Sunday, January 28, 2024

Now Is The Time For Republicans To Hit Biden Even Harder On The Border

Joe Biden balked. He had given Texas a deadline to allow border patrol into Shelby Park to remove the razor wire they’d erected to secure the 2.5 miles the park shares with the Mexican border, the only stretch of the border actually secured, and Texas responded with the single-finger salute. Then Biden, knowing how wildly unpopular his decision to invite and encourage the whole world to play Red Rover on the southern border is, decided the optics of his government cutting the only barricade that is working to slow his invasion did nothing. Now is the time for Republicans to hit him even harder on the border.

When your opponent is bloodied and bruised in boxing, staggering around the ring, you don’t let up until the bell rings, the referee stops the fight, or they’re on the canvas. In politics, there is no referee or bell, only a finish line of election day, so you need to pummel your opponent as hard and for as long as you possibly can. 

Republicans need to hang the disaster of the border on Biden’s head the way Vince McMahon is alleged to have hung his previous night’s dinner on the head of his former employee – relentlessly, nuts and all.

Every illegal crossing at the border is the responsibility of every Democrat, not just Biden. The public needs to be reminded of that constantly. Every American who an illegal alien criminal victimizes needs to be highlighted by Republicans and hung on the head of every Democrat. 

We need a new TV ad every week pointing out how Americans are suffering at the hands of Democrat policies. 

Ok, Republicans are far too ineffective to be able to pull this off. They’re scrambling to get money to dig their way out of their financial hole and the presumptive nominee has liquidity problems of his own, not to mention distract he’d rather focus on than campaign full-time. But isn’t there some wealthy conservative willing to step up and fill the void? 

Why is the left lousy with billionaires willing to throw money around for their agenda, with no expectation of a return on that investment other than political victories, but conservatives only seem to have conditional donors with very specific policy objectives that, unless they get their way, they’re ready to take their ball and go home over not getting? 

The Kochs want open borders, and unless a candidate supports that, they’re on their own. Consider all the victories conservatives would have racked up by now if we had principled conservatives with money willing to fund ideas, not pet projects and personal preferences. 

But we don’t live in that world. We live in a world where Democrats can run around claiming illegal aliens commit fewer crimes than Americans, and Republicans are unable to message the reality that Democrats prevent the collection of data on criminals and their immigration status, which makes that impossible to prove, but more importantly, impossible to disprove. 

We live in a world where Republicans are unable or unwilling (because they’re afraid to offend donors) to point out that no matter what the actual statistics are on illegal alien crime, fully 100 percent of Americans victimized by it would not have been victims had those illegal aliens not been in the country. 

We live in a world where the President can say he’ll “shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed” if amnesty is given to illegals. No one counters that with the fact that he has the authority to do so now or it has been “overwhelmed” every day since he took office specifically because he wants it that way.

There should be a ZERO deal on the border that does anything to legalize illegals, no amnesty for anyone in the country illegally. But we can’t even get “conservative” media outlets to call them illegal aliens; they’re too busy following the lead of Democrats by calling them “migrants.” 

They are not “migrants.” Migrants migrate; it’s right there in the name. They follow work or herds – they enter the country, plant crops, then return home to find work there before coming back to pick the crops, then go home again. 

These illegal aliens have no intention whatsoever of leaving the country, no matter what a court rules a decade or more down the road. When encountered, they need to be forcibly removed. Until then, their employment by any American company must carry with it such a punishing fine to make employers terrified of accidentally letting any slip through the cracks with forged documents. 

Regardless of circumstance, not a single one of them should be allowed to receive a single penny of welfare and hospitals need to be required to report any illegal who ends up in their emergency room. Let the foreign aid we send to their country of origin be decreased by what they cost those hospitals, penny for a penny or two for one, as we deport them back home. See how quickly those governments work to prevent our country from being flooded by their citizens when it costs them money.

And tax the hell out of money sent back to family back home, while ending the concept of family reunification through immigration. If people want to be with their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, or whoever else, they go back home to where they live. And if you’re going to miss them so much, don’t leave them in the first place.

We need a heartless, merit-based immigration system that asks the only question that matters or should be asked: What do we get out of letting you live here? If the answer is nothing, go away. If you can’t speak our common language, you’re out. We don’t need a permanent underclass who can’t communicate and will never be a net-plus to society unless they hit the lottery. People illiterate in their own language are not going to benefit or can wait until they can prove they will be by doing the bare minimum of learning to communicate before we even consider it. 

All of this needs to be used to metaphorically beat every open-border Democrat about the head and neck until they either change their position or run out of office. Biden balking on this border fight with Texas is a great start, but it means absolutely nothing if it’s treated as a finish line and not just a checkpoint. This fight is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s going to require some intelligence, principles and strategic thinking on behalf of Republican leaders to win it. That’s what scares me.