Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Population Crash

The demographic Titanic is going to hit the iceberg. We may be thankful that some on the ship are building lifeboats while there is still time.

In 1968,  Stanford biologist Paul Ehrlich published The Population Bomb, a book extrapolating global population growth data to predict a catastrophe as humanity’s demand for resources outstripped supply. The book became a bestseller and catapulted Ehrlich to worldwide fame. But today, just over a half-century later, humanity faces a different challenge. We are in the early stages of a population crash.

Ehrlich’s basic math wasn’t necessarily flawed. In 1968, the world population was 3.5 billion, and today the total number of humans has more than doubled to just over 8 billion. Anyone with a basic understanding of exponential growth can appreciate that if human population doubles every 50 years, within only a few millennia, an unchecked ball of human flesh would be expanding in all directions into the universe at the speed of light. Which means, at some point, Malthusian checks will apply.

But where extrapolation yielded panic, reality has delivered something completely different. Today population growth is leveling off almost everywhere on earth, and the cause of that decline started, ironically, back in the 1960s when Ehrlich wrote his book. The reasons for this are subtle, because the only ultimate determinant of population growth is the average number of children a generation of women are having, and the impact of that and other variables take decades to play out.

In the late 1960s, the United States, along with most Western nations, had just moved out of its baby boom years, that period from 1946 through 1964, when women were still having lots of babies. Having grown up during the Great Depression, followed by a world war, the choice to have large families may have been a response to the adversity these women and men experienced as they came of age. That theory is borne out by subsequent history.

Over the past 50 years, in a pattern that has been repeated around the world, as prosperity increased, the average number of children per woman of childbearing age has decreased. The chart below provides hard evidence of this correlation. Tracking data per nation, the vertical axis is the average number of children per woman. The horizontal axis is the median income. A clear pattern emerges. In extremely poor nations, birth rates remain at Ehrlichesque levels. But once a nation’s median income rises barely above poverty, at around $5,000 per year, the average number of children per woman drops below replacement level.

One may view this chart and conclude that if an average of 2.1 children per woman is necessary to keep a population stable, this cluster of nations averaging around 1.5 children per woman can’t be that bad. But that reasoning ignores basic math. At a replacement rate of 1.5 per woman, for every 1 million people of childbearing age living in a nation today, there will only be 420,000 great-grandchildren. This means that nation’s population will drop to 42 percent of what it is today in less than a century. And the numbers get worse very fast.

South Korea’s current fertility per woman, for example, is a dismal 0.81, and those are extinction-level numbers. At that rate of reproduction, for every 1 million Koreans of childbearing age today, there will only be 66,000 great-grandchildren. South Korea is on track to disappear in less than a century.

This collapse is just now becoming apparent in overall population numbers because it is only when a numerically superior older generation, the product of fecundity, begins to die that absolute totals begin to drop. As baby boomers, known to demographers as the “pig in the python,” reach the end of their lifespans, the consequences of the decade decline in birth rates will finally be reflected in dramatic downward shifts in total population. That process is already underway.

In China, a nation that enforced a “one child” policy from 1979 until 2015, absolute population decline has begun. With a current fertility rate of 1.3 (possibly lower, estimates vary), China’s population peaked in 2021 at 1.4 billion and is projected to decline to possibly as low as 488 million by the end of this century. This decline is exacerbated by the fact that among China’s youth, men outnumber women by about 120 to 100, thanks to “illegal gender selection” that was widespread during the one-child era.

In the United States and most Western nations, the solution to collapsing birth rates has been to import people. To pursue this policy to its ultimate conclusion is to replace Americans of European descentalong with Asian Americans and Latino Americanswith African migrants, insofar as the Sub-Saharan nations of Africa remain in desperate poverty and hence retain skyrocketing, youthful populations. And to be clear, this is merely a statement of demographic fact based on current data.

Data also indicates that once migrants arrive in America and other prosperous nations within a generation, they too experience crashing fertility rates. This means that importing people into prosperous nations does not solve a nation’s demographic challenges, it only postpones that reckoning. Meanwhile, a new problem arises as these developed countries can only maintain economic stability if they ensure the African countries they are using as human “farms” never escape desperate poverty (e.g. their average income never rises above $5,000 a year).

These are the challenges posed by post-prosperity population collapse in any nation that successfully rises out of poverty. There are three choices: Either go extinct within the next century, buy some time by replacing your own citizens with foreigners from poverty-stricken nations, or figure out how to convince women in prosperous societies to have more children.

