Saturday, September 16, 2023

Run Joe, Run!

I hope Joe Biden is the Democratic Nominee in 2024

Over the last several months, there’s been a lot of chatter as to whether or not an 80-year old man who currently lives in the White House, but often says things that are incomprehensible and spends most of his days hiding on Rehoboth Beach, will actually run for reelection in 2024.

Yes, it’s true that Joe Biden formally “announced” at the end of April that he is in fact running for reelection. But no one who watched that hilariously futile three minute video, in which Hollywood producers attempted to paint Biden as the lord and savior from those evil “MAGA extremists” should feel confident that what could have passed as an SNL skit was a serious announcement.

And since that “announcement,” Biden has done nothing to inspire any confidence that he is even remotely up for the job, which is why a new Wall Street Journal poll revealed that 73 percent of registered voters believe Biden is too old to be president. Why that number wasn’t 100 percent is a conversation for another day.

In mid-July, Politico reported that the Biden campaign had spent a grand total of $1.1 million in the second quarter of this year, employed just four staffers on its payroll, and did not even have an official headquarters. It appears most of Biden’s shadow campaign is currently being outsourced to the Democratic National Committee.

All of this makes perfect sense to anyone who has been paying attention to this trainwreck of a presidency.

Everyone knows Biden is incompetent, too old, and too weak physically and mentally to run for reelection. The reality is, he’s too weak to be president right now, which is why he isn’t really running the show.

No one who has spent nearly four out of every ten days on vacation — or 39.4 percent of their presidency — is in charge.

To put that in perspective, during President Trump’s entire term in office, he spent 381 days or 26 percent of his presidency on vacation.

As of early August, Biden had already spent 365 days on vacation and he still has another 17 months left in office. God help us.

Biden is now on pace to have taken more time off than every single president dating back to Jimmy Carter.

From unlimited taxpayer funded PTO days, to a four-decade-high of inflation, to the border, to unconstitutional mandates, to the horrendous Afghanistan withdrawal, there doesn’t seem to be a record of futility Biden hasn’t broken.

Even in the instances when Biden has been presented with the easiest opportunities to show any ounce of empathy towards Americans who are suffering, he still manages to fall well short. Just look at his recent disgraceful response to the tragic Maui wildfires.

As if vacationing on the beach while people are hurting wasn’t bad enough, Biden had “no comment,” while asked about the rising death toll.

Yes, I know 11 days after that disgraceful response, the propagandists at the White House claimed that Biden never heard the question, but unlike the corrupt legacy media, I’m not that stupid. And for the record, if you’re dumb enough to believe he really didn’t hear the question, he could have asked the reporter to repeat it. Even Beethoven probably would have asked for the question to be written down.

Which brings me to my final point.

I really hope that the Democrat operatives don’t push old Joe to the side, because I want everyone to see just how corrupt and incompetent this man is on a debate stage for 90 minutes, assuming he actually agrees to debate.

I dare this man to continue lying to the American people that he had no knowledge of his crackhead son’s shady business dealings that we’ve now learned were really Joe’s business dealings. Hunter was merely a go-between.

I dare this man to explain to us what services his family provided to China, Russia, Ukraine and Romania in exchange for millions of dollars.

Sorry Joe, no amount of “Hunter’s laptop is a Russian plant,” BS can save you now.

I dare this man to once again try to claim with a straight face that the Afghanistan withdrawal was anything other than an unmitigated disaster that resulted in the senseless killing of 13 U.S. Service Members and the loss of billions of the finest weaponry, now in the hands of Middle Age barbarians. I really hope that the Gold Star families, who have spoken out against Biden in recent days, are in the auditorium on debate night, just to see how heartless Biden is.

I hope Biden has the temerity to tell everyone that our Southern Border is secure, while he presides over the worst flow of illegal immigration in our country’s history.

I dare Biden to continue bragging about all of the jobs that he’s supposedly brought back, while pretending that millions of Americans who simply returned to their old jobs before the government locked everyone at home during COVID somehow counts as job creation.

I really hope this man tells the American people that he had nothing to do with his justice department’s attempted jailing of his leading political rival.

I hope he tells us that Kamala Harris is not only a historic vice president, who speaks as eloquently as Winston Churchill, but that cackling aside, she has done an admirable job with every task she’s been given, including the border that she still has yet to visit.

