Saturday, September 16, 2023

Joy Behar Is Half Right About the 'Political Retribution' Aspect of Republicans Going After the Bidens

Joy Behar, that beautiful bastion of wisdom and grace, was lamenting the onslaught of legal and political trouble the Bidens were going through at the hands of Republicans while sitting with her coven on "The View."

She opened up the segment by commiserating with her co-hosts about the Bidens' "rough" and "awful" week, detailing that Republicans were moving forward with their impeachment inquiry using "unproven claims" about Hunter Biden's business dealings. 

That concern's rich, coming from Behar of all people, but she continues. 

Then she brought up the three charges Hunter was brought up on, including illegal possession of a handgun and making false statements. It was then that she brought up the idea that this was all "political retribution." 

"So, some people think that this is, what they call, 'political retribution' because of the Democrats going after Trump," she said. 

Well...yeah. I hope so. 

If the Bidens were a squeaky clean family who hadn't actually done anything wrong and Republicans were going after them just because Democrats went after Trump, I might have some negative things to say about Republicans investigating the Bidens -- and would hope they would go after a different target. 

But the Biden family isn't clean. The Bidens are corrupt as they come, and there are a lot of smoke columns in the air, indicating that if Republicans just investigated even a little bit, they'd find fires galore. 

(READ: Laptop Audio: Biden Knew Hunter Was in Drug Crisis at Time He Bought Gun, Begged: 'Get Some Help')

But let's pull back on the Bidens for a second and look at the big picture. 

The Democrat Party and the greater left have spent the better part of the post-modern era being massive bullies. You could be the most stand-up person on planet Earth and if you stood in their way even a little, they would do whatever it took to destroy your reputation, your career, and your life. You can ask Justice Brett Kavanaugh about that...or Clarence Thomas...Riley Gaines...J.K. Rowling...Gina Carano...Jordan Peterson. The list goes on. 

Their ongoing attack on Trump, whether you like Trump or not, has always been about securing and maintaining their own power and practicing their own extreme biases. They've proven they're willing to flat-out lie, misrepresent, and half-truth their way to whatever end they need. If you're in their way, then they'll destroy you by any means necessary. 

For ages, Republicans have been content to sit back and "not sink to their level." The thinking is that if they just practice good behavior and even-handed fairness, then all will work out in the end. 

I've got some sour news for the Neville Chamberlains out there. The law of nature isn't "fairness always wins the day." It's a brutal and unforgiving world where the strong will consume anything that can't or won't fight back. You're in the jungle, baby. You're gonna die. 

This is one of the first lessons almost every kid learns. There are bullies waiting to make prey out of anyone they consider weak and incapable of fighting back. One of the first pieces of advice you get from any sane parent is the advice to make yourself dangerous in the eyes of the bully. Fight back, and even if you lose the fight that might erupt, at least you'll have given the bully something to think about. He'll have to weigh his actions against the harm that could come to him in return -- and most of the time, the bully will choose the safer route. 

The Democrat Party, and leftists in general, aren't too dissimilar. As one of my followers so brilliantly put it, the left believes every idea it has is a good one up to the moment when their idea happens to them. This is true, but you have to make that thing happen to them first. 

Right now, the left believes it can bully people without consequence. They think everyone around them will just shut up and take whatever they dish out, and that they can push everyone around and get their way through intimidation and consequences for defiance. Up till pretty recently, they've been right. There would be complaints, but no one was truly willing to really fight back. 

Now, the Democrats are seeing something they should have been seeing for decades; retribution for their corruption and malicious actions. Republicans could busy themselves for decades uncovering and punishing Democrat wrongdoing and they absolutely should be. 

Not only would it help drain the swamp that America is currently mired in, but even more importantly, it would give the Democrats pause whenever the opportunity to be corrupt would present itself. 

No town functions without a sheriff to uphold the law, and D.C. isn't any different. 

So yes, Behar is right. This is retribution, at least partly. It's my honest hope that the Democrats see this as retribution, too. I want them to understand that abusing the people's trust and attempts at tyranny are painful, and that every corrupt action comes with a consequence that could result in the loss of your position, ungodly fines, or even prison time. 

There's only one language bullies understand, and it's time we start speaking it.