, or the retaliatory strikes that the United States and the United Kingdom have conducted in Yemen over the past two days.”… 

Sorry, but when you spend so much time telling me what it is not, I suspect it is exactly what you say it isn’t.

So, my non-pretending Occam’s razor takeaway:

Two Navy SEAL combat “KIA’s”, killed in action directly as a result of U.S. operations in/around Yemen, have been turned into two innocuous Navy SEAL “MIA’s” because their death would be politically problematic for the administration.