And wouldn’t it be nice if Biden could articulate what our current strategy is towards Ukraine, and how the billions of dollars in aid we’ve sent them has been spent?

Maybe he could also explain how in the world he allowed a Chinese spy balloon to fly unobstructed for an entire week over our shores, without any serious retaliation against the CCP, who he still has yet to punish for unleashing the virus on the world.

We all know that if Biden is in fact the Democratic nominee, the leftist propaganda media will continue to run cover for him while smearing his GOP opponent every step of the way.

But their lies, omissions and work of fiction will be largely irrelevant, because Biden can’t hide from his disastrous record and his ever-worsening cognitive decline.

I could be wrong, but I’d like to think in a free and fair election, the American people will not tolerate four more years of this clown show we’ve been watching.

On the Fringe, Red Pill News, and more- Sept 16


Hunter’s Gun Indictment: Moment of Truth for Biden Regime

We all now know what is on the line

Thursday’s indictment of presidential prodigal son Hunter Biden on three gun-related criminal counts is the latest twist in the long, winding and rapidly escalating saga that is the Biden crime family.

The indictment, served up by U.S. Attorney — and now “special counsel,” despite the fact 28 Code of Federal Regulations Sec. 600.3 requires that a special counsel be “selected from outside the United States Government” — David C. Weiss, comes a month and a half after Weiss’ obfuscatory plea agreement was summarily rejected by Judge Maryellen Noreika. That prior plea deal, curiously, would have handled the same gun crimes for which Hunter has now been indicted with a slap-on-the-wrist pretrial diversion agreement. Fact is, Hunter transparently lied that he was “not an unlawful user of, or addicted to, any stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance” when he filled out a Firearms Transaction Record to purchase a Colt revolver in 2018. It is indisputable that Hunter was a drug addict at the time he purchased the firearm; he openly admitted as much in his ill-advised 2021 memoir.

True, the third count of Weiss’ indictment, invoking the federal provision (18 U.S. Code Sec. 922(g)(3)) that criminalizes possession of a firearm when one is “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, any stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance,” is arguably unconstitutional under the Supreme Court’s current Second Amendment jurisprudence; in fact, just last month, a panel of the conservative-leaning U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit held just that. But Delaware is not part of the Fifth Circuit, which only covers Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. A criminal defense on such grounds, moreover, would put someone named “Biden” in the highly ironic position of advancing a maximalist, National Rifle Association-style Second Amendment argument. And even if Hunter did make such an argument, the first two counts of the indictment would remain untouched. In sum, the three criminal counts could in theory — and assuredly only in theory — yield up to 25 years in the slammer.

At first blush, Weiss’ 180-degree turn over the course of a mere month and a half gives off the impression of someone who got their hand caught in the cookie jar, and who is now penitent. Under this theory of the case, Weiss was thoroughly embarrassed by Judge Noreika’s rejection of his murky, sweetheart plea agreement, and he now seeks to redeem himself. That is a plausible explanation, but it is probably wrong.

Zoom out a little bit. Earlier this week, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) announced the commencement of a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden, the “big guy” implicated in Hunter’s myriad shady overseas businesses dealings. There is increasing evidence that Joe knew all about, at minimum, and probably even personally profited from Hunter’s foreign dalliances with Ukrainian oligarchs, Romanian tycoons, Chinese investors, and others. At the same time, the senescent octogenarian faces increasingly vocal calls from Democratic Party voters, ruling class elites, and Regime-approved media apparatchiks alike to pack it in and not seek reelection next November. On Tuesday evening, for instance, Regime stenographer David Ignatius used his Washington Post column to argue, in straightforwardly titled enough manner: “President Biden should not run again in 2024.”

Perhaps Hunter had a little chat with his father, wherein Don Corleone — sorry, the president of the United States — instructed his addlebrained son to take one for the team and be a useful fall guy. The Weiss indictment sure does make for a nice, shiny distraction amidst all the smoke now engulfing the “big guy.” Is this indictment intended to make McCarthy and House Republicans forget about the impeachment inquiry they just opened? Even worse, is this where the Weiss “special counsel” probe somehow ends — thus letting Hunter off scot-free for his significantly more dastardly, possibly money laundering -or Foreign Agents Registration Act- implicating business pursuits overseas?

