Monday, January 15, 2024

Biden Admin's Strategy to Contain the Islamic Republic of Iran Has Failed, Utterly

Ward Clark reporting for RedState 

Predictions are hard to make, but I'll hazard a guess about one thing: If Iran can build a nuclear weapon, it's only a matter of time before they use it. Back to President Obama's nuclear deal with Iran, that deal that infamously included pallets of cash being delivered to the world's #1 state sponsor of Islamic terror groups, efforts to make some deal with Iran to "play nice" have failed. The Biden Administration's attempts are, if anything, even more incompetent than Obama's. Add to that the fact that the mullahs want nuclear weapons capability, they are moving faster towards assembling a bomb, and the Biden Administration's efforts to prevent that have utterly failed.

Top Iran experts in the U.S. and in Israel are warning President Biden that his administration’s strategy of de-escalation and containment targeting the world’s worst state-sponsor of terrorism – the Islamic Republic of Iran – has failed and America needs to reestablish deterrence against Tehran as fears of the regime obtaining a nuclear device grow.

Alarming reports about Iran moving at an astonishingly fast pace to possess a nuclear weapon have emerged since last month.

In December, Reuters reported that a confidential IAEA report released to member states said it had "increased its production of highly enriched uranium, reversing a previous output reduction from mid-2023." Reuters also said in its report "that Iran is enriching to up to 60%, close to the roughly 90% that is weapons grade, at its Pilot Fuel Enrichment Plant (PFEP) in its sprawling Natanz complex and at its Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP), which is dug into a mountain."

Dug into a mountain, of course, to make it hard to hit with conventional weaponry. The mullahs and those who work on their nuclear program have no intention of making it easy for anyone like Israel or the United States to take out their production facilities. 

Physicist and founder and president of the Institute for Science and International Security David Albright had this assessment of Iran's production capacity at the moment:

Albright, a former U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq, wrote, "Today, it would need only about a week to produce enough for its first nuclear weapon. It could have enough weapon-grade uranium for six weapons in one month, and after five months of producing weapon-grade uranium, it could have enough for 12."

Asked by Fox News Digital about Iran's nuclear ambitions, a State Department spokesperson said, "As the President and the Secretary have made clear, the United States will ensure one way or another that Iran will never obtain a nuclear weapon. We continue to use a variety of tools in pursuit of that goal, and all options remain on the table. As the Secretary has said, we always prefer diplomacy to achieve that goal, but given Iran’s nuclear escalations and its failure to cooperate with the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency], unfortunately we are far away from anything like that right now."

That State Department spokesperson's statement is the purest of corral litter, suitable only for enriching lawns. The President has very little idea what is going on when he's being led off a stage, much less when he's called upon to take any action with a nation that has shown itself time and again to be an outright enemy of civilization.

So here's where I'll essay a prediction of my own: If Iran is allowed to build nuclear weapons, they will use them. They will use them at a time and place of their choosing, and while it seems obvious targets would include Haifa or Tel Aviv, I wouldn't rule out New York, Washington, or any of our major port cities. Iran doesn't need to build an intercontinental missile and weaponize a warhead to fit onboard that missile; a nation like Iran, ruled by a suicidal death cult, is perfectly capable of finding an old tramp freighter and a suicide crew to man it; it's not giving away any great military secrets to note that they could load the crudest of all nuclear weapons into a cargo container, load it onto said tramp freighter, sail it into a harbor one dark night and torch off the nuke. 

Imagine how differently we would be forced to look at the world if we woke up one morning to find Haifa - or New York, or Boston, or Norfolk - the home of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet - erased from the map. The Biden Administration is utterly unable to come to grips with this possibility. As with so many other issues, this administration, led by the dementia-ridden Joe Biden, staffed with incompetents, is just not up to the task.