Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Reporters Caught on Hot Mic Joking About Assassinating Trump

Nick Arama reporting for RedState 

Former President Donald Trump was expected to show up at the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday as the Court was holding oral arguments on the issue of presidential immunity in his case. 

So the media had mics and cameras set up outside the courthouse, in anticipation of Trump's arrival.

But the mics at the E. Barrett Prettyman U.S. Courthouse picked up something probably the media didn't expect as they waited — a discussion where the reporters were caught on a hot mic talking about Trump being assassinated. They were complaining they wouldn't be able to get a good shot at Trump from where they were positioned. They made it clear what they were talking about comparing it to JFK and talking about suggesting he take a convertible. 

JOURNO 1: You know what the worst part is? Even if he has his window open and he’s hanging out of it, he will be on the other side of the street.

JOURNO 2: I mean, if he’s driving, we’ve got a good shot!

JOURNO 1: Yeah, if he’s driving with the front window open?

JOURNO 2: Yeah, or if it’s a convertible?

JOURNO 1: Yeah. I wasn’t thinking about that.

JOURNO 2: Yeah. Like if he just pulls up–


JOURNO 2: (laughs)

JOURNO 1: Maybe someone, just like they told JFK. You know what you should do? You should take a convertible! It’s so nice out!

It's not clear who the journalists are, but the feed was run by the AP.

This isn't funny nor is it something that reporters should be joking about, especially in the present climate where Democrats and some of the media are painting Trump as a threat and whipping up fear of him. One has to think that the Secret Service is going to be investigating and paying these guys a visit when they find out who they are. But you know there's a big problem when media thinks this way. Is it any wonder that you get such biased stories when you have people like this? 

Inside the Court, Trump's attorneys were arguing he had immunity for official acts.

“In 234 years of American history, no president ever faced criminal prosecution for his official acts. Until 19 days ago, no court had ever addressed whether immunity from such prosecution exists,” Trump’s attorneys wrote in a filing in December. “To this day, no appellate court has addressed it. The question stands among the most complex, intricate, and momentous issues that this Court will be called on to decide.”

Judge Tanya Chatman already denied two motions to dismiss. So we'll have to see what the D.C. Circuit says. The three-judge panel consists of two Biden appointees and one person appointed by George H.W. Bush, so that's not good news for the Trump team.