Saturday, September 16, 2023

Run Joe, Run!

I hope Joe Biden is the Democratic Nominee in 2024

Over the last several months, there’s been a lot of chatter as to whether or not an 80-year old man who currently lives in the White House, but often says things that are incomprehensible and spends most of his days hiding on Rehoboth Beach, will actually run for reelection in 2024.

Yes, it’s true that Joe Biden formally “announced” at the end of April that he is in fact running for reelection. But no one who watched that hilariously futile three minute video, in which Hollywood producers attempted to paint Biden as the lord and savior from those evil “MAGA extremists” should feel confident that what could have passed as an SNL skit was a serious announcement.

And since that “announcement,” Biden has done nothing to inspire any confidence that he is even remotely up for the job, which is why a new Wall Street Journal poll revealed that 73 percent of registered voters believe Biden is too old to be president. Why that number wasn’t 100 percent is a conversation for another day.

In mid-July, Politico reported that the Biden campaign had spent a grand total of $1.1 million in the second quarter of this year, employed just four staffers on its payroll, and did not even have an official headquarters. It appears most of Biden’s shadow campaign is currently being outsourced to the Democratic National Committee.

All of this makes perfect sense to anyone who has been paying attention to this trainwreck of a presidency.

Everyone knows Biden is incompetent, too old, and too weak physically and mentally to run for reelection. The reality is, he’s too weak to be president right now, which is why he isn’t really running the show.

No one who has spent nearly four out of every ten days on vacation — or 39.4 percent of their presidency — is in charge.

To put that in perspective, during President Trump’s entire term in office, he spent 381 days or 26 percent of his presidency on vacation.

As of early August, Biden had already spent 365 days on vacation and he still has another 17 months left in office. God help us.

Biden is now on pace to have taken more time off than every single president dating back to Jimmy Carter.

From unlimited taxpayer funded PTO days, to a four-decade-high of inflation, to the border, to unconstitutional mandates, to the horrendous Afghanistan withdrawal, there doesn’t seem to be a record of futility Biden hasn’t broken.

Even in the instances when Biden has been presented with the easiest opportunities to show any ounce of empathy towards Americans who are suffering, he still manages to fall well short. Just look at his recent disgraceful response to the tragic Maui wildfires.

As if vacationing on the beach while people are hurting wasn’t bad enough, Biden had “no comment,” while asked about the rising death toll.

Yes, I know 11 days after that disgraceful response, the propagandists at the White House claimed that Biden never heard the question, but unlike the corrupt legacy media, I’m not that stupid. And for the record, if you’re dumb enough to believe he really didn’t hear the question, he could have asked the reporter to repeat it. Even Beethoven probably would have asked for the question to be written down.

Which brings me to my final point.

I really hope that the Democrat operatives don’t push old Joe to the side, because I want everyone to see just how corrupt and incompetent this man is on a debate stage for 90 minutes, assuming he actually agrees to debate.

I dare this man to continue lying to the American people that he had no knowledge of his crackhead son’s shady business dealings that we’ve now learned were really Joe’s business dealings. Hunter was merely a go-between.

I dare this man to explain to us what services his family provided to China, Russia, Ukraine and Romania in exchange for millions of dollars.

Sorry Joe, no amount of “Hunter’s laptop is a Russian plant,” BS can save you now.

I dare this man to once again try to claim with a straight face that the Afghanistan withdrawal was anything other than an unmitigated disaster that resulted in the senseless killing of 13 U.S. Service Members and the loss of billions of the finest weaponry, now in the hands of Middle Age barbarians. I really hope that the Gold Star families, who have spoken out against Biden in recent days, are in the auditorium on debate night, just to see how heartless Biden is.

I hope Biden has the temerity to tell everyone that our Southern Border is secure, while he presides over the worst flow of illegal immigration in our country’s history.

I dare Biden to continue bragging about all of the jobs that he’s supposedly brought back, while pretending that millions of Americans who simply returned to their old jobs before the government locked everyone at home during COVID somehow counts as job creation.

I really hope this man tells the American people that he had nothing to do with his justice department’s attempted jailing of his leading political rival.

I hope he tells us that Kamala Harris is not only a historic vice president, who speaks as eloquently as Winston Churchill, but that cackling aside, she has done an admirable job with every task she’s been given, including the border that she still has yet to visit.

And wouldn’t it be nice if Biden could articulate what our current strategy is towards Ukraine, and how the billions of dollars in aid we’ve sent them has been spent?

Maybe he could also explain how in the world he allowed a Chinese spy balloon to fly unobstructed for an entire week over our shores, without any serious retaliation against the CCP, who he still has yet to punish for unleashing the virus on the world.

We all know that if Biden is in fact the Democratic nominee, the leftist propaganda media will continue to run cover for him while smearing his GOP opponent every step of the way.

But their lies, omissions and work of fiction will be largely irrelevant, because Biden can’t hide from his disastrous record and his ever-worsening cognitive decline.

I could be wrong, but I’d like to think in a free and fair election, the American people will not tolerate four more years of this clown show we’ve been watching.