Lifeboats to Survive a Post-Crash World

While the severity of the looming population collapse in developed nations is plain to see and beyond serious debate among demographers, it remains virtually ignored by politicians and the media. This doesn’t mean there aren’t private citizens who have decided to do something about it. Earlier this month, I spoke with Malcolm Collins. He and his wife Simone are using a fortune they earned as technology entrepreneurs to help support people who want larger families. His observations help illuminate the underlying reasons why prosperity correlates with low fertility, and he begins to offer strategies to reverse the trend.

American Greatness:  When did you first become aware of population collapse?

Malcolm Collins: Back in 2015, I was working as a [venture capitalist] in South Korea and modeling their economic conditions. I realized that they were facing a 95 percent drop in population within the next century. There was no 50-year timeline to predict for the South Korean economy, because there won’t be a country in 50 to 60 years.

Coming back to the U.S. was like coming back in time to bring two messages from the future. One, it will not fix itself. Nobody has systemically reversed the decline. And two, even when it is incredibly severe, nobody panics because it isn’t immediately obvious. Fertility collapse leads to more fertility collapse, and then you have population collapse. China is within 10 years of getting crazy; they could go full Handmaid’s Tale to cope. 

AG:  What do you mean when you say the leveraged growth economic model that nations have relied upon for the last 75 years is dead?

MC:  Let’s say you make a $10 investment, and $2 is equity and $8 is debt. If that investment’s value grows by 20 percent, you have doubled your money. But if the investment just shrinks by 10 percent, you have lost half your money. The reason why our economy has grown is that worker quantity has gone up exponentially and productivity has gone up arithmetically. If the population declines exponentially then we will deal with an economy that is declining on average with brief moments of uptick, which is the exact opposite of what we’ve had for the last 75 years.

AG:  Can artificial intelligence make up for the loss of an expanding workforce?

MC:  A.I. is as likely to kill us as solve all our problems. Most of the people familiar with A.I. developments are A.I. apocalypticists. Best case, A.I. will replace units in the economy. It might allow us to add units the same way the Fed adds dollars.

AG:  So when we discuss demographics, A.I. is the elephant in the room?

MC:  There are a lot of elephants in the room. We could talk all day about endocrine disruptors and their impact on fertility.

AG:  In Peter Ziehan’s recent bookThe End of the World is Just the Beginning, he claims North America will escape most of the problems coming to the rest of the world. Do you agree?

MC:  North America will come out differentially well, but it will still be much worse off than it is today. America will have more power and will consolidate power, but the average American will have a quarter of what they did. Globalization was amazing for us, we bought cell phones that were manufactured overseas by workers making 10 cents per hour. What is essentially slavery all over the world has enabled us to live well for the last 50 years. It’s going to be like Byzantium when Rome fell. The Byzantines were better off than the Romans, but they were still worse off than they’d been.

AG:  What are the primary causes of a post-prosperity population crash?

MC:  It is most correlated to wealth and gender equality. In earlier eras, another kid was another hand in the factory or helper on the farm. Today, especially in urban environments, every individual kid no longer adds incrementally to a person’s quality of life. Today you need an exogenous motivator to have kids, such as religion or ethnic pride.

The other core reason is we have structured our economy to organically milk every individual worker for the maximum productivity they can provide, and we don’t think long-term. A free market economy organically determines what it needs to pay someone to get them to not spend time with their family or their spouse; it naturally selects the minimum amount to pay to get the maximum amount of time.

When we look at the data, there is no intrinsic reason to have two kids or more, only exogenous reasons. What is relevant to us as pronatalists is the people that want to have big families. If you have one-third of the population having no kids, which is about typical in developed nations, and one-third only having two kids, then the final one-third has to have four kids or more for the population to stay stable.

AG: Can you describe the process whereby nations (mostly African) in poverty may lower their birth rates?

MC: If you look at the African immigrant community, you see what you see in the rest of the world. Once they arrive in prosperous nations, their birth rates drop. As for the remaining high-fertility African nations, either they become prosperous and begin rapidly depopulating, or they will remain in poverty and become irrelevant as the developed world begins collapsing and no longer invests in them in order to extract resources. To the extent Africans come to the U.S. and do keep a high birth rate, they will be conservative Christians. They may become the biggest defenders of Christianity.

AG:  Coming back then to the developed world,  you have used the term “sterilizing mimetic packages.” What does that mean?

MC:  Mimetics is how we look at ideas and concepts as evolving entities. Mimetic packages coevolved with humans and became symbiotic. They positively modified human fitness. For example, across religious traditions, you see arbitrary denial rituals such as Lent. Every culture has an immune system to protect people from sterilizing mimetic viruses, but when you go out today and look at the modern Unitarian Universalists, Progressive Reform Jews, or feminists—scratch beneath the surface, they all hold the same views and values about the world. This was not true 30 years ago. They have been hollowed out by the virus.

