Monday, December 25, 2023

Tis the season to be jolly, not jerks

As Americans gather to celebrate Christmas, both secularly and religiously, Muslims — in particular, pro-Palestinians — are disrupting Christmas events across the nation.

In Ypsilanti, Michigan, a pro-Muslim mob disrupted a Christmas tree–lighting ceremony.  The mob ruined the joyful spirit of the celebration and scared children.

“I think we made the point.  We came here, we disrupted the event, we canceled Christmas, so give it up for yourselves,” a protester yelled to the mob.

“Christmas is canceled everywhere until Palestine is free,” another protester yelled.

The mob later broke into a building where the Ypsilanti Youth Choir was singing.  The rioters screamed as the children tried to sing Christmas carols.

In Seattle, pro-Palestinian demonstrators took over the stage where the city’s Christmas tree–lighting ceremony was supposed to take place.  They used a microphone to lead the crowd in anti-Israel chants.

The Seattle Times reported, “A speaker said the demonstration was organized by a collective group in response to a push by the Palestinian Youth Movement to ‘shut it down’ on Black Friday, calling for rallies at commercial centers.”

During the Christmas tree–lighting ceremony in Boston, CBS News reported, “This year there was no way to ignore the chants from roughly a hundred pro-Palestinian protesters who had gathered at the event.  The Boston Coalition for Palestine brought signs, banners, and flags to their rally.  At times it was hard from some of the revelers attending the tree lighting ceremony to hear the music and presenters on stage.”

Although the pro-Palestinian protests supposedly didn’t disrupt the tree-lighting ceremony at Rockefeller Center, it was probably because police were aware that a protest would happen and took steps to keep it away from the holiday revelers.  However, fights did break out among the protesters, and arrests were made.

Scaring people, disrupting Christian events, and destroying property are tactics of terrorists.  While these tactics are uncomfortable for the victims, events like the Hamas terror and subsequent Israeli defense are used as recruitment of weak-minded left-wing extremists, who then mobilize a direct-action protests similar to the ones seen recently.  They are not at all different from the BLM riots that have fallen out of vogue or the Jane’s Revenge attacks on churches and pregnancy centers or Stop Cop City eco-terrorism.  When local law enforcement try to keep the peace, the terrorists cry “power abuse” and recruit more to their cause.  The lack of law enforcement emboldens more destruction, which in turn creates a recruitment opportunity for college students indoctrinated and supported by mid-level Marxists employed by the university.  And if you look carefully at all these types of attacks and attackers, you’ll find that not only do they use the same fourth-generation warfare tactics, but they all have the same blac bloc dress code.

If the Palestinians have a grievance against Israel, they deserve to be heard.  There are channels for that.  But how is disrupting Christmas festivities in small-town Michigan among people who have no control over what happens in Israel an appropriate place?  Unless the attackers care less about Palestine and more about undermining the Judeo-Christian moral framework that undergirds the nation-state system represented by the Israel America supports.  Attacking Israel and murdering and raping innocent people should be our first clue that those who can justify that barbarity are themselves also barbaric, with no concept of or context for virtue.

You don’t see protests of people supporting Israel disrupting these events.  Have you ever seen a pro-Israel mob?  How about a pro-Israel mob terrorizing a mosque in Detroit?  No.  And why?  Because they believe that man is made in the image of God and therefore ought not to shed another man’s blood.  They seek to protect life and live at peace.  They are not bloodthirsty for global domination.

Palestinian protesters, eco-terrorists, BLMers, Jane’s Revenge thugs, and transgender activists are often the same Marxist Antifa.  A recent Marxist recruitment communiqué for Antifa front group Jane’s Revenge states, “We fight not just for abortion rights, but for trans liberation, ecological harmony, decolonization, the destruction of white supremacy and capitalism, and the uprooting of the entire global civilization. ... So far it’s just been pregnancy crisis centers, but tomorrow it might be your cars, your homes, or even your lives. We support a diversity of tactics.”

Pro-Palestinian protests are just another tactic.  Antifa is the Hamas of the modern West.  They are the same.  Their common goal is a global domination.  Their strategy is the destruction and dismantling of Judeo-Christian morality and the free-market economic framework that undergirds the nation-state system.       

They have declared war and reject all overtures of peace.  They are revolutionaries and will not back off unless stopped or converted.  We kid ourselves to think these are isolated incidents.  We ignore them to our peril.

Christmas is a time when Christians proclaim through parties and lights and gifts what the Christ child represents: God’s gift of peace to a dark and murderous world.  The gift we all long for has been granted if only we would take it: peace on Earth.