Ultimately and perhaps most importantly, the Biden Regime’s handling of the Hunter indictment will tell us everything we need to know about the Regime’s nature. It will be a moment of truth — a “put up or shut up” moment. If Weiss ends his investigation here, content with his firearms charges and willing to look the other way as to Hunter’s presidential impeachment-adjacent foreign bribery and corruption, then the Regime will necessarily vindicate the conservatives who have long lambasted its “two-tier system of justice.” That same conclusion also holds if Hunter somehow avoids all jail time, in a possible future plea agreement, for firearms offenses that would certainly land anyone else in prison for years.

Weiss’ indictment has thus clarified the stakes. We all now know what is on the line — and it isn’t just Hunter’s fate as a free man.

Game on.

Tony Buzbee, “The Bush Era in Texas Ends Today” – “They Can Go Back to Maine, THIS Is Texas”

Hallelujah!  Ken Paxton’s defense attorney Tony Buzbee brings the fire today during his closing statement in the insufferable impeachment effort underway in Texas.

Delivering the non-pretending thunder-bombs, Mr. Buzbee laid waste to the manipulative and machiavellian Bush legacy with some resounding truths.  This was awesome.

The full closing remarks are below the fold; but here’s the highlight where Buzbee declares “The Bush era in Texas ends today!  WATCH:

Full video below:

Upon His Farewell, a Retrospective of Chuck Todd’s More Laughable Moments

Brad Slager reporting for RedState 

After preparing us weeks ago, this past Sunday, we saw Chuck Todd sign off on “Meet The Press" for the last time. He has been pushed aside to make way for Kristen Welker to take over the mantle of the show, an inglorious exit that is due to Chuck taking the venerated program to new lows. It has been nine years of “Mr. Todd’s Mild Ride,” and in that time, he took the #1-rated Sunday program he inherited and turned it into an inconsequential program, finishing well behind in the ratings.

This matches the move made last year when the iteration of “MTP Daily” was shunted to the upstart and little-regarded streaming platform NBC News NOW. This was a result of Todd also becoming a drain on the dayside lineup, as frequently “MTP Daily” would be the only show on MSNBC’s daytime schedule to fall behind CNN in the ratings. As such, we felt something of a retrospective was in order to celebrate the tenure of Todd sinking the longest-running show on television.

Chuckles has made a name for himself as a deeply partisan voice, made all the more amusing by his knee-jerk defense against charges of bias in the press. That said, there are countless examples of this partisan side from Todd, so instead, I wanted to cite those examples of mental futility we have been treated to over the years. Here are some of our treasured memories from Chuck’s attempt to be treated as a serious journalist.

  • We start off with one of our favorites. The host, as part of his perpetual defense of Joe Biden, attempted to suggest that Biden suffered the worst reaction to an election victory in the history of our nation. In speaking with Andrea Mitchell about this topic, Todd actually said that Biden experienced more resistance to his winning an election than Abraham Lincoln. “Lincoln’s election was more accepted. I was just thinking about that. Even the Civil War, we did not disagree with the passing of power.” When Lincoln was elected, members of Congress resigned, some states formed a defensive army, and before Lincoln was inaugurated, the nation was split into two parts, with seven states seceding and forming their own government.

  • In a sweeping move to impugn both Trump voters and the religious right, Chuck brought up religious aspects that many Americans believe, likening them to fairy tales, and then went to the conclusion that when it comes to Trump supporters, “Hey, voters want to be lied to, sometimes.”

  • After the Uvalde school shooting, he tried to pin this on Republicans who “think the 2nd Amendment is almost a religious tenet.”  

  • After Joe Biden stripped away many of the immigration policies put in place by Donald Trump, he caused a humanitarian crisis at the southern border. His administration literally flung open the gates when it halted construction on the border wall, demanded stretches of it be taken down, and sued the state of Arizona to remove the makeshift wall they put in place using shipping containers. Despite his actions, Todd tried to claim the current crisis is the fault of the prior administration, though it had no such influx as we are seeing today. “This is what it looks like now with Republicans, that they’re almost rooting for a problem so they can walk away from it.” Huh?!?!

  • In a discussion with candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, Chuck tried to say that having more genders than just Male and Female (the “gender spectrum” as he called it) was scientifically proven. He then challenged Ramaswamy on his adherence to there being just two genders, to which the candidate was unwavering. The only thing sillier than Todd’s false scientific claim is his doing so with a man who has a degree in biology from Harvard University.