AG:  What do you mean by “the virus.”

MC:  What happened is our culture, in academia and social media, now confronts an alliance of movements that are all the same religion beneath the surface. Some call it wokeism, but that understates the scale of the forces arrayed against us. It is difficult to fight. This alliance of movements has created what is analogous to a hospital that has evolved a superbug, a mimetic virus that infects humans and convinces them that all they should do with their lives is spread the mimetic virus of wokeism, and signal to others how infected they are. People may think of the virus as wokeism although the sterilizing effect it has is more complicated than that.

In the past mimetic sects used to just burn heretics at the stake, but the presence of wokeism is so pervasive that if it is stopped in one place, the virus starts rerouting itself to the remaining nodes within a network. If one node falls prey to an antivirus, the other nodes just disconnect. To stop the superbug we face today, you have to cut once and cut deep, everywhere.

AG:  How will some people and groups escape this and how do we avoid what you have referred to as “authoritarian population clusters” being a consequence of that?

MC:  People who are resistant to sterilizing mimetic packages are usually people who have more of a propensity to dehumanize people different from themselves and outside beliefs they don’t immediately share. They have an intrinsic disgust reaction to people who aren’t part of their cultural unit. This prevents them from being deconverted, i.e., infected with values that contradict their belief—typically either faith-based or tribal—in traditional families and childbearing. Our challenge is to help communities and cultures develop an immunity to the woke supervirus without having to rely on the dehumanizing extremes that have evolved over millennia as a survival mechanism.

AG: What are you doing to create clusters of above replacement communities?

MC: We have to create a new culture. Our goal is to experiment with this. Can it be done? The answer is maybe. So far, nobody has ever created a birth rate stable multicultural system in a post-prosperity world.

Ways to Increase Birth Rates

The concept of exponential growth easily quantifies just how decisively a single cluster of high-birth-rate individuals can change the population trajectory of the world. With three children already born, and dozens of healthy frozen embryos waiting for activation, Malcolm and Simon Collins intend to have a large family. A very large family. And the math works, as he pointed out. If one family with eight children can spawn descendants that themselves all have eight children, after 11 generations—in less than 300 years—they would number 8.5 billion

For this reason, Collins believes that over time, religious communities will again become the dominant demographic group in America and around the world. White evangelical Christians, an endangered and embattled minority in present-day America, will outbreed their progressive antagonists. This could be reflected in voting results within a generation. Within a century or two, based on current trends, devout Christians, along with devout Jews, may inherit the earth.

Collins was emphatic, however, that the message they are attempting to spread was not exclusionary. Their goal is to help people overcome the barriers to having children to preserve all cultures. South Korea is only one obvious example of population collapse. Within the United States, much smaller subcultures—for example, the many tribes of Native Americans already small in number—face population collapse.

The pronatalist organization the Malcolm and Simone Collins have established, with the unsubtle URL “,” is devoted to making it easier for people to have children. The organization, still in its early stages of development, aims to offer resources on several fronts. They are working with partners to make reproductive technology more widely available, as well as egg and sperm donation and surrogacy. At the same time, they are engaging in fertility planning advocacy based on a concern that most women aren’t aware of how soon they should either bear children or freeze their eggs. is also working to develop urban daycare programs based not only on a shortage of affordable daycare services but also the lack of high-trust institutions in cities. They are developing a “full stack” education system that will help rescue children from the sterilizing effects of public school indoctrination while building high-trust urban communities of like-minded parents. Finally, they are partnering with a dating application that focuses on matching people who are mutually interested in long-term relationships, including children.

Criticism of pronatalism is predictable and consistent with the sterilizing mimetic packages of wokeism that have compounded the already existential problem of post-prosperity population collapse. Reports on what the Collins are doing range from bemused: “New kids on the block: geeky, wealthy, entrepreneurial pro-natalism activists,” published on, to an overtly hostile report, “Why Wealthy Tech Elites Believe It’s Their Mission to Repopulate Earth,” which makes an unwarranted accusation that pronatalism is synonymous with “the return of eugenics.”

Preemptive strikes aside, a fervent and effective pronatalist movement may be the only hope if humanity is to avoid total demographic collapse. Contrary to Paul Ehrlich’s predictions, the late 21st century will bring with it unavoidable turmoil as nation after nation confronts not too many people, but instead, an aged dependent population dying en masse, with almost no youth left to replace them.

