Wednesday, March 1, 2023

NCIS LA completes it's final episode, X22, and more- March 1st


Yup, it's all over now. However this all ends is by whatever shit these writers were able to come up in a short time.

As for how emotional I feel, it's more anger then sadness.

Even if I do get the happy ending that I want, it's still not going to change how bad these last few Seasons have been, it won't change how in the span of a few years, a once smartly written show turned into a politically correct amateur hour JOKE led by the absolute worst showrunner I've ever seen in my life!! And it certainly won't change how Hetty was severely neglected these last few Seasons as well!

Once upon a time, I really did love this show. Mondays and then eventually Sundays became the highlight of my week, I was on pins and needles just waiting for the next episode. I loved those times. And then it was taken from me bit by bit by terrible writing and an offensive 'new direction'.

I never stopped hoping for one day that this show would go back to it's happier well written times that were had before Season 10, and I'm not gonna feel bad about it either. There was literal no reason why it shouldn't have gone back to normal after Season 10!!

I and everyone else who loves this show was completely thrown under the bus for the last 3 Seasons, and now instead of getting the chance to see every loose thread wrapped up without feeling rushed, we're now going to have to hope that 1 or 2 very important loose threads (like Hetty's mission and her and Callen reconciling) will be wrapped up in a short amount of time while everything else goes unresolved because the idiots who run this show clearly didn't plan this to be the last Season!

I still have my happy memories of the 1st 8 Seasons, and I'll always love them, along with those few special episodes of Season 10, and how Season 9 brought Hetty home in a way that I will never trade for anything, but I'll never forget how much I've been cheated these last few years. Because I know I deserved better then this, Every other fan deserved better, and most of all, 

She deserved better.

Now, on to the news that I know you all want to hear about: