Monday, December 25, 2023

Pro-Hamas Protesters Crash a Christmas Fundraiser for Children

Bonchie  reporting  for  RedState 

In what has become a running trend across the globe throughout December, pro-Hamas protesters once again crashed a Christmas production, this time in Melbourne, Australia. Named "Carols by Candlelight," the event is held to raise money for blind children.

Also: Chaos on 5th Avenue as Pro-Hamas Protesters Try to Disrupt Christmas Shopping

No matter, though, the group of pro-Hamas fanatics stormed the stage anyway, waving Palestinian flags while attempting to grab the microphone and shouting "Free Palestine."

The moronic disconnect that exists between these protesters and reality is hard to fathom at times. There is no "Palestine" to free. Rather, there are two territories run by terrorists who have continually rejected every single peace deal, including a ceasefire proposal just two days before this writing. The irony is that if Israel were to be given over to Hamas, none of these protesters would ever be able to visit because their lives would immediately be in danger. 

There is no secular utopia awaiting if those in Gaza and the West Bank are given a state. There is only more pain and suffering at the hands of Islamism. These radicals don't care, though. They'd prefer that to Israel existing because what undergirds their rage is simple antisemitism.

Astonishingly, the on-stage host of the event, David Campbell, defended the protesters, telling the crowd to stop booing because "they’re allowed their moment," noting that "there's a lot of pain out there."

I can't think of a better analogy for how pathetic the West has become than Campbell's words. Nothing is sacred anymore. Nothing is protected. Instead, excuses are made for people who seek to destroy and who have no respect for the freedom and choices of others. 

They don't just hate Israel. They don't just hate Jews. They hate you and your way of life. They hate that you celebrate Christmas. They hate that you care enough to raise money for children. They hate that you spend time with your family. What is happening across the West is a soft revolution meant to shame and suppress those who would dare partake in the traditional aspects of society, and the revolutionaries are winning.

All of this would stop if any Western government had the guts to make arrests and charge these people to the full extent of the law. That's not happening, though. Rather, you've got police departments playing protector for the disrupters, pushing back on those who would dare offer a counter-protest.

You can't even enjoy Christmas anymore because left-wing antisemites are being allowed to run rampant. Are you tired yet? If you are, then vote like it.