The demographic Titanic is going to hit the iceberg. We may be thankful that some people on the ship are building lifeboats while there is still time.

NCIS LA completes it's final episode, X22, and more- March 1st


Yup, it's all over now. However this all ends is by whatever shit these writers were able to come up in a short time.

As for how emotional I feel, it's more anger then sadness.

Even if I do get the happy ending that I want, it's still not going to change how bad these last few Seasons have been, it won't change how in the span of a few years, a once smartly written show turned into a politically correct amateur hour JOKE led by the absolute worst showrunner I've ever seen in my life!! And it certainly won't change how Hetty was severely neglected these last few Seasons as well!

Once upon a time, I really did love this show. Mondays and then eventually Sundays became the highlight of my week, I was on pins and needles just waiting for the next episode. I loved those times. And then it was taken from me bit by bit by terrible writing and an offensive 'new direction'.

I never stopped hoping for one day that this show would go back to it's happier well written times that were had before Season 10, and I'm not gonna feel bad about it either. There was literal no reason why it shouldn't have gone back to normal after Season 10!!

I and everyone else who loves this show was completely thrown under the bus for the last 3 Seasons, and now instead of getting the chance to see every loose thread wrapped up without feeling rushed, we're now going to have to hope that 1 or 2 very important loose threads (like Hetty's mission and her and Callen reconciling) will be wrapped up in a short amount of time while everything else goes unresolved because the idiots who run this show clearly didn't plan this to be the last Season!

I still have my happy memories of the 1st 8 Seasons, and I'll always love them, along with those few special episodes of Season 10, and how Season 9 brought Hetty home in a way that I will never trade for anything, but I'll never forget how much I've been cheated these last few years. Because I know I deserved better then this, Every other fan deserved better, and most of all, 

She deserved better.

Now, on to the news that I know you all want to hear about:

State Department Report on Terrorism: 'The U.S. Southern Border Remains Vulnerable to Terrorist Transit'

State Department Report on Terrorism: 

'The U.S. Southern Border Remains Vulnerable to Terrorist Transit'

The aftermath of a car bomb attack near the airport of the southern Yemeni city of Aden, on October 31, 2021. At least 12 civilians, including children, were killed, security officials said. (Photo by SALEH AL-OBEIDI/AFP via Getty Images)

The aftermath of a car bomb attack near the airport of the southern Yemeni city of Aden, on October 31, 2021. At least 12 civilians, including children, were killed, security officials said. (Photo by SALEH AL-OBEIDI/AFP via Getty Images)

( - The U.S. State Department on Monday released its congressionally mandated report on worldwide terrorism in 2021, noting that 21 years after 9/11, "the terrorist threats we face are more ideologically diverse and geographically diffuse than ever before."

One of those threats is located at our own southwest border, the State Department said in its country report on Mexico:

"Counterterrorism cooperation between Mexico and the United States remained strong in 2021," the State Department said:

"There was no credible evidence indicating international terrorist groups established bases in Mexico, worked directly with Mexican drug cartels, or sent operatives via Mexico into the United States in 2021. 

"Still, the U.S. government remains vigilant against possible targeting of U.S. interests or persons in Mexico by individuals inspired by international terrorist groups.  The U.S. southern border remains vulnerable to terrorist transit, but to date there have been no confirmed cases of a successful terrorist attack on U.S. soil by a terrorist who gained entry to the United States through Mexico."

The report notes that "there were no reported terrorist incidents in Mexico in 2021," although it's clear that violence by drug cartels is a persistent problem.

But recent congressional attempts to designate Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations have not succeeded, so cartel violence is not a terror threat for purposes of the State Department's 2021 report.

According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, agents encountered 98 aliens on the terrorist watchlist between ports of entry at the Southwest border in Fiscal Year 2022. Another 67 were detained at Southwest border ports of entry in that year.

In Fiscal year 2023 so far, 53 non-citizens on the terrorist watchlist have been detained between ports of entry at the Southwest border, and another 32 have been detained at ports of entry.

'White Identity Terrorism'

As required by the Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the State Department report now includes "all credible information about 'white-identity terrorism' (WIT)," with particular attention to whites "who perceive that their idealized ethnically white identity is under attack from or is being replaced by those who represent and support multiculturism and globalization."

The report notes that in 2021, "there were no known WIT attacks" and only one successful conviction for planned WIT violence -- the sentencing of a neo-Nazi in the United Kingdom for stockpiling bomb-making materials.