  • On the topic of Biden’s lagging approval numbers, Chuck excused away the president as not responsible. No, it was all Donald Trump’s fault. How? Well, Biden needed to conquer COVID and get past his predecessor, except he has failed to do both. “His two big promises were to get Covid behind us and to get rid of Donald Trump. Covid’s not behind us and Donald Trump’s still lurking. It’s not his fault, but is that why we’re in this no-man’s land here for him?”

    This, we need to explain to Mr. Todd, means that Biden has failed at these goals, and thus, the fault lies with him. 
  • The “Meet The Press” crew attempted to bring on the show Representative Dan Young of Alaska. Young’s former spokesperson had to respectfully inform the show the Congressman would be unavailable, on account he had passed away three months prior. Now, it might be excusable as an oversight due to being uninformed, but that is eclipsed by the fact that Rep. Young had been honored when he passed away - with a segment on “Meet The Press.”

  • Chuck had criticism of Ron DeSantis placing a curriculum in Florida schools to teach about the evils of communism. Just pause to consider: Chuck has a problem with teaching that communism is bad. "I went to Florida public schools," he declared.  "We were taught this. It was called history. It just seems like a weird politicizing—you know he's going out of his way to politicize something,"

    Does it make sense to say he had been taught this about communism, but when DeSantis suggests the very same thing, it is now a problem? But further, his complaint was to say that DeSantis is “politicizing” the topic – a politician suggesting that political classes should teach about a political system is…somehow political…?!

To close out, we have a tidy tidbit from Tim Graham over at Newsbusters

As mentioned, Todd is a vociferous denier of media bias. (He once even laughably said, “There is no editorial view on any of these newscasts on MSNBC in the daytime.”) Yet despite all his Chris-Cilliza-level of pleading that a media bias does not exist, we have this contradictory commentary from Democrat fundraiser Kristian Denny Todd:

Cable news is not about reporting the news -- and again, we can have a conversation about what that means, 'the news,' but they just parrot what their viewers want to hear. So, is that still news? Are these people allowed to call themselves journalists? I don't know."

Salient and accurate words. To see them being delivered by Chuck Todd’s wife - someone with an intimate knowledge of the topic - makes it all the more valid.

Dove Soap Hires BLM Activist, Quickly Gets 'Bud Light' Treatment and Calls for Boycott

Becky Noble reporting for RedState 

You might have thought that every other American company that witnessed the downfall of Bud Light as the number-one-selling brand of beer in the country after the Dylan Mulvaney fiasco would have made it a point to inform their marketing department, that going woke is not a winning marketing strategy and would not be approved. But going woke does seem to be the latest fad in the marketing industry. The latest brand that is attempting insanity and expecting a different outcome is Dove Soap. Dove is not only facing a boycott, but its entry into the woke arena comes with some serious baggage.

Last month, Dove Soap began something called the "Fat Liberation campaign," presumably an effort to encourage customers to accept and feel good about their bodies, no matter what they look like. Great idea, sounds good so far. The spokeswoman Dove has partnered with for this campaign is a woman named Zyanha Bryant. Bryant has a history that could be a real problem for Dove Soap. Bryant was a student activist at the University of Virginia and, most notably, a Black Lives Matter activist. 

During the summer of 2020, BLM protesters were gathered on a partially blocked Charlottesville street. Morgan Bettinger, also a UVA student, began to drive down the street and then realized it was blocked off by a dump truck. Bettinger parked and started to walk down the street to see what was happening. As she passed by the truck, she had a brief conversation with the truck driver and made remarks to the effect of, “It’s a good thing that you are here because otherwise these people would have been speed bumps." The comments were meant to praise the presence of the truck so no protesters would be hurt by any possible oncoming traffic.

But in a twisted game of telephone, Bettinger's comments made it through the crowd and turned into Bettinger calling the protesters speed bumps and saying she was going to run them over. BLM protester Bryant then took it upon herself to post an account of the incident on X, formerly Twitter. But that wasn't enough for Bryant. She immediately began demanding that school administrators expel Bettinger. Bryant also filed a complaint with the University Judiciary Committee, claiming to the student-run disciplinary committee that Bettinger had "threatened students’ health and safety." 

