Sunday, January 28, 2024

Democrats Have Lost Control of the Nation to Republicans Before the 2024 Election

The moment Texas told the Biden Administration, the Federal Government, and even the Supreme Court "no" was the moment a power shift occurred in the United States of America. With that one moment of defiance, the power that the Democrats said they had was proven to be nothing. 

(The American People Just Demonstrated to Biden Why He'd Lose a Civil War)

The implications of this are many, especially as we are around the corner from the 2024 elections. With Texas's defiance giving the border crisis the attention it deserves, two things become a major problem for the Democrat Party. For one, normal American people are going to begin seeing more about the border crisis than before, and two, the Democrat Party is going to look either incompetent at best or sinister at worst for allowing this to happen. 

Moreover, Texas is going to look like a heroic rebel state that is not only taking what steps it can to protect itself but also protecting the rest of the nation overall. Texas is effectively doing the job the federal government is supposed to do, but isn't, making the Biden administration and the Democrat Party look incompetent and incapable. 

But it gets even worse as Republicans have jumped to assist Texas in their rebellion in any way they can. Many Republican Governors are now offering their assistance and sending supplies and troops from their own National Guards to help. 

Let's be honest, this isn't just about helping secure the border. Republican politicians are smelling blood in the water and are taking the opportunity to bite chunks out of the Democrat Party's political machine. Not that this is a bad thing. 

If the Republicans weren't taking the opportunity to flex their muscles about America's safety while highlighting the failure and outright refusal of Democrats to be good stewards of the nation, I'd be livid. This is a hot iron worth striking, and Republicans are doing something smart for a change; manhandling the Democrats. 

It's a good look that indicates that Republicans have their hands on the wheel despite not being in power while Democrats have taken their hands completely off it. It's a look that will cause many people to ask what the point of the Democrats is anyway. 

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has understood the assignment as well and is hammering home a solid message for the GOP to unite around. 

“Every state now is a border state,” he said. “When you have Joe Biden’s Democratic opponent saying, ‘This is outrageous and out of control at the border’; when you have Democratic mayors across the country that are saying, ‘This is outrageous and something’s got to be done.’ And the Republican governors, we have been standing in solidarity for well over a year, couple years now on the disaster at the border. I’ve been down there four times myself, the White House and Joe Biden just obviously doesn’t get it or they don’t care.”

This is a really solid line of attack because it actually utilizes the idea that the Democrats haven't just lost control of the country, but they've also lost control of their own party. 

It indicates strongly that Republicans are the only responsible and competent people in the room. 

Going into 2024, this is a sharp arrow for the GOP to have in their quiver. They should not let this line of attack go, and so long as they hold the line in Texas, they can keep this narrative alive. 

And they should. It's safe to say that the irresponsibility Democrats have shown on many levels is unforgivable. People have had their lives destroyed thanks to their policies, and many are dead because of them too. It's the GOP's responsibility to do what they can to stop the madness and restore order.