The 2021 report also includes a category called REMVE -- "racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism," which "remained a threat to the United States and our allies," the report said:

"Violent white supremacists and like-minded individuals continued to promote violent extremist narratives, recruit new adherents, raise funds, and conduct terrorist activities — both online and offline — across Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States. 

"REMVE actors also continued to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic to radicalize individuals and incite violence, particularly against health professionals, government officials, and minority populations. 

"Additionally, the December arrest of four neo-Nazi actors in Brazil for allegedly plotting an attack against Jewish and Black residents on New Year’s Eve demonstrates the growing reach and influence of REMVE adherents globally."

The 330-page report notes that despite some counter-terrorism successes, "terrorist groups remained resilient and active."

Here are a few highlights:

-- "ISIS continued to promote a large-scale terrorism campaign...Groups affiliated with ISIS ramped up activities in the Lake Chad Region of Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria.  Despite losing its territorial 'caliphate' in 2019, ISIS in Iraq and Syria maintained a significant operational structure and conducted terrorist operations in that region."

-- In 2021, Al Qaida and its affiliates constituted an "enduring threat to the United States and its allies. AQ continued to leverage its branches in the Middle East and Africa — notably AQ in the Arabian Peninsula, al-Shabaab, and Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin — that remain quite capable of inflicting damage on our allies and targeting our interests.  AQ-related threats expanded from West Africa and the Sahel into the Gulf of Guinea littoral states in 2021, with Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Togo reporting terrorist group activity and attacks in their northern border regions."

-- "In Afghanistan, ISIS, elements of AQ, and regionally focused terrorist groups maintained an active presence and conducted terrorist activities.  Despite taking significant losses from U.S. and NATO forces in recent years, ISIS-K continued to conduct terrorist attacks against civilians and the Taliban.  ISIS-K remained a resilient enemy with roughly 2,000 to 3,000 fighters in the country, although precise estimates are hard to determine..."

-- "Iran continued to be the leading state sponsor of terrorism, facilitating a wide range of terrorist and other illicit activities around the world.  Regionally, Iran supported acts of terrorism in Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen through proxies and partner groups such as Hizballah and Hamas.  Additionally, senior AQ leaders continued to reside in Iran and engaged with other AQ elements from the country..."

The 2021 report provides a detailed, country-by-country review of recent successes and the ongoing challenges posed by hundreds of designated terrorist groups, and you can read all about it right here.

Joe Biden Puts Liberal Theories to the Test

The self-proclaimed "party of science" tosses around theories as if they were hard and fast laws of nature.  They are not.  Theories are nothing but educated guesses about how the world behaves.  Until proven, they remain just guesses.

The scientific method is to make observations, develop a theory that explains the observations, and then conduct tests to prove the theory.  Contrary to claims of the left, consensus is not validation of a theory.  It is merely a bunch of guys making the same guess.

If testing demonstrates that a theory is accurately predicting natural behavior, the theory becomes a scientific principle.  If testing does not validate a theory, it is discarded — unless it's a liberal theory.  In that case, testing continues indefinitely until the theory is proven, or the theorist goes insane trying.

Joe Biden's role in the scientific method is not as a theorist.  His specialty is the validation stage of the process.  He's putting every silly theory of the left through the ringer to determine if it actually explains real-world behavior.  So far, the validation isn't going very well.

Theory 1 — Diversity improves organization performance

The diversity industry claims that having a diversified workforce increases creativity and customer service — resulting in improved organizational performance.  Joe gave us a few appointments who check all of the diversity boxes to test this one out.  He appointed Dr. "Rachel" Levine to be the assistant secretary of health.  Levine has a penis but thinks he's a woman — making him a valid diversity test subject.  His department has spent two years promoting a vaccine that doesn't prevent illness from the targeted virus, but does increase one's likelihood of dying from that virus.

Joe appointed Sam Brinton to be the deputy assistant secretary of spent fuel and waste disposition.  Sam claims to be non-binary and is into "puppy play" — which I refuse to look up because it might include pictures.  Sam has been fired because of multiple instances of stealing women's clothing from airports — and then allegedly wearing some of that clothing for a Vanity Fair spread.  Apparently, intelligence doesn't necessarily accompany diversity.

Finally, Joe Appointed Pete Buttigieg, a gay man, to lead the Department of Transportation.  Under Pete's watch, our shipping systems, airline services, and supply chains have all failed.  Pete was also AWOL when the trains literally ran off of the rails in Ohio, Nebraska, Michigan, and South Carolina.

Joe set out to prove that diversity improves performance, but instead we got a fraud, a felon, and a fool — and exactly the performance you'd expect from such a clown show.