The committee sided with Bryant. But Bryant wasn't done yet. She then filed a complaint with UVA's Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights. It is here that Bryant got a bit creative with the story, claiming that Bettinger had repeated the alleged speed bump statement five times and had racially discriminated against her. Thankfully, the EOCR Office engaged in a bit of common sense and determined that Bryant did not hear the comments being repeated herself because no one could be found that could corroborate the claim. Despite this, Bettinger has since graduated from UVA but feels the whole incident, along with the committee verdict, greatly impaired her chances of getting into law school. Bryant did admit later that she might have "misheard" Bettinger's comments. Nice of her to say after virtually destroying someone's life.

If Dove Soap thought they were going to slip Zyanha Bryant's past under the woke rug, they were mistaken. Long-time customers took to X to voice their outrage at the partnership with Bryant. along with pictures of bars of Dove in trash cans, one customer stated, "Guess I've bought my last bar of Dove soap." Another stated, "I've stopped buying their products. Never again!" Still, another said, "This woman put another UVA student through hell, and it was all a woke lie." Some are using the hashtag "#BoycottDove." Even X CEO Elon Musk called the partnership between Dove and Bryant "messed up."

Dove Soap might want to take a time out and talk to the powers that be at Bud Light and Target. As my colleague Jeff Charles reported, beer industry expert Harry Schumacher says that Bud Light sales have been consistently down at about 30 percent since around May or June of this year. He added, "That tells me that this is quasi-permanent, meaning those consumers are just lost forever." Last month, Target reported a 5.4 percent drop in sales for the first time in six years. 

Both Bud Light and Target might have recovered at least somewhat if they had just acknowledged they had made a mistake by catering to the woke crowd and apologized. But neither brand could muster the courage to do so, more than likely fearing backlash. Dove Soap started with a great idea: Encourage people, especially women, to feel good about themselves and their bodies, no matter what size they are. But they might just have to find out as Bud Light and Target did, when you partner with woke warriors, go woke go broke is a very real thing.

‘Acceptable’ Violence Against Peaceful Pro-Lifers Is Unacceptable

In Washington, D.C., a woman crossed the street to fling her coffee in the face of a sidewalk counselor outside an abortion facility. Meanwhile, her partner began a shouting match with another sidewalk counselor, which soon devolved into a physical altercation

In Baltimore, a man lunged at an elderly man praying outside an abortion facility, knocking him into a concrete planter and down to the ground. When a second elderly sidewalk counselor hurried over to help the first victim, the passerby shoved him to the ground and kicked his face with extreme force. Both men were knocked unconscious and required medical care.

In Saginaw, Michigan, an abortionist ran over a man who regularly prays outside the abortion facility — not once, but twice. 

In a tumultuous culture where the emotional temperature seems to be ever-rising after the 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson Supreme Court decision on abortion, it’s perhaps not surprising that violence is being reported more frequently outside facilities that perform abortions — which, ironically, is a violence of its own. 

These are situations in which people engaged in sidewalk counseling, or people who are simply praying quietly, are being attacked. In two of these instances, the attackers had nothing to do with the abortion facility — they were mere passersby whose rage was somehow sparked by the sight of people ready to help women in crisis. 

Sidewalk Advocates for Life was established to provide training and support to peaceful people who feel called to go to the sidewalk outside their local abortion facility (or, post-Dobbs, outside their local facility that refers for out-of-state abortion) to offer help to mothers in need.

Certified advocates with this goal do not harass the women or others they encounter. They do not go out to the sidewalk to try to change abortion supporters’ minds or to simply win an argument. 

Their goal is to connect with the mother — to listen and find out what specifically brought her to the abortion facility that day (financial trouble? relationship problems? concerns about finishing school or keeping a job?) before providing her with resources right in her community that address her specific needs and challenges. 

There have been a handful of situations that have required a Sidewalk Advocate to file a police report against an angry abortion supporter. But there has not been one instance of a certified advocate becoming embroiled in physical altercations on the sidewalk. They are committed to abiding by the law, which is a protection in itself against violence

Not every person on the sidewalk follows a peaceful, prayerful, law-abiding approach or receives formal training from organizations like Sidewalk Advocates for Life. But does that mean any of them deserve to be assaulted by people who think differently than they do on the issue of abortion? 

Does that mean it’s OK to pummel a 70-year-old man until his face is virtually unrecognizable? 

