Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Hunter's Art Dealer Testifies, Reveals White House Misled the American People

Bonchie reporting for RedState 

Amidst the tangled web of Hunter Biden's alleged transgressions are many questions about the selling of his "art." The untrained painter somehow went from total obscurity in his craft to making nearly a million dollars by selling his work to supposedly anonymous buyers. 

Newly Revealed Buyers for Hunter Biden's Art Lead to More Corruption Allegations

Before those deals were made, the ethical issues were already apparent, and the White House claimed that it had set up a system where the buyers would be anonymous. That would supposedly eliminate the ability of the purchasers to gain favor with the Biden family by dropping huge sums of money on amateur paintings. 

Hunter Biden's art dealer is telling a different story, though. He testified before the House Oversight Committee on Tuesday, and he revealed that the buyers were not kept anonymous from Hunter Biden. 

Not only did Hunter Biden know who was buying his art, but it was also being purchased by big-time Democratic Party donors. That includes Kevin Morris, who has been bankrolling the president's son throughout his more recent legal troubles. What exactly is Morris getting out of his relationship with Hunter Biden? That's a huge elephant in the room that has never been dealt with. 

It wasn't just Morris, though. Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali also started buying paintings from Hunter Biden after his father got elected to the presidency.

That timing doesn't seem coincidental. Why else would Naftali, a wealthy "investor," start buying bad paintings the moment the Biden family was elevated to power? Was she looking to receive something in return? These are all questions that must be answered, and that's what the House Oversight Committee is hoping to do.

Clearly, Joe Biden and his handlers misled (or outright lied to) the American people when they said a system to keep the buyers anonymous was set up. Was that system meant to be part of the cover-up, though? That would seem to be one probable explanation. By keeping the buyers anonymous, the White House would then never have to explain why Democratic Party donors were buying Hunter Biden's artwork. Was that the scam being played all along? I know what my opinion is. 

This all looks terrible for a president who is already besieged by various scandals. The Biden family may be the most corrupt family to ever enter the U.S. political arena. Around every corner is yet another attempt by the president and his family to enrich themselves through spurious methods. Will any of them ever be held accountable? That's another issue entirely.