Theory 2 — Government spending is good for the economy

Whenever the American economy suffers a downturn, the left defaults to one government solution.  The theory is that sufficient government spending will trigger economic growth.  Leftists tax the population, give a little bit back to the citizens, spend the rest on liberal causes, and call it stimulus.

Joe tested this theory by spending nearly $5 trillion on various COVID relief, infrastructure, and inflation reduction boondoggles.  Did it help the economy?  No.  Instead we've gotten:

That's some mighty impressive economic stimulation — no?

Theory 3 — Centralized control will optimize society 

The left has been pushing for centralized control by a cadre of educated elites for years.  The theory is that with centralized control, the bureaucracy can optimize performance and eliminate all of the messiness of capitalism and federalism.  In service to this theory, the federal government has become the largest employer in America — employing over 9 million people in various permanent, contract, and military positions.  With the necessary workforce in place, we decided to give Karl's manifesto a test drive during the COVID pandemic.

In full disclosure: Donald Trump started the preliminary testing on this theory when he accepted the advice of Dr. "I am the science" Fauci.  However, Joe finished the testing — with gusto.

We were told that the virus would kill us all, but that the smart people knew how to manage the crisis.  We sat back and watched reruns while the guys with the advanced poli sci degrees ran the show.  They broke our

  • supply chains,
  • transportation infrastructure,
  • medical industry,
  • education institutions,
  • military,
  • constitutionally protected liberties.

The most efficient economic engine the world has ever known is still struggling to come back up to speed two years after the experts decided to "tweak" it.

Theory 4 — Controlling guns will control violence

This theory is that gun violence results from too many guns — rather than too many criminals — in circulation.  Joe tested this theory by working with congressional Democrats and a handful of RINOs to pass new gun control legislation that tightens background checks and encourages states to implement red flag laws.  The legislation is intended to prevent those who shouldn't have guns from getting them and enable the confiscation of guns from the unstable.  We've recently learned that Hunter Biden hasn't been charged for lying on his background check documentation, Chris Cuomo is yet to be "red flagged" after saying he wanted to kill everyone at CNN, and violent crime is on the rise.  Perhaps enforcement is a better deterrent to gun crime than legislation.

In spite of increased restrictions, firearm sales in 2022 reached 16.4 million — the third highest in U.S. history.  The current administration is coming remarkably close to proving one of my theories: increased firearm restrictions result in increased firearm ownership.

Theory 5 — The government can regulate the weather

This theory is problematic for leftists because they're having difficulty describing the observation — planetary warming or more severe winters.  While they're not sure it's anthropogenic global warming or anthropogenic climate change, they are sure that it's anthropogenic (our fault) and that more government control can fix it.

Joe has rejoined the Paris Climate Accord, canceled petrochemical pipelines, restricted domestic energy exploration, and taken regulatory actions to move America from fossil fuel powered cars to fossil fuel–powered electric cars.

Use of carbon-based fuels continues to rise, as does strip-mining to access lithium.  However, the weather remains unchanged (L.A. had a blizzard warning last week).

You know that tag on appliances that says "UL approved"? The "UL" stands for Underwriters Laboratories.  Those are the folks who test home appliances to make sure that plugging them in doesn't burn your house down.  Well, Joe's lab is doing a fine job of testing liberal theories, and he's already proven that five of them will most definitely burn our country down.  They don't explain world behavior, but they do increase government control over our lives.  Is it possible that liberal "theories" are nothing but propaganda — intended to fool us into relinquishing our remaining freedoms?

Based on Joe's testing, the next leftist politician on a ballot should come with a warning label: The contents of this suit may be hazardous to your health, freedom, and financial prosperity.  Vote with extreme caution.

Lessons From the Old Jesus Revolution for the New Jesus Revolution

 Before we get into the topic, a few prefaces. 

We had a quite long thread on the Asbury Revival, which spread to 20 other colleges/universities. As those events were happening, the heavily ‘panned’ movie, Jesus Revolution came out. To the critics chagrin, it was the number three money maker. 

The following article has some thoughts on the current ‘revolution’.

Lessons From the Old Jesus Revolution for the New Jesus Revolution

Without knowing it at the time, I was a product of the Jesus Revolution of the late 60s and early to mid-70s. Coming to faith in Jesus in 1971 as an LSD-using, heroin-shooting, Jewish, hippie rock drummer, I had no idea that I was one of countless thousands (millions?) of hippies, radicals, and rebels all getting born-again at the same time, all around the world. What a season it was!