Does that mean it’s acceptable to run down someone who is quietly praying? 

Certainly, if a pro-life advocate had assaulted an abortion worker or volunteer so egregiously, the uproar would have been nearly instantaneous and the criminal charges would have been prompt. But this is the kind of double standard the pro-life movement has come to expect from a society that decries violence — unless it’s violence within the womb or violence against those who work to stop it.

The most prominent example of this is the FACE Act itself. The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act prohibits threats of force, obstruction, and property damage intended to interfere with reproductive health care services. According to the U.S. Department of Justice itself, “The statute protects all patients, providers, and facilities that provide reproductive health services, including pro-life pregnancy counseling services and any other pregnancy support facility providing reproductive health care.” Yet when vandalism and threats against pregnancy resource centers skyrocketed in the wake of the leak of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, which overturned Roe v. Wade, the Department of Justice continued to focus on prosecuting pro-life individuals, rather than seeking out these violators of the FACE Act.

We all know we are supposed to be equal under the law no matter our stance on abortion. We all know that assaulting people is wrong — even if their thoughts about abortion, or any other issue, are not the same as ours. 

It’s time to act on that knowledge. Violence against pro-life individuals peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights outside abortion facilities is unacceptable. It’s against the law. And it has to stop.

Joy Behar Is Half Right About the 'Political Retribution' Aspect of Republicans Going After the Bidens

Joy Behar, that beautiful bastion of wisdom and grace, was lamenting the onslaught of legal and political trouble the Bidens were going through at the hands of Republicans while sitting with her coven on "The View."

She opened up the segment by commiserating with her co-hosts about the Bidens' "rough" and "awful" week, detailing that Republicans were moving forward with their impeachment inquiry using "unproven claims" about Hunter Biden's business dealings. 

That concern's rich, coming from Behar of all people, but she continues. 

Then she brought up the three charges Hunter was brought up on, including illegal possession of a handgun and making false statements. It was then that she brought up the idea that this was all "political retribution." 

"So, some people think that this is, what they call, 'political retribution' because of the Democrats going after Trump," she said. 

Well...yeah. I hope so. 

If the Bidens were a squeaky clean family who hadn't actually done anything wrong and Republicans were going after them just because Democrats went after Trump, I might have some negative things to say about Republicans investigating the Bidens -- and would hope they would go after a different target. 

But the Biden family isn't clean. The Bidens are corrupt as they come, and there are a lot of smoke columns in the air, indicating that if Republicans just investigated even a little bit, they'd find fires galore. 

(READ: Laptop Audio: Biden Knew Hunter Was in Drug Crisis at Time He Bought Gun, Begged: 'Get Some Help')

But let's pull back on the Bidens for a second and look at the big picture. 

The Democrat Party and the greater left have spent the better part of the post-modern era being massive bullies. You could be the most stand-up person on planet Earth and if you stood in their way even a little, they would do whatever it took to destroy your reputation, your career, and your life. You can ask Justice Brett Kavanaugh about that...or Clarence Thomas...Riley Gaines...J.K. Rowling...Gina Carano...Jordan Peterson. The list goes on. 

Their ongoing attack on Trump, whether you like Trump or not, has always been about securing and maintaining their own power and practicing their own extreme biases. They've proven they're willing to flat-out lie, misrepresent, and half-truth their way to whatever end they need. If you're in their way, then they'll destroy you by any means necessary. 

For ages, Republicans have been content to sit back and "not sink to their level." The thinking is that if they just practice good behavior and even-handed fairness, then all will work out in the end. 

I've got some sour news for the Neville Chamberlains out there. The law of nature isn't "fairness always wins the day." It's a brutal and unforgiving world where the strong will consume anything that can't or won't fight back. You're in the jungle, baby. You're gonna die. 

This is one of the first lessons almost every kid learns. There are bullies waiting to make prey out of anyone they consider weak and incapable of fighting back. One of the first pieces of advice you get from any sane parent is the advice to make yourself dangerous in the eyes of the bully. Fight back, and even if you lose the fight that might erupt, at least you'll have given the bully something to think about. He'll have to weigh his actions against the harm that could come to him in return -- and most of the time, the bully will choose the safer route. 

The Democrat Party, and leftists in general, aren't too dissimilar. As one of my followers so brilliantly put it, the left believes every idea it has is a good one up to the moment when their idea happens to them. This is true, but you have to make that thing happen to them first. 