The spiritual movement was so great that the cover of Time Magazine on June 12, 1971, featured a hippie-like Jesus with the heading, “The Jesus Revolution.” Just 5 years earlier, April 8, 1966, Time carried a very different cover, for the first time featuring text only without a graphic, starkly captioned, “Is God Dead?” God Himself answered with a resounding, “No!”

As there is much talk today about another Jesus Revolution, especially in light of the release of the Greg Laurie movie by that very title, it is essential that we learn some important lessons from the past, lest we repeat the same mistakes. We cannot afford to miss this sacred moment, given the state of the nation and the desperate need for a massive spiritual awakening among America’s young people.

What, then, were some of the critical errors of the previous Jesus Revolution? Two stand out immediately.

Christian Leaders Ignored the Hunger … Even as Satire Magazines Picked Up on It

First, during the counterculture revolution of the 60s, a time marked by sex, drugs, rock-n-roll, Eastern religion, and rebellion, the church failed to see the deep spiritual search that was also taking place at that time.

As I noted in my 2002 book Revolution in the Church: Challenging the Religious System with a Call for Radical Change, “It seems that even Mad Magazine had more spiritual insight into those critical years than did many Christian leaders, satirizing the late 1960s as a time of great spiritual hunger, especially among young people. . . .

Among the headline articles [in the April 1968 edition of Mad] was, “What To Do About God After You Finally Find Him,” while Hippie’s classified ads included: “YOUNG MALE HIPPIE, leaving for India to find God, desires Young Female Traveling Companion in case I don’t connect”; and, “LOOKING FOR GOD? I will tell you where to find Him. No kidding, I know where He’s at, and who He is. $1.00 gets this information. Your money back in 7 days if you’re not completely satisfied with Him.” Other ads pointed to Eastern spirituality, including mountains for both meditation and sexual adventures along with cures for hernias by sitting in the Lotus position. How accurately this parodied the spiritual journey so many young people were on.

Mad even had the insight to recognize how many Jewish seekers there were in that 1968 generation, creating hippie names such as Mohammad Tishman, Zen Rappaport, and Shah Bernbaum, and featuring a counseling column by “Abba Bennadam” (Hebrew for Father, Son of Man), a “Mystic, a Seer, a Prophet, a Poet, a Free-Thinker and an Aluminum Storm Door Salesman” (the latter, of course, to provide an income!). One of the questions posed to him came from “Rattled,” living in Chicago: “Dear Abba: I am approaching 30, and I still haven’t found God! Man, I’m getting uptight over it! How and where can I find Him?” Abba replied, “Dear Rattled: Don’t lose your cool. I’ll tell Him you’re looking for Him the next time I see Him.’”

Unfortunately, many Christian leaders at that time saw the obvious and the outward — the rebellion, the rise of radical feminism, the birth of the gay liberation movement, the decadence, the immorality — while failing to see the spiritual hunger that also burned in these young hearts.

Will we have wisdom to meet them where they are, helping them truly encounter the Lord while the Spirit convicts them and changes them? Will we have the patience to recognize that they are coming from many different backgrounds and, in some cases, are totally without biblical foundations? Will we have sensitivity without compromise? Will we walk in both grace and truth?

The uncertainty and turmoil of the 60s, marked by assassinations, social upheaval, and the shattering of ideals, all against the dark backdrop of the Vietnam War, produced a deep unsettling in the hearts of young people. That’s why Satan rushed in to fill the void with all kinds of carnal substitutes, to the point that many church leaders said, “This is the end! This is the final apostasy! Jesus is coming back any minute.” (Does this sound familiar?)

Today, we must recognize that behind the outward and the obvious — the radical movements like Antifa and BLM; the strong identification with LGBTQ+ causes and people; the lack of a biblical worldview; the addiction to social media; the “Shout your abortion” movement — there is a hunger for justice, a longing for a better world, a desire for meaning, a search for authenticity, and more.

Every good thing these young people are searching for can be found in Jesus, and it is to Him and the transformation He offers that we must point them.

The Church Wasn’t Ready for the Flood of Newcomers

Second, when God began to pour out His spirit and save these young seekers 50 years ago, the church was not ready for the massive harvest of hippies, radicals, and rebels. There were too few spiritual fathers (and mothers), there was too little discipleship, and there were not enough new wineskins for the new wine. Those leaders who did seize the moment, like Pastor Chuck Smith in California, rode the wave of that holy season for decades, birthing a powerful new movement in the process.

As one pastor said to me years ago, “It’s exactly as you said. We had about 30 hippies show up in our church back then, long hair, beads, and all. They attended our services for a while, but we weren’t able to assimilate them. Eventually, all of them left except one.”

Hearing that broke my heart. How does the Lord feel?

To say it once more: We cannot afford to repeat that same error in the days ahead, as thousands (millions?) of young people (and others) from many different backgrounds begin to pour into our churches, looking for God, looking for hope, looking for meaning, looking for truth.

I fully expect that among them will be many who identify as LGBTQ+, including men wearing dresses and carrying Bibles, and same-sex couples, telling us how they really felt the Spirit in our services.

Will we have wisdom to meet them where they are, helping them truly encounter the Lord while the Spirit convicts them and changes them? Will we have the patience to recognize that they are coming from many different backgrounds and, in some cases, are totally without biblical foundations? Will we have sensitivity without compromise? Will we walk in both grace and truth?

Let’s Absorb the Lessons and Be Ready

I know of hippies in the Jesus Revolution who were holding Bible studies for several years while still using LSD, thinking that this enhanced their spiritual understanding. It took them awhile to recognize their errors and turn away from their sinful habits. (In my case, God confronted me very clearly about my drug use right from the start, and I knew that following Jesus meant leaving those drugs behind.)

One older colleague of mine who came to faith around 1967 told me that the woman who baptized him was topless during the baptism. Yet she was supposedly the more mature believer between them! Talk about spiritual infancy.

But that was then and this is now, and so we must ask: What about us? Will we be ready for the coming harvest? It will look different than anything we have seen before, which means we should be praying now for God’s heart of compassion, longsuffering, and wisdom.

Some of the people who look the most lost will become great leaders in the generation to come, helping turn the tide in our nation, but only if we have spiritual eyes to see and understand.

May we learn our lessons from the last Jesus Revolution for the sake of the new Jesus Revolution.

FYI: We here at W3P are supporters of the First Amendment. Having said that, the last thread on this topic became nothing short of unadulterated vitriol. Personal judgements were made, ad hominem attacks were many. This is the ONLY warning that will be issued. If your comments become judgemental of another’s beliefs, ad hominem attacks, the comments will be removed and a 24 hour suspension will be imposed. Civil discussion is the purpose.

A Farcical Presidential Popularity Contest

Biden, who has raised the national debt into the stratosphere and has allowed inflation to surge to its highest level in 40 years, was ranked 19th overall. For what exactly? Uniting the country?

Before President Joe Biden entered the White House, he consulted with several prominent historians about how to be a great commander-in-chief. Their answer: Grow government. Spend, spend, spend. Don’t worry about blowing up the debt.

It was the worst possible advice, and that meeting no doubt contributed to our economic calamity.

So, I wasn’t surprised to read about a poll of more than 100 of America’s most prominent academic historians who rated the greatest and the worst presidents. This is a farcical popularity contest that the Siena College Research Institute conducts every few years.

The results tell us much more about the leftward political leanings of historians than it does about presidential performance. 

For example, the president ranked the highest in recent surveys has consistently been Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Others in the top five include Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and George Washington.

How is FDR a great president? Yes, he was the commander in chief of the military during World War II and deserved high marks for winning the war. But his domestic economic agenda was a failure of epic proportions. For the first eight years of the New Deal’s expansion of modern-day big government, the unemployment rate remained at about 10 percent, and the Great Depression went on and on. 

Woodrow Wilson is also rated a near-great president. He raised the income tax from 7 percent to 70 percent, pulled America into a war we shouldn’t have fought, ran up the debt, and ushered in the first disastrous era of “progressive” government. He is easily one of the five worst presidents of all time.

Biden was ranked 19th overall. So, the president who has raised the national debt into the stratosphere and has allowed inflation to surge to its highest level in 40 years is an above-average president? For what exactly? Uniting the country?

Speaking of economic failures, President Barack Obama lands in 11th place, and Lyndon Baines Johnson is 8th best. His legacy was the catastrophic Vietnam War, the failed Great Society, and the birth of the modern-day welfare state.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the ledger, Ronald Reagan, who won the Cold War, defeated communism, and launched a three-decade stretch of prosperity, is rated only the 18th-best national leader. Reagan barely beats out Biden!

Donald Trump is ranked as the next-to-last of all presidents. Trump cut taxes, deregulated, made America energy-independent, was tough on China, and engineered Operation Warp Speed that saved millions of lives worldwide. For that, he’s near the bottom of the heap.

So, who were the greatest presidents? Everyone has their favorites, but here’s my ranking based on promoting security, prosperity, and limited government: Grover Cleveland, Calvin Coolidge, Jefferson, Reagan, and Washington.

These presidents were champions of liberty and recognized government growth as the greatest path to tyranny. Trump, a president I worked for, should be in the “near great” category. But I’m biased.