Right now, the left believes it can bully people without consequence. They think everyone around them will just shut up and take whatever they dish out, and that they can push everyone around and get their way through intimidation and consequences for defiance. Up till pretty recently, they've been right. There would be complaints, but no one was truly willing to really fight back. 

Now, the Democrats are seeing something they should have been seeing for decades; retribution for their corruption and malicious actions. Republicans could busy themselves for decades uncovering and punishing Democrat wrongdoing and they absolutely should be. 

Not only would it help drain the swamp that America is currently mired in, but even more importantly, it would give the Democrats pause whenever the opportunity to be corrupt would present itself. 

No town functions without a sheriff to uphold the law, and D.C. isn't any different. 

So yes, Behar is right. This is retribution, at least partly. It's my honest hope that the Democrats see this as retribution, too. I want them to understand that abusing the people's trust and attempts at tyranny are painful, and that every corrupt action comes with a consequence that could result in the loss of your position, ungodly fines, or even prison time. 

There's only one language bullies understand, and it's time we start speaking it. 

Report: The FBI Illegally Politicized Background Investigations of Republican Presidential Appointments

A recent report published by America First Legal (AFL) details how the FBI weaponized the federal background investigation process to deny Republican presidents — specifically Donald Trump — the ability to make political appointments in an “institution-wide” violation of the Privacy Act, the Paperwork Reduction Act, and other federal statutes. Institutional disregard for the FBI Manual of Investigative Operations and Guidelines (MIOG) further contributed to this.

It alleges that during the Trump administration, the FBI illegally conducted politically biased background checks to sabotage potential appointees with selectively “unsubstantiated” and “derogatory” information.

The report, along with a letter detailing its findings, was sent to Republican Reps. Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and James Comer, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability and Democrat Sens. Dick Durbin of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Gary Peters of the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee.

Recall the nomination process of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Throughout Kavanaugh’s confirmation process, due to unsubstantiated concerns of sexual impropriety, the Senate Judiciary Committee sought a supplemental FBI investigation — supported by the White House — into the allegations.

However, AFL argues that if, at the outset, the confirmation process was conducted fairly and objectively, then a supplemental investigation would never have been necessary. Further, the FBI’s Washington, D.C. field office is notorious for its political bias and is a hub of institutionalized political weaponization. How could any of this supplemental investigation be conducted in good faith?

Obviously, it wasn’t.

As AFL details, because of “procedural infirmities that biased the FBI [background investigation] process in ways that benefited those politically opposed to former President Trump,” several federal laws were broken.

Litigation conducted by AFL, leading to this report, shows that the FBI failed to guarantee Kavanaugh various legal protections.

Because during the process of the background investigation, the FBI “collect[ed] information from the public and third parties concerning nominees without using a form with a valid OMB-approved control number,” the FBI violated the Paperwork Reduction Act’s requirements at 44 U.S.C. § 3512(a).

“By no longer enforcing the MIOG standards, which requires the FBI to seek to offset derogatory information,” the report reads, “the FBI does not ‘make reasonable efforts to assure that [nominee] records are accurate, complete, timely, and relevant, for agency purposes.” As such, AFL contends the FBI violated federal law — 5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(6).

The report also argues that the FBI’s disregard for the MIOG caused it to further violate federal law — 5 U.S.C.  §§ 552a(e)(1), (e)(2), (e)(3), and (e)(5) — because “the FI or DOJ maintain[ed] in its records information about applicants that [are] likely irrelevant to their qualifications to daily and completely adjudicate cases arising under the Constitution and [relevant] statutes.”

These are just a few of the findings detailed in AFL’s report. And whereas it may sound like legalistic jargon, it is illustrative of a glaring issue in our political system and government: the federal government and federal bureaucracy are thoroughly weaponized against the ideological enemies of permanent Washington.

If someone presents a threat to the regime’s agenda, its allies will mobilize to violate protections legally guaranteed to that person. There can no longer be illusions of political neutrality or fair play.

During Biden’s time in office, the Office of Legal Policy at the Department of Justice rescinded regulations designed to protect political nominees subjected to background investigations of this nature. The deep state subterfuge that plagued Kavanaugh’s confirmation will become the norm unless Congressional Republicans amplify this misconduct and exercise whatever power they have over these